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Charity crocheters!!

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Firstly, I know this is the wrong forum, but I couldn't post in the charity section for some reason. :(


I just found this post on myspace, and it was relatively new so I thought that I'd pass along this awsome news! I was acutally wondering how I'd pay for charity crocheting after I use up my great-grandma's stash. yay!



"Coats and Clark the makers of Red Heart yarn will send you a box of yarn for charity crocheting. All you have to do is to send them a letter in the mail telling them what you need and that you do charity crocheting. Their address is Coats and Clark P.O. Box 12229 Greenville, South Carolina 29612. I got a box of yarn in the mail today. I got a nice letter in the box too. It took about 2 months for me to get the yarn. Once you get on their mailing list they send you a box once a year. Their telephone number is 1-800-648-1479."

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I think I heard something about this a couple years ago, and it ended up not being true. Buuuut, it could have been some other company. You might want to look into it first, just to be sure. But I would sooo sign up for this, as I want to crochet for headhuggers.org and anything I can find for pet places.

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well, i figure the worst that heppens is i call the phone number and they say it ain't so. the people on the other forum said they were having some luck, though it took about 2 months to get the box.

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A couple years back someone posted the same thing. Several others reported hearing back that you need to be affiliated with a charity and the request must be sent on the charity letterhead. There is a limit to what they will donate, too.

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The red heart thing is true. We found out about it as a group a few years back and they got bombarded by everyone in the group. They ended up sending 1 box to the admin to distribute as she saw fit.


Most of the major yarn companies have things occasionally. some want charity letter head to prove that it's not just for free yarn.

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