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ok that is so pretty I love all the curves an how it lays on your neck.

I must admit I had to look up the word "Cravat" on dictionary.com and for others who didn't know what that word meant here is what I found:


cra·vat (krschwa.gif-vabreve.giftprime.gif) Pronunciation Key speaker.gif premium.gif

n. A scarf or band of fabric worn around the neck as a tie.


[French cravate, necktie worn by Croatian mercenaries in the service of France, from Cravate, a Croatian, from German dialectal Krabate, from Serbo-Croatian Hrvamacr.gift.]


Thanks for sharing. I learned something new today. Did you follow a pattern or did you make it up as you went along? I am never amazed at what different types of crochet stuff I always see when I come here.

Kudos to you!


edited to add: i just this read this months issue of crochet me and now I see the entire article on the crochet cravat. excuse me while I have an "AH-HA MOMENT"

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