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Shameful admission

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Have you ever found that if you keep your food processor stashed away in a cupboard, you're more likely to just grab a knife and board to do the chopping? Or found that if you keep your herbs and spices far away from the stove, you don't use them as much? Well, this happened to me with my crochet books and mags. A few years ago, when I was de-cluttering, I decided to put them in a cupboard. Well, wouldn't you know, as time went on, it became too much like hard work to go into the cupboard and lug out the pile of books, leaflets and magazines, and I started to turn to the Internet for patterns, instead. Now: there are some wonderful patterns on the Internet, but it's not the be-all and end-all, particularly when you've spent considerable $$$ on buying the publications! Anyway, when I decided to get into my crocheting seriously again the other day, I pulled all my publications out. I leafed through them: such wonderful things that I meant to make YEARS ago! But I decided not to kick myself, and just start afresh. I even catalogued all my books and leaftlets (I have over 100).


But even though this is shameful, it's not THE most shameful thing. I decided to clean out the cupboard these things were in, and scrummaging around I found... stacks and stacks of manila envelopes, each one from a partner in my granny square exchange way back when I belonged to a wonderful crochet mailing list. There they were, from 1999, safely tucked away, but not joined together! I pulled them out, and read the letters that came with them once again, remembered the names of dear old friends, and could have wept. What happened? Life, I guess. My mother died that year, and in the aftermath of her death, so many things went by-the-by. I meant to get to my squares, but I never did. I most certainly never meant to wait eight years to put my afghan together.


So that's my shameful admission. I hate the fact that these women crocheted these items with such care only to have them go into a cupboard for nearly a decade, but what's really good is that my gratitude for them is still there, if not more so, than when I first received them. Soon as I am done with my WIPs I'll be edging them in black and joining them together. I've got 45 squares (46 if you count the crochet granny circle that one lady mystifyingly sent) so it won't make a big 'ghan, but it'll keep a lap warm when the temperature drops.

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That's a sweet story! I mean, I know you feel bad, but it sounds like the squares mean more to you now. I'm sure the women who made those squares would be touched that you kept their letters.


I understand about stashing away things though... Recently I reorganized my yarn, and it was like I went shopping! I "found" yarn everywhere, and realized that I have so much, that I could make a lot of things! :) Now, I feel like I'm going into a yarn store when I see my stash.


Thank you for sharing your story!!


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that is a really sweet story. and i agree with Vickietoria sounds to me like they mean more to you now than before.


yes, life happens and for one reason or another we sometimes forget about things. but the important thing is.......as you said.......you didn't beat yourself up about it.


well, sounds to me like you got some work ahead of you :lol with all those granny squares and magazines. get crocheting :hook

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what a sweet tale. you will feel that same love whenever you use your rug I am sure :) and sounds like your projects list is full for a while!

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That's so lovely about the squares.


As for the books, I know entirely what you mean. I've got so many magazines and books and things, and I quite often forget they're there...or get stuck in a rut doing the same few patterns.


But better to rediscover than to totally forget them

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