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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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I am in an outer/rural southtown of Buffalo, NY - we are right next to "Ski Country" and get clobbered with snow. Today schools were closed, mostly because of the winds causing white-outs and 30 below wind chills. No new snow this morning, but we got a TON of it last night.


Tracey, glad I could inspire you!


Crocheted odds and ends last night, and now my wrist hurts becasue I crocheted so much! I'm probably giving myself tendonitis. I'll ask DH when he gets home, but he got stuck in the city at SuperBowl party when they closed all the major routes. (He expected it, so went prepared for work today).


Going to work with my DD, as she has no school and is working on Xmas present with DS (not here). They're making an afghan that's in tunisian rectangle blocks and has little cross stitch pattern on each block, then I'm joining. It's gorgeous and a great project for the two for their grandmother (MIL).


I'll post a pic if I drag the camera out. Just in cas you'd like to see :D

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After doing my 1st 9-patch, I've decided to do all the other centers first, (thanks, Tracey) then work with one color at a time. I jusy HAD to see how the block looked, attached, before going any further!!:D

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Going to work with my DD, as she has no school and is working on Xmas present with DS (not here). They're making an afghan that's in tunisian rectangle blocks and has little cross stitch pattern on each block, then I'm joining. It's gorgeous and a great project for the two for their grandmother (MIL).


I'll post a pic if I drag the camera out. Just in cas you'd like to see :D

Krystal, I'd love to see that!:c9 My mom did stuff like that...and I really want to be able to make a decent tunisian stitch...have lots of links to help me now, since I posted that request!:hug

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I love this place. It is so great to have a place that understands you and inspires you to suceed. Judi~ I am glad that my idea works for you and Krystal thank you for changing your star and showing us to inspire me to change mine. It is things like this that make me want to come back to this site all throught out the day.

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I can't believe I made such a stupid mistake. So I get out my star today to finish the 3 rows left. And I notice it doesn't quiet look right. I had made a major mistake all the way back on the third row. The only way to correct it is to frog. 1 1/2 skiens of pale pink unravaled yarn are now sitting in my WIP bag, and I have corrected the mistake and gotten to the fourth row. My DH sat there in dismay going can't you just fudge it to make it look okay. My DS said, that why he doesn't crochet.

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:hug :hug :hug ...Tracey, how awful! Ony frogging (3 times) the one 9 patch as I tried to attach it to the star had my blood pressure rising!! Yours is ...!#*&

Poor Tracey...:ghug

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Tracey, I feel your pain. I have a charity ghan that I worked on for a couple of weeks. Well, I only had 3 skeins of the donated yarn, no label, no clue what it was. I get to teh end of the first skein, and it isn't anywhere NEAR the length to be 1/3 of the afghan - I had misjudged and made it too wide! I frogged it all, only to be redone narrower (at another date). I had to roll the WHOLE skein back into a ball. :sigh


But, it needs to be right, especially if it was a "big" mistake that couldn't be fixed afterward, and you'll appreciate the afghan being correct when done.


:hug to you, though!

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My problem isn't what's on TV...it's rushing, thinking I've read the pattern correctly!! In reality, I read the pattern too fast, think it's a "no brainer" and miss some basic steps!:eek

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Yep, done that before, Judi... really stinks when you get all the way to the end before you realize you've made a mistake... I tend to take my time (in silence if necessary) when doing any pattern or round the first time... otherwise I get cranky because I get confused! LOL!


Ppicture of that "other" project I'm working on with my kids is coming soon. I'm going to let DD8 take the pics of all my squares for the charity blog, so that way she can take the one of the Purple Pansies, too.


Here's the Purple Pansies Afghan Squares (join as you go!)



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Tracey, Im so sorry you had to frog quite a few rows. you poor thing.:hug

You will be glad you went back and fixed the problem though.


Krystal wow that is beautiful.:yay Is that cross stitch on top.How big is it going to be and who are you making it for.

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It's late afternoon here, Wendy (4:35PM)...and I am so in love with the way the 1st 9-patch looks joined to the star I may have to keep this project for myself! That would be okay. I have room...I already have an older afghan I made (and barely used) all washed and wrapped up in a bag - ready to donate!:hook

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Well I got three rows back on. I thought it was going to be a slow day, what a laugh. No hope of that tomorrow, this I know. I sometimes wish I could sneak into a quiet zone and everyone would leave me be for a while. My kids did give me that for Mother's day one year but didn't tell me where thye were going and that they were giving me time out for myself. I couldn't get in touch with them and paced the floor and worried the whole time. So now I keep my mouth shut.

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The total afghan is like 80 squares large - those two together are about 9"x10" high. My DS9 is doing the white tunisian/afghan squares, DD8 is doing the cross stitch (in yarn) and I am joining them. It is next year's Xmas present for my MIL. She LOVES purple. She is a knitter and had proclaimed that crochet is too "stiff and scratchy" :think but since 2 of her grandchildren did most of the work, I am hoping not to hear any comment like that. ;)


Slowly but surely, they're getting the hang of it.

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Wow Krystal, your kids are making it. Their grandmother is sure to love it. My kids helped me sew a afghan together for my Mother one year, and she cherishs so much that she never uses it. So of course I made her another one that she doe use. Your children are very talented. Their work is beautiful.

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OK, I'm getting itchy to get bck to the blue star now. I sure hope DH can get to ACMoore tomorrow for me. They have RHSS on sale again for $1.79. I remember last year they'd have it for $1.50. Guess that won't happen again!


I need some white, too - as I've swiped my blue star's skein to work on my Windsor & White.

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I agree with Mandy, Krystal your family are very talented.:manyheart I couldnt imagine my 9 year old daughter doing cross stitch like that and your son is doing the crochet its just so amazing. Will you send us more photos in the future as you put it together.


Judi I would keep it for yourself as well. I love the way it looks.

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Well, my son is NEARLY 10 - believe it or not, that year was a big difference. Last year this time, he couldn't do it. Tension all wrong, not patient to follow, etc. My DD8 can't do the crochet, and the cross stitch is more of the two of us sitting on the couch together, I'm instructing her the whole time, etc. But she loves crafts, and if I can just keep my patience and not want to take over for her, it works very well. (big "IF" :lol ) I figure it is the only way I'm going to get to crochet AND spend time with my kids, so I have to be patient enough to show them!


Doesn't look like I'm getting my yarn tomorrow. DH cancelled work (self-employed) because the weather is so bad it's not worth going in... still no official word about school for the kids.

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Krystal its great that you can all sit there and do that together. My eldest daughter can crochet but she loses interest very quickly. She keeps wanting to start something different everytime she sees me doing a new thing.

What does your hubby do. My hubby has his own business as well. We have a lawnmowing business. Some days he has had to finish early because its so hot here.

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Well after frogging all the work I did Sunday and a bit of yesterday morning, I worked a good portion of yesterday and got back to close to where I was. I have started row 9 of the border around the first set of 9 patch grannys. I still have a good amount of unravaled yarn in WIP bag. The mistake I had made was I read row 4 instead of three and I only skimmed the rest, so I had crocheted row 4 repeatedly. The ghan lost it's star shape. Anywho, that is fixed and I feel really stupid. I will take care not to do that again.

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