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My therapist told me to buy expensive yarn...

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People do it with clothes all the time... why not yarn...

It is the new form of "FIBER" therapy!!! :)


I am (mostly) happy with everything I make just for the fact that I have completed it... With me, my problem is not the yarn, but the projects themselves... I LOVE the yarn, but just not in that pattern for the item I am making with that yarn.


Don't get me wrong... I love the cheap stuff just as much as the expensive stuff... If I had the money to buy more expensive yarn I might be more inclined to do so.

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I loved this message, and all of the creative responses, too! Yes, I feel that if you are going to spend your time, you should make sure that it will be worth it, and if that means spending a little more on yarn, then by all means, do so - it really is cheaper than having lots of unfinished projects! And, of course, get to know the people in your yarn stores so they can tip you off to really great sales - got yarn last week, normally 5.89 skein for only 99c per skein! Besides, buying good yarn means your garment will look better and last longer.

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Yes.... do it. There's nothing like doing it right. Just don't start a habit of buying that perfect expensive yarn for *multiple* projects at once. :lol Make yourself finish or work on a project or two at a time (not counting misc. UFO's with your old yarn though....). With the right yarn, that should be easy enough, though. ;)

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Thank you for bringin up this topic, I have been trying to understand my DH's insistance that I spend more on quality than trying to save money and then wind up spending 2x the amount. I am also dealing with PTSD and this ties in with what we discus in group therapy about taking care of ourselves. Thank you for putting it all in perspective!

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Hmmmm....very intersting. Maybe I should have my husband read this. I am thinking this would be a great way to get that expensive yarn I need for this cool knitted knee length coat patttern I bought yesterday and have been drooling over ever since.


Of course, my only problem is that I don't think I have yarn ADD...I just love to crochet (and sometimes knit) anything and everything. But it might be a good excuse for hubby, right??? "Buy me this yarn and it will keep me busy for a few weeks (or months) and it could potentially SAVE us money." :lol Think it will work?

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Thanks for bringing this topic up. I think it really makes a lot of sense. It can be so easy to buy something that is "sort of" what I want because it is cheap. But then I find I don't use it, and end up buying a new something that is also cheap and "sort of" right. In the end, I would have been better off getting the more expensive thing that was exactly right. Not only would I have spent less money, but think of all the emotional energy wasted feeling guilty over abandoned objects!

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Of course, my only problem is that I don't think I have yarn ADD...I just love to crochet (and sometimes knit) anything and everything. But it might be a good excuse for hubby, right??? "Buy me this yarn and it will keep me busy for a few weeks (or months) and it could potentially SAVE us money." :lol Think it will work?


:lol I'm trying it on my husband, and he's guardedly okay with this idea. He never complains about the money--it's the one thing I spend money on, and he knows it makes me happy. But he's very concerned about the yarn taking over the living room. :devil So as long as I keep using the yarn I buy, I think he's okay with it.


Just finished a hat using Patons SWS, technically a stash yarn since I bought it for Xmas projects. I did it in one day. It just felt good to work with, and I was excited about how beautifully it was turning out.


The other thing I've noticed is that when I buy nicer yarn for a project and for some reason it doesn't work out, and I've got that one ball (or two) that I can't return, I'm eager to find another project for it.

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