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my friends baby and crochet, very cute

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my friend has a 3 month old baby


and the other day i was feeding her her bottle and i was sitting on a rocking chair with a crocheted blanket on the back of it


she stopped drinking her bottle so i tried to burp her, well she didnt have to burp, but she was very interested in the blanket behind us!!

she stared at it, put her fingers in the holes, pulled on it, and all kinds of good stuff

i was amazed at how interested she was in it, she did that for a good 5 minutes

then i tried to feed her again but she only wanted a bit more (and her mom said she drank enough and didnt have to drink more)


the blanket was done in a pattern similar to this (i didnt make it, a person my friends mom works with did) and its white with a yellow trim http://patbythehook.blogdrive.com/archive/75.html


however i have made her a blanket, its a pink ripple


i love that baby :manyheart

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I made a blanket for my friend's grandson when he was born. He played with it SO much that it ripped, totally beyond repair.


So I just HAD to make him another one, didn't I? :hook


Your "niece" sounds adorable. I just love babies... ESPECIALLY other people's babies! :lol

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Funny you mention that!


When my oldest child was born, someone gave him a crocheted blanket w/a very open pattern and large ruffle. So large a ruffle you really cannot fold it flat. So I leave it draping over the glider rocker.


Well, guess what my third child LOVES to play w/when I hold her over my shoulder? You guessed it!! (She even tries to grab it when she's in the crib next to the rocker!)


THanks for sharing!

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