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Aaargh!!! Stupid "No Dye Lot" yarn!

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I've been working on Definitely Deb's poncho for a few days. I decided to use RH Supersaver Country Blue "No Dye Lot" yarn for the piece because my mother wanted something in that color. Anyway, got finished and was piecing it together when I noticed the blues were two different shades!!! I bought them at the same time!! I ended up frogging half of it and dug through my stash for another blue the same shade. I am infuriated that the "no dye lot" didn't match!

I'm not crazy about RH Supersaver solids, but this is it for them!

Just had to vent!!!

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How frustrating!! That is my biggest fear with no dye lots! :eek2


Once, I was at the store looking at the yellow no dye lots, and it was obvious that they were NOT from the same lot. :<>


I have found that usually on the Red Heart no dye lots there is a date or number or something printed on the label. No, I am not talking about the color number like 311 White. I am talking about the 07 99 2345 01 number or something like that. I try and make sure they are the same number if I am buying more than one.


I figure that number is like the one on the can of green beans that is some weird code only the manufacturer knows that tells when it was made.


I know other brands don't have that number, so with them I just :fc cross my fingers and hope it works!


Sorry you had to frog your work! How completely annoying and irritating!!! :irked

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Yarnentangled

I've used RH "no dye lot" yarn and ended up with matching colors BUT different textures. One yarn was softer/fuzzier than the other. When you look at my afghan in the right light you can see where they differ. >:


Then there is the yarns that surprise you with a nice little knot in the middle of the ball. Thats right, its not one continuous piece of yarn, but 2 yarns tied together. I cannot tell you how many times I've come across this.


Finally there is the machine malfunction yarn. This is where you're crocheting along, having a good time, and you come across about an 1" or 2" fat chunk of yarn in the middle of your skein that somehow didn't get wound up correctly or something. So its like having 1-2"of bulky yarn in the middle of your worsted yarn. :th

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I have run into that knot in the middle many times and it aggravates me to no end. I don't mind using the red heart variegated (although it is somewhat rougher than the solids), but unless a project is for one skein only of the solid, that is the only time I will use it. It's so cheap when it's on sale, but it's still not a deal when you can't use it!!

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