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It's a blizzard outside!!!

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I agree Erinlindsey!! I've had enough snow now!! And to think it should about double in the next 24 hours with wind added to the mix here in MN. Should be a hoot. I'm glad I didn't need to crawl through the snow to get anywere though. Although I am starting to feel bad about making my old dog climb through all the snow just to do her bisness!! hehe

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It isnt doing anything now but we are supose to get about 3-4 inch of snow then sleet and rain over night. BUT saturday it will be about 48 HEAT WAVE!!!

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It is snowing and blowing here..In the past week we have had over 18 inches of white stuff. I want it to quit soon as my hubby is going out of town for a hockey tournament tomorrow and I will have to shovel alone. All the neightbors have snowblowers but no one of them wants to Raok me with clearing my sidewalk. I am just glad that I am not in Alabama with the tedrrible weather they are having

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My neighborhood, southwest of Denver, got about 8" of snow overnight. It took me nearly two hours to get home from work on Wednesday, so I decided to wait a few hours before going in this morning. Apparently everyone had the same idea (sigh) because the highways were packed. :driveHopefully that's the end of the snow for the Rockies and Midwest for a few days at least! Denver is supposed to be back in the 50s by Monday.

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I agree Erinlindsey!! I've had enough snow now!! And to think it should about double in the next 24 hours with wind added to the mix here in MN. Should be a hoot. I'm glad I didn't need to crawl through the snow to get anywere though. Although I am starting to feel bad about making my old dog climb through all the snow just to do her bisness!! hehe


I keep having to take my aunt's dog out to potty because she's a spoiled little girl and doesnt want to go potty with a cold wind blowing up her butt. So, I just keep taking her out in the hopes that she'll produce something. (she's already gone once on my white carpet...at least I could pick that up)


I miss my big wookiee TinyMonsters, but I do NOT miss having to take him outside to go to the bathroom. I'm having flashbacks to taking Tiny out at 3am in snowstorms trying to get him to go.


I just wish I didnt have this stupid allergy to dogs. I'm not comfortable at all right now because she's here, even tho she's being a fairly well behaved little dog. It would be mean to take her home and put her in her crate and leave her there. My aunt just called and said she doesnt think she'll be coming home tonight...she's going to stay at the hospital where she works and hopefully come home tomorrow if the association snowplows come and move the ginormous snowdrift from her driveway.


At least I was here to take care of Pudge. I can put up with my allergy for a little while.

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I have been working on socks for my son but my DH keeps spoiling my crocheting time by asking me to go help outside with snow and downed tree limbs.

My boss's assistant called tonight and said that the offices are closed tomorrow (which is fine because we are snowed in and we can't leave our house). I'll have another day to work on some more crocheting projects. :D

I'll have to admit that I really wish this winter stuff would end.

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Yesterday, everything was still open here in Niagara Falls. It was snowy and windy with tiny little pellets that aimed for your face. I wasn't able to call in to work since I work right in my building. Doesn't look like we're getting any more of the storm today.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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