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Crocheting Cap from the Bottom Up?


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Most crocheted cap patterns are of course using the in-the-round technique. Does anyone ever crochet a chain, join it, and then crochet the cap from the bottom up, decreasing at the top (similar to knitted caps)? If not, why not? Just curious as there have been threads recently about doing ribbed caps that look more manly like knitted ones. I've seen and done the crochet a rectangle, then gather it into a tube technique, and would like to try it another way. Thanks.

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I've done a couple this way and I prefer it since I don't mess up as often. I'm horrid at working from the top down. When it comes to SC, I find it so much easier to decrease then to increase. All the hats I've done with increasing end up too big in the body and the brim too tight against the head from a row or two of decreasing.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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I've done a couple this way and I prefer it since I don't mess up as often. I'm horrid at working from the top down. When it comes to SC, I find it so much easier to decrease then to increase. All the hats I've done with increasing end up too big in the body and the brim too tight against the head from a row or two of decreasing.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K


Try this pattern. I've had many people tell me how easy this pattern is. It can be a beanie or add some rows for a brim, or whatever.




It's worked in half double crochet, and I've sold this hat at our local farmers market, and the style is very popular, and it would give you an idea how increases work, or something like that.

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It would help my error-prone nature as well! Kellie, how do you make the join and turn neatly at the end of one row and the beginning of the next? Do you turn your work?


It depends on the type of hat I'm doing and the stitches. If the body of the hat is in double crochet, I tend to turn my work to make the joining look like the rest of the stitches. If it's single crochet, I don't turn and just decrease as the head will allow as I spiral my way to the top. Thankfully, I always have a house full of willing victims to measure my hats on. As for joining the beginning chain, just make sure it doesn't get twisted as you join it. My youngest DD always volunteers one of her tall hard-cover books for me to rest it on to make sure there's no hidden twists or turns.


CroJulie, I'll give the pattern a test run once I get a few WIPs out of the way. My youngest DD has decided that her bestest friend in the whole wide world and her twin brother want a blankie for their upcoming birthday. I'm hoping I'll have them done by the party on January 14th. Hopefully when I try your hat pattern, I won't make it look like the model has a bubble brain :blush


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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