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Check out Jo-Anns


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Our JoAnn's have re-vamped the entire yarn department and it's so great. They've added great new yarns (almost 2 more isles) and a new selection of purse handles (several of them... like 10 varieties or more!):cheer I have been just so excited about the great new changes, that I've gone there several times this week, just to look. I still find Hobby Lobby has the bigest selection, but our JoAnn's is really getting great.

I guess I'm lucky I live no more than 7 miles from a Micheals, JoAnn's AND Hobby Lobby. I can stim on wonderful yarn all day. :yarn

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We have a new joanns with a good selection-better than the old one a little farther a way. We also have a micheals in the area and a new ac moore a not to far away but I haven't been yet.

I was in shock when I saw all that yarn a the grand opening of the new joanns:yay . The store is like twice as big as the old one!:c9

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OH MY...sounds like I need to pay a visit to Jo-Anns! I drive past it every morning...at 6am...on my way to work. I'll have to make a point to stop in...well...not on my way to work...but some time.


Thanks for the tip.

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Hmmm, once the kids are back in school, it looks like I need to plan a road trip up to the Joann's in Franklin, TN. (90 minute drive away)

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I'm going to have to check out my Joann stores around here. I hope they are in as good a shape as yours are.

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It will be a while before I return to JoAnn's. I was there Monday and the store was a mess. Not a mess as in moving around mess, which is understandable. I'm talking the store not being taken care of type mess. Tons of empty yarn bins, yarn in bins it shouldn't be (under wrong price tags), lots of yarn that had been thrown around so much it has come unrolled from the skein.


Have to say, the little "improvement" I did notice, I was not impressed with. They had way too much space for the kiddie section. I don't understand why they threw appliques and purse handles back there either. :think My mom commented on the amount of cheap home decor stuff as well.


I hope in time things will improve, because up until 3 or 4 months ago, things weren't this bad. Yet, this particular store has been a mess for months and it only continues to get worse. I understand moving things around takes time, but this is getting crazy. Considering there are other craft stores in my area that are well stocked and prepared for customers, I will be taking most of my business there until these issues improve at Jo-Ann's.

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  • 1 year later...

I have two Joann's near me. One is about a mile from my house, the other is about 10 miles. They are like night and day. The closer one has a very paltry selection of yarn... for instance, they have only about 6-8 colors of the Simply Soft, and some of those bins are always empty. The one further away (figures, right!) has a huge selection and always well stocked. I like going to Joann's because they let me use more than one coupon at a time.


I may check out the closer one today (got a 50% off coupon burning a hole in my pocket) to see if there's been any improvement.



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