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Blue Star Afghan CAL


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So, does anyone else HATE working on those 9-patches as much as me? I find myself procrastinating on those, which is slowing down my whole progress.


I am really disappointed because this is the farthest I have ever gotten on an afghan (aside from a baby afghan I made) and I feel myself getting discouraged with all those 9-patches.


Hubby keeps trying to encourage me, because he sees me working on something else and asks me why I am not working on the Blue Star. I gotta just MAKE myself trudge through those 9-patches I guess =)


It doesn't help that the new 9-patches I am doing don't look right to me, they are using the white for the side squares and it just seems like too MUCH white. Maybe it will look okay once they are all joined together. I need a magic wand..."POOF!!" 16 9-patches made! :D I suppose it is also because I am working all the ends in as I go which REALLY slows it down alot but I just KNOW i would regret it if I did not do it now and waited till the end!

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ALSO! Look on page 50 of your books. The Irish Trellis afghan, my hubby is starting this one :cheer This coming from the man who said he was quite content with just making bunnies and such and didn't want to make any afghans. It is quite ambitious, I even had trouble showing him how to do some of the stitches (the cables). He loves it and is really excited, he ordered his yarn and everything, I was so jealous hehe He chose lt. purple, lt. rose, and cream.


He was working on a test gauge swatch this weekend doing the stitches over and over again to try and get it right and feel comfortable with it before he gets his yarn and starts for real. I am so scared for him :lol I am so intimidated with cables and this is chock full of them. :eek

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Oh, and I find the 9=patches tedious, as well. I have two tactics - ONE, I listen to books on tapes while I crochet. If it's a pattern that bogs me down, I just listen intead of fret how long things are taking...


SECOND, I will do smaller projects at the same time (like preemie hats). When I finish a 9-patch, I reward myself with another project that goes faster... Just trudging through one thing like this gets me frustrated, and I use crocheting to get AWAY from frustrration!

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I don't know if this will help ya'll, but with the nine patch, I will make a bunch of centers, then work on another CAL for a while, then go back and add the second color to the center squares, put it down, and then go back and finish the third color. Right now I have three squares with the white center and pink sides. and three with the purple centers and the pink sides. Just need to put the corners on. I will work on it tonight. I brought my pinwheel to work with me today. :) the WIP bag for it is smaller.

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Gavinsmom - Welcome! Glad to see you join us :clap


Grammypat - I *LOVE* your colors, those look so great together and of course I love greens :D


I was also doing that, doing the centers, then going and doing the sides, then doing the corners. I tried to do one "full" square instead and I didn't like doing it that way so I'm going back to doing all centers, all sides, all corners in that order.


I sure wish I had some audio books to listen to...I am really into a Stephen King book right now and am dying to finish it, but I can't crochet and read it at the same time =( The only other thing I have going on here is Blue's Clue's and Sesame Street which isn't very stimulating for me :P But, Tristan sure loves it :lol

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Here is my star so far! I am glad that I had to :frog back and got a chance to do the dark blue. I did the sc border in cape cod, then 2 more rows in that. Then I switched back to the country blue (like they all should have been) and will continue on in the pattern from there.


I'm a couple days lat for Foto Friday, but better late than never, right?

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ALSO! Look on page 50 of your books. The Irish Trellis afghan, my hubby is starting this one :cheer

I looked at it... Your DH must have a death wish!!!:P


But when he finally DOES finish it, it'll have the WOW factor, for sure!:yay

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The center of mine is Red Heart "buff". Basically it's a tan and I'm starting to second guess my color choices. I'm hoping when I get the other colors next to you, it won't look real bad. I should finish the last 2 rows of the star tonight so I'll be able to post of a photo.

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Thank you for the compliment's on my color choice's. I am just using what I have on hand. I really don't want to buy anymore yarn, until I can get some of what I already have used up. I am hoping I will have enough to make this look presentable. But some of you other gals.... your colors are just gorgeous! :yes

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Krystal I love that yellow! I love everyone's colors. When I get done with this one I may have to make it again in a different color scheme.




I am going to be making it again, so you can join me in that right Blondie.

From your name, hmmmm did you by chance go to Texas A&M??

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