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I want to say a special, public thank you

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To Sherrie (krzykajun) for sending me the December issue of Better Homes and Gardens Simply Creative Crochet.




When I saw the bell-sleeved tunic that somebody (I forget who, sorry) made, I just HAD to have that magazine! And being allllllllll the way over here in the UK, it's almost impossible for me to get!


Sherrie was nice enough to send me a copy, and wouldn't accept anything in return even when I offered!


I wouldn't neccesarily call this an RAOK, because I specifically ASKED for it, but it's definitely an ACT OF KINDNESS!


I wish I could crawl through my computer and give you a big hug in person!!!


:hug :hug :hug

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I was recently blessed with a very unexpected ROAK and I can't describe the warm feelings this gives. :) The world would be a better place if we all ROAK'ed each day. :yes

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