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Slippers for US Troops in Afghanistan

Cookie Hooker

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Those are great slippers! Just a thought though (please don't be offended), I have some marine and army friends serving in afghanistan right now and they've told me that they aren't allowed to wear anything with as much color as those slippers, especially the ones in the first pic, even when they're in the unit's "relaxation" area... If you are making any more, you might want to use some dark colors (green, navy, black, etc.) as they will be more welcomed by the troops.

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Thanks for the suggestion Ankey... I didn't think of that! I knew the helmet liners and cool neckties have to be in black...


I have some darker colors, like camo and earth-tones varigated, I'll use those up next...


btw... I'm never offended by comments... wouldn't have posted out here if I was... I wanted the feedback... good, bad, or otherwise...


my husband who is in the military tdy in Korea, said he wouldn't wear those at all... hehehe... he's quite frank in his opinions... :yuck

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  • 5 weeks later...

my husband who is in the military tdy in Korea, said he wouldn't wear those at all... hehehe... he's quite frank in his opinions... :yuck


My hubby is a Marine and said he wouldn't wear that stuff either, even if it meant keeping warm....marines can be such hard butts, since alot of them won't even wear the neck warmers they are "provided" ugh MEN

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