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Miscellaneous Afghan CAL


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It's so nice to see everybody posting and to hear your progress. :yay


So finally after lots of stress and aggrivation i now am back online!! Hooray! :clap And during my internet exile, instead of finishing the christmas afghan, i started a new one (Diamond Trellis)!!!:eek But it is fairly easy and moving along speedily (for me at any rate). 3 motifs complete and the fourth is about 1/3 of the way done. Everyone your creations are beautiful and motivate me to get mine done.:hug



Welcome back! Would you like the Diamond Trellis added to the CAL?

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Hi Everyone


I know I "rejoined" this CAL and then have been fairly silent. I have been plugging along on my roses afghan, so I can get to my baby rings afghan, but in between I've had some other projects, including some sewing. Anyway, I have all but 8 squares done for the roses afghan.


I've also been reading along the updates that are posted. Way to go everyone! Keep up the good work :cheer:clap



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Hi Everyone


I know I "rejoined" this CAL and then have been fairly silent. I have been plugging along on my roses afghan, so I can get to my baby rings afghan, but in between I've had some other projects, including some sewing. Anyway, I have all but 8 squares done for the roses afghan.


I've also been reading along the updates that are posted. Way to go everyone! Keep up the good work :cheer:clap




Hi joyce I see we are meeting here also :clap:lol

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This is my Jan prayer shawl




My progress on my daughter's striped blanket






Not sure if you can see the pattern I am doing.



wow these are big pic's how do I make them a little smaller??

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ok I resized in photobucket do I need to redo them here also?


You shouldn't have to. Because you link to your photos, whatever size they are there, means they're that size here.



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I'd love to join this CAL, its my first! I started working on a Granny square afgan with various purples/white. I have about 23 squares finished, and if I did the math right I need about 120 to finish!


Hi! I'll get your afghan added to the list in the first post. Great to have you aboard! :clap



This is my Jan prayer shawl




My progress on my daughter's striped blanket






Not sure if you can see the pattern I am doing.



wow these are big pic's how do I make them a little smaller??


Your prayer shawl is beautiful! And your other projects are looking great too.

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I am guessing I am way to late to join in .. but i started a afghan a week ago I am not using a pattern... just the triple crochet...


Not to late - this is kind of an ongoing thing. I'll add your name to the first post.

Pop back in as often as possible to report your progress .... or lack of it, ;) to seek encouragement, advice or just to visit.

Be sure to let us know when you've completed the afghan and I will post COMPLETED! beside your name. :yes

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Since I've completed the Very Victorian afghan I'm adding a new afghan. :clap


I know that some of you have seen my thread concerning the motifs I bought on ebay.


This is the auction picture:




And this is how I plan on joining them:




Love that edging:clap how is it done?


I have worked all day on my cozy blue blanket, added another 10 rolls:cheer


can't wait for the super bowl to start tomorrow night so I can work on it some more while i watch the game:cheer:cheer

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Originally Posted by BarbaraJean viewpost.gif

Since I've completed the Very Victorian afghan I'm adding a new afghan. :clap


I know that some of you have seen my thread concerning the motifs I bought on ebay.


Barbara Jean:

I haven't been on-line much (work issue - ugh) so didn't see your e-bay win. But must say...what a great find. I am sure that the person that started that afghan will be dancing with joy when you complete the afghan.


I love the edging - I cannot wait to see the finished afghan.


As far as my project - I did pick up the hook again, only to set it aside again (to work on a knitting project) but don't count me out...I'm still in this CAL and plan on getting back to my afghan this week !

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The edging is a joining method I learned on the Fresh As A Daisy afghan I made from the Leisure Arts book "Our Best Afghans A to Z"

It sounds like you ladies are making some progress too. :cheer

I've added 2 more squares but am feeling so poorly today. I'm watching the Super Bowl alone since I'm sick.

Disneypal, it's great to see you.

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I hope you feel better soon..


any chance you know a site with the best "edging tutorials"?


I don't know of any sites like that but what I do is look through pattern books to see what type of edging or border I like, what might work with my project and go from there.

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