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woohoo new template!


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Wow it is great, I wish I knew how to change my look on blogger to something for crafty. You must know a lot about computers. I can't figure out how to add buttons and just found out how to add links. Very, Very nice blog. Theresa from NC

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Thank you everybody!:D:hug

Theresa, I don't know alot about computers to be honest I've made everything in Photoshop and I just keep on editing the image and the template until it looks the way I want it to.. you just have to know where to put what in the template code that's all and I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough:) I didn't learn it all in one day too you just have tokeep on trying:yes

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Wow Petra! Great job. I too am having some trouble with buttons and codes and the such. I guess I better consult with my 14 yo DD. She seems to know everything about computers (and everything else :lol)

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