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Hi! I've made up a neclace pattern that I like and would like to sell the item. Would anyone like one to try out for a while and tell me what you think? I was thinking, I need some volunteers (5) to:

-try out the neclace, and tell me things like if it's long enough, and if the clasp works etc. Let me know if the thread slips out of the clasp or if something happens with the beads.

-take a picture of yourself wearing it. (see note at the end) I would like to sell these on etsy, and I would like some different models of it, so that it's not just me on the website. If you don't want to do this, then take a picture of it on a friend, or on something where it will show up nicely, like black material, etc. Be creative! :)

-tell me how much you'd pay for it. I have no idea how much to charge for these, so I'd like some input for that.

-let me know if there are other colors you'd use, etc.

-tell me how it mailed. These are small, and I'm going to try to use just a regular stamp and envelope for it. Let me know how it arrives, if there is a tear in the envelope, or whatever.


Thank you so much for your help! They are all done in ecru thread, and the following beads:

deep dark blue/green/purple/gold (have one of these) taken

sky blue/clear (2 of these) taken

emerald green (1) taken

multi colored; a friend called these marti gras (1) taken


Please let me know which you'd like, and where to mail it to! I'll be updating this as to what is left. Please PM me, and I'll just take first come first serve. Thank you so much for helping me!!! Also, if taking the picture is a problem, just don't. I don't want this to be the reason that you don't get to try this out, so don't stress about it. It was just something that would be nice, but not requred. Thank you so much!!!



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WOW! The response was amazing! In under 5 hours I had 12 people! I'm so sorry, but I had to pick the first 5 so... Check your mail box, I've PMed all of you. Thank you for wanting to help though! I hope these are as pretty as you imagine! :)


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