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holiday SNOWMAN crochetalong!


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Awww! He's so cute! You did a great job, Thel. Your Grandma will surely love him. I made my Grandma a snowman (the same pattern as the one I am doing now, as a matter of fact...) And she keeps him on the back of her couch. (She has a lot of stuffed animals there.)


Mine has one leg longer than the other (and one is stuffed more, too.) :lol


I hope to get a picture today (if my camera is in the mood to cooperate, that is...) :blush



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I sat down a little while ago and made a new hat for Snowy!




Haven't written the pattern down, yet though. I will, maybe tonight or tomorrow.


I'm not trying to avoid packing or anything, nooooo, not me. ;)

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I don't blame you for not wanting to pack; we have moved three times in the last year. (And one was 1300 miles...) So believe me, I know!! :(


That hat is so cute and furry. I love it!


Here is my snowman. I have a feeling the kids are all going to want one of their own. :sigh Technically there is another one of these around somewhere but it might still be in storage... Anyway here he is:



(He's Clickable.) :2snowman



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:lol Three times since 2002! (Probably one a year, actually...) The carrot nose is actually fleece. The pattern was in the magazine. (Crafting Traditions, the Jan/Feb 2002 issue, out of print now...) You cut out the fleece then mark dots all over. Then when you sew it up, you pull the thread through the dots to make it look like a real carrot.


I want to try one of your little guys now. (I need to finish an afghan first though!)


Tina, he's SO cute!! Absolutely adorable!


Where did you find the carrot? It's perfect!


and :eek three times?


Good lord, you deserve a medal!

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Here's my snowy little doorman! I guess he's not very little, though, seeing as he is 21 inches tall! (Darski, you'll have to have a big container of coffee creamer if you use this pattern! :P) I didn't have everything the pattern called for, so I used felt and dressed it up a bit with sequins and beads. He turned out great, if I do say so myself! ;) I'm looking forward to giving him to my mom!




http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m295/cocoacreamcrochet/Crocheted%20Items/FolkArtSnowmanHead.jpg?t=1164065519 (close-up of hat/head).


Enjoy...and happy snowman making to the rest of you! Now I'm off to finish decorating my tree and to work on my dad's lapghan!

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Thanks for the feedback on my snowman~:2snowman


Tina- I really love your snowman! Sooo cute and cuddly!


Cocoa- You did an excellent job on yours too! Too fun!


I agree that this CAL was a good idea! :yay

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Tina and Cocoa both of yours are just adorable!! Great job!:manyheart your snowmen!!


I was at Wal-Mart tonite and almost bought the material for my snowman, but I could not remember how many yards I need of the white and black. I have to go back to Wal-Mart tomorrow so I will get it then. :devil

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Will i finish my snowman. Completly made of plastic even the stuffing. 5937.jpg?gro2AZFBt3immn3X

Will i hope you all like it. It is different but i like it better then the yarn model i copied it from, it was a x-mas gift from a friends mother that can crochet anything she thinks of.

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That's a cute pattern, might try it myself:clap

If I can find the time and the scraps of yarn, I would love to join you in this CAL! My mom collects snowmen, and it's kind of a tradition to get her at least one every Christmas. This year I want to make her one...so I found a simple looking pattern that I think I can do. It's pretty big (19 inches tall), so I'm thinking of filling the bottom with a bag of rice/bean/sand to make it a doorstopper instead of just stuffing it with fiberfill. If anyone wants to see the pattern, I've linked to it below.

This will be my first CAL, so I'm looking forward to it! :2snowman



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