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A few questions about baby yarn, crocheting items for preemies and general ok-ness :)

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A few questions about baby yarn, crocheting items for preemies and general acceptability


Some of these may seem like no-brainers, but I’d like people’s input please.


  • Why is baby yarn _always_ in pastel colors?:think
  • Can baby items be crocheted in bright colors (like blue, emerald, etc. – I’m not saying neons and really flashy colors).
  • Does baby yarn come in other colors than white and pastels?
  • When making stuff for preemies, I’ve found patterns that suggest making “character” caps, such as pumpkins, bees, etc. Some of these are rather cute, but would it be acceptable in a NICU ward (where preemies are cared for)?
  • When crocheting larger garments (other than booties and caps), does it always have to be white?
  • More specifically, (and I really hate to bring this up, but I need to know), when crocheting a funeral garment, for said little ones, what colors are acceptable. Obviously NOT lime green. But can one use pinks or blues (I would only use pastels in these cases). All the ones I’ve found patterns for, except for 1 or 2 were in white. Others were in orange and pink (fairly dark too).


If you feel like answering some of these, I’d really appreciate the feedback. I’m in the process of setting up crocheted donations for preemies, the local SPCA, and lapghans for seniors, and though I’ve about 30 sets of booties and hats, I’ve not dared make anything else for the little ones until I get more info. I’m also setting up a website, which I’ll post the URL for when its finally up and running. I even found my first victim, I mean volunteer! My soon-to-be roomate wants to quit smoking, so I offered to teach him crochet;), and he was ecstatic! muwahahaha. be afraid, be very afraid!



If anyone would like to send in stuff to be donated, or even leftover yarns (whatever kind/color/amount), please email me. The item would gladly be donated in your name :manyheart (and I’m hoping I’m not offending anyone by posting this paragraph.)


Thanks so much,

Remember to hug your loved ones.

Cynthia aka dream_ladybughug

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Maybe I can help a little as I have been working with a group that does premie items.


Think soft, soft, soft -- i.e. seamless garments and small; back openings all the way down on burial outfits for ease in putting on. Seamless hats.


For hats/blankets to be used in the premie unit -- try to stay away from yellow, peach and green as it affects how their skin color is evaluated under the hospital lighting. A yellow blanket/hat will make the skin appear more yellow. Also for premie's avoid the yarn with the silvery thread, it can be quite irritating to fragile skin.


Blankets - a more solid pattern so medical equipment and little fingers don't get caught. Wash before sending -- mild baby soap, no fabric softener (respiratory problems).


Booties - a yarn tie will hold better than a satiny ribbon


I recently used the Starghan pattern in a fine yarn with a colored edge as a keepsake "Memory Star" for the parents who are not able to take their baby home.


More little girl items are given than for boys. Think stripes, blocks of color etc.

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I've poked about too, and items for little boys are always in need. While I hadn't heard about the yellow/orange/peach being a problem, it makes sense which is a pity...yellow's a nice unisex color otherwise!


Keep an eye out for very fine, soft yarn. I've found the solid colors of Caron Simply Soft, while a little on the slippery side to work with, isn't bad and comes in a better range of colors than most 'baby' yarn.


That said, if you're working up items for the smallest preemies, it's going to be better if you use the finest, softest yarn you can find :) I've been combing the local thrift stores for yarn, and finding that apparently a few years back 'baby' sized yarn came in a better range of colors...just be certain that

1) the labels are on the skeins before you use them so you know what you've used and

2) that the yarn doesn't have any strong scent like smoke/perfume/et al. You don't know the yarn's history, so it's best to steer clear of anything questionable...at least for the NICU stuff... :)



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Why is baby yarn _always_ in pastel colors?

I don't know, I guess cause it looks delicate and soft like a baby?


Can baby items be crocheted in bright colors (like blue, emerald, etc. – I’m not saying neons and really flashy colors).

Yes, of course. But don't pick out colors you wouldn't put on your own baby. Make it pretty.


Does baby yarn come in other colors than white and pastels?

I don't believe I've ever seen baby yarn in other colors, but they make plenty of sport yarn in other colors


When making stuff for preemies, I’ve found patterns that suggest making “character” caps, such as pumpkins, bees, etc. Some of these are rather cute, but would it be acceptable in a NICU ward (where preemies are cared for)?

That depends on what type of yarn you use.. is it soft, because us nurses arent' going to put a scratchy hat on a premiee because of their delicate skin. These are cute, but we prefer a plain beanie or cap with a brim, simple and functional.


When crocheting larger garments (other than booties and caps), does it always have to be white?

No, get creative, use more than one color, just make it cute.


More specifically, (and I really hate to bring this up, but I need to know), when crocheting a funeral garment, for said little ones, what colors are acceptable. Obviously NOT lime green. But can one use pinks or blues (I would only use pastels in these cases). All the ones I’ve found patterns for, except for 1 or 2 were in white. Others were in orange and pink (fairly dark too).[/color]


I think that the pastels are better choice here, You don't want to take away from the babies face with bright colors. I think that white is the best or pastel blue or pink. They are angelic and pure, thats why they should be in pale colors.. like white.



Things to remember when making premiee and newborn stuff (coming from a neonatal intensive care nurse):

  • Sport weight yarn is best, and make sure it is SOFT yarn
  • sc stitch is best, dc is ok too. thing to remember is to keep the stitches tight enough so that you minimize the holes in the garment to reduce heat loss
  • When making hat patterns, do not use patterns that are the beret style, they don't fit. Measure the head opening and find a size chart online, test your had on a doll, tennis ball, grapefruit. an orange.
  • Use patterns that are simple. the best ones are simple beanies and caps with small brims.
  • Booties: the yarn ties better than satin on the premiees, we have more premiees than newborns in the NICN
  • baby blankets are a nice gift for the babies, and for the parents to remember their infants journey in the NICN. brings a nice homey touch.
  • for our babies about to go home, a carseat blanket would be nice, (the ones with the hole at the crotch)
  • Make sure it doesn't smell, especially like cigarettes or pets.. wash in mild soap before bringing to nursery. Remember, babies can develop allergies too! NO pet dander!

You would be amazed at how many parents don't bring their baby clothes, hats, and booties, or what not. I guess they are too focused on thier sick infant to worry about clothes! I will be glad to give advice as to what we need and want in the NICN

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Thanks for the feedback, and Bity, there are answers here to questions I asked in the PM lol!


I read somewhere that using dark colors for a burial outfit makes the baby seem even smaller... and I didn't know either about the yellow. Its too bad, cuz I made the nicest little hats... (in green too lol!) maybe, since they are a tad larger than needed they can be passed on to someone who needs it.


"for our babies about to go home, a carseat blanket would be nice, (the ones with the hole at the crotch)"


anyone have a pattern for this?


Thanks again... all info is going to be useful, and I'm sure not just for myself!




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"for our babies about to go home, a carseat blanket would be nice, (the ones with the hole at the crotch)"


anyone have a pattern for this?

I found one on Crochet Pattern Central.


Rachel has a lot of baby afghan/blanket patterns on there... it's worth checking out; she might have more that would be suitable for what you're doing.



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I don't know where I found this, but I copied and saved it into a note:


Micro preemies hat will fit a plum

a small preemie will fit a tangerine

a preemie will fit an orange

a full term will fit a grapefruit


I figured this is a great size chart.


I sure would like to know what the pounds are that correspond to each of the definitions above...anyone?

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I've used sweet delight baby yarn from Hobby Lobby and love it. It comes in a beautiful range of colors, even light gray and a soft black! I fell in love with the color Froggy. If you get a chance, check them out.:hook

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