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Eeep! I need help please!



Man, if I knew how bad this pattern would HAUNT ME I would've book-marked it! ACK!


Anyways, I hope you guys can help me!


I'm not sure if this "cardigan" is long sleeve or short sleeve. What I do know, is that in the picture it is white, and primarily made up of filet crochet. I'm not sure whether or not it has any closure like a button(s), but I do know there is a slight "ruffle" that goes up the front, around the collar and back down the front and continuing as a ruffle around the bottom and possibly (if I remember correctly pfft lol) at the end of bell-like long sleeves. (But I don't know if I'm wishfully dreaming up a pattern or if it DID have long sleeves) I'm pretty sure its a free pattern, but if you see something i'm describing and its not free, I would love the link so I can buy it! Thanks in advance, and have a great weekend! Vivian

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Hey:)) I feel incredibly stupid cause I have no idea where I saw it! It could have been linked or posted by someone from my crochet email group (crochet partners) um a member may have posted it? But I asked them, and either they don't remember it, it was last week!!, or I don't know...a common theme with me :rollin Ack! The obsession continues...This is gonna bug me to no end! Its like a song you hear when you get out of the car and it follows you all day? :shrug maybe that's just me :rollin Anyway, I sure appreciate the help. Hope you all are having a nice weekend!:hug Oh yeah and to add, it may have had a mettalic (very fine) to it but the photo looked "proffessional" like a published pattern from a yarnhouse? (but again, I was sure it was free not copied or anything like that) I'mma have to go check some places like Rowan, maybe they have it in their free patterns thingie.:coffee

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Rebecca, Crochet Partners is a crochet email list. You can find out more about it at www.crochetpartners.org


Vivian, at the top of the Google search box, you see "Web" "Images" etc. Click on "Images" and then enter your search. I entered crochet cardigan pattern and I got thumbnail images with links to patterns underneath. You might change up your search wording to find more detailed responses. I hope this helps! :)

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:coffee The kids are off school today, somebody help me! LOL!


I remember now where I saw the "mystery sweater" Someone on crochet partners posted on the list, that "my search" or "google" does a different kind of search now, where you can describe a picture (or something like that) and look it up under "Images"...and get results... blah, I'm glad I remember, but its not gonna help me find it...I restarted my search yesterday with no luck...BOO HISS!:bang

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Is it

<a href="http://www.michaels.com/art/online/projectsheet?pid=e02284&categoryid=29" target="_new">Fan Stitch Top</a>, <a href="http://www.michaels.com/art/online/projectsheet?pid=23104&categoryid=29" target="_new">Summer Breeze Crochet Sweater</a>, <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/folk/celtwich/Jacket.html" target="_new">Crocheted Jacket</a>, or <a href="http://www.softmemories.com/AntiqueCrochet/free/~BedJacket.htm" target="_new">Draped Bed Jacket</a>?


I hope these help you remember what the pattern looks like.

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not from groovy crochet, I thought it was new? Pretty sure it was free and I think that it was short sleeve... and it almost reminds you of a peplum waisted jacket..almost and the fronts were cut-away at the bottom sorta like a guys morning suit?:coffee gah! I really appreciate your help! Ya'll are sweet for checking!:hug and um home-y<<<<???huh?

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Hmmm...I feel like a detective on a case. (Good case, so I'm not giving up yet!)


Coupla questions...if you don't mind:


Can you remember if the site was:


Home-y, groovy, or a company?

If the pattern was free or for sale? (I know you said you couldn't remember, but tell us if you can.)

If it was online and for sale I won't be of much help. I don't pay much attention to those patterns. :))


Oh, and if Rebecca says she hasn't seen it either, I'm not sure if it's possible to find it. She gets around, too! :wink




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Aw that is Close! Thanks for checking!:coffee man I KNOW this pattern is gonna haunt me! LOL! In the link you provided picture this: its all openwork filet, none of the squares/rows are filled in, its entirely open, except for the edging which may or may not be in a fan stitch for the subtle ruffle that goes around the entire cardigan. blah! Appreciate your help!:hug

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