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my wool stash (blushes) lol

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spareroomwool1.jpg I had a sort out in my spare room and I think I dont need to buy anymore wool. I have a friend who is giving me two bin bags of wool sometime this week and thought I had better organise my wool into boxes so I could see what I had. It took five hours and I am stunned. I had better get crocheting hadnt I? lol
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What have I got planned for it? Several blankets, Baby blankets and adult ones. I am into granny squares. How for north are you Nuki? I might be able to share some hehee Pm me you addy and I may send you a secret parcel.

as my fella is about to turn purple if any more wool arrives lol. At least I can say it isnt all for me.

TC all and thanks for the comments love sian xxxxx

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I'm still working on a stash so I have stash envy!


it is easy tell friends you need wool. surf ebay and buy too much wool. Swap stuff you don`t need for wool. Do jobs for people in exchange for wool. Go to charity shops and ask if they have wool then look sad when they havent got any, you will be surprised how many times they have wool out the back of the shop. Make it your mission to collect wool.

Before you know it your wool collection will take over and you can look at it and smile. Just hide it from pple, my little sister says I have a problem, my other mates just look at it and shake their heads smiling.

I have ammassed most of this wool since Christmas. Two more bin bags coming today that I swapped for some tie dye baby vests and some ornamental dragons.

waaahoooooo me happy me thinks lol xxxxx:cheer

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