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Butterfly Shawl Crochet Along from knit.1 mag

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I'm baaaaaaaaaaaacccckkk..


Been on a vacation to see Ah Leah (we put 850+- miles on the rent-a-car) I made four more bruise colored butterflies while driving (actually while being driven - hubby drove, which is fine with me).


Ah Leah, my beautiful 19-yr-old whom I went to see (Mohawk and all) gave me the ultimate compliment. First she commented on 'that butterfly thing' she saw on my Crochetville post and I said, "Yeah, What about it?" She said the colors really looked like a bruise - I thanked her. Told her I had it with me; she says, "Oh, let me see." So I toss her two bruised butterflies and one 'blah' colored and *here comes the compliment* She says, "This is (expletive deleted) ****ing aweseme!" So I guess she really LIKED it!! Then she asked me to MAKE HER A SMALL COVER TO PUT OVER HER BED!!!! She actually asked me to make her something! She HATES everything I make, but she wants me to put the butterfly squares together as a bed cover!


Thank you, Noreen, for the new and improved small butterfly correction sheet - very nice of your publisher to allow us 'easy access' to it!


More later... I was gone for three days and have 71 e-mails and 17 PAGES of Crochetville to catch up on!!! YIKES!

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Why does it say 'junior villager' under my name?

How very odd!







Hi Noreen,


The "junior villager" has to do with the number of posts you have made.



New Neighbor 0-15 posts

Junior Villager 16-39 posts

Villager 40+ posts


read more at this post: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=10060


As to your other question about how to post a pic with your sig.. I not sure if that is possible. HOWEVER, you can have an Avatar next to your name.


There's lots of info here, both about pictures and about avatars.




Hope this helps. :)

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Why does it say 'junior villager' under my name?

How very odd!







How very humbling that must be... you design this gorgeous shawl, it's published in a major magazine, a whole group of crocheters (including other published designers) are devoted to making this beautiful piece of art... and you're JUNIOR VILLAGER!!!!! Oh, well, gotta start someplace:manyheart

Wanted you to know how much I enjoyed making butterflies while my husband was driving on our vacation. I will always associate this lovely shawl with the wonderful visit my family had with my daughter and also the peacefulness and absolute serenity of those beautiful redwoods and the creek running nearby...

Thank you, Noreen:hug

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Noreen, I have to comment. I have been watching you all work on this CAL with a bit of envy.:drool I can't join until I get a few projects finished.


Anyway the reason for the comment is I was just going through some of Noreen's blog and ran into the story about the cat and the beads.:rofl:laughroll


I am at work and when I read Kamikazy Kat I lost it. I have cats and could visualize that experience perfectly :eek:lookout


And the picture of the cat that could care less, perfect:cat


I am so busted for not working because my boss just had to know what was so darn funny! It's ok, it's Friday and I finished the project early:woo

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Hello all,

I am new to the group and was so happy when I saw you are doing a CAL on this shawl :cheer. Is the issue still on stands so that I may get this pattern? I was a little worried when I saw when this thread was started and todays date. I sure hope I can buy the issue of Knit1 and start on this project..:manyheart . Robin.

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Hi WendyLee! :D

Actually Madame Kamikaze just flew up into my lap, and sent my work flying:devil.... so i think she knew that you were laughing at her!

Cats are psychic, you know! :lol!

have a great rest of the day!


hugs Noreen


Noreen, I have to comment. I have been watching you all work on this CAL with a bit of envy.:drool I can't join until I get a few projects finished.


Anyway the reason for the comment is I was just going through some of Noreen's blog and ran into the story about the cat and the beads.:rofl:laughroll


I am at work and when I read Kamikazy Kat I lost it. I have cats and could visualize that experience perfectly :eek:lookout


And the picture of the cat that could care less, perfect:cat


I am so busted for not working because my boss just had to know what was so darn funny! It's ok, it's Friday and I finished the project early:woo

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Hi Robin

Yep, the butterfly shawl is in the Summer 2006 issue of Knit.1 magazine.

You can see the cover on my blog: http://www.hankeringforyarn.com

and if you can't find a copy, there is ordering info there.

It was actually quite the tangled ball of yarn, getting it clear how people could order a copy! :think but! it's all figured out now!:clap yay!

By the way, I don't profit by them selling any more issues.... :lol

BUT, I do LOVE working with them, and would love to have the magazine do well!



Hello all,


I am new to the group and was so happy when I saw you are doing a CAL on this shawl :cheer. Is the issue still on stands so that I may get this pattern? I was a little worried when I saw when this thread was started and todays date. I sure hope I can buy the issue of Knit1 and start on this project..:manyheart . Robin.

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Well I happend to find a copy of Knit1 at Wal-mart today while I was out and about for house supplys and I have to say I have already read the whole thing from cover to back and I am in love with this mag!!!! I will placing my order for a subscription this week!.. I am a little nervous about doing the shawl because I am not very seasoned as a crocheter , or I should say at reading patterns , but I am giving this a try. I am guessing I need to pay attention that there was a mistake in this issue and go to your website Noreen for the corrections for the butterfly shawl? Robin

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Hi Robin.........

Yes, there is an error and I have posted the correction to my blog at:


Oh! my goodness! I meant to send this ~hours ago~~!

oops........... sorry about that........ I got distracted!




Well I happend to find a copy of Knit1 at Wal-mart today while I was out and about for house supplys and I have to say I have already read the whole thing from cover to back and I am in love with this mag!!!! I will placing my order for a subscription this week!.. I am a little nervous about doing the shawl because I am not very seasoned as a crocheter , or I should say at reading patterns , but I am giving this a try. I am guessing I need to pay attention that there was a mistake in this issue and go to your website Noreen for the corrections for the butterfly shawl? Robin
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Hi, Robin,


I'm a crochet newbie (I started in December 2005), but I have been able to complete a square. If I can do it, you certainly can. You have all the love and support of seasoned crocheters here, so no need to worry.


Also, the corrections are for the smaller butterfly, so you can get started on the first part of the pattern (the larger butterfly and the square mesh) right away without looking at the corrections.


Good luck!

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OH MY!!! I'm becoming obsessive on this thing! I made one 'blah' colored butterfly complete with the mesh to make it into a block... then I got ahold of that gorgeous blue/green bruise colored thread and made four butterflies with that... now I found some pink/purple thread and made a half a butterfly with that (hey, it was late and I was tired!)... I LOVE making this pattern! It's so pretty and it's fun and it's easy (honestly) and it works up quickly and it's GORGEOUS!


I don't know what I'm gonna end up with... Seems that anything that stands still for too long gets crocheted into a butterfly... COOL


I should "order" myself to complete one blah colored butterfly each day and then the rest of the time could be spent on other colored butterflies... Maybe I could cover the house in butterflies! Or make Ah Leah's bed cover that she requested... OH, the possibilites are ENDLESS!!!!!!

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It's been just way too hot to crochet anything, even a butterfly...but I have to agree, the butterfly works up very fast...I can see endless possibilities with this pattern...

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It's been just way too hot to crochet anything, even a butterfly...but I have to agree, the butterfly works up very fast...I can see endless possibilities with this pattern...


I must agree... I'm sitting here breaking a sweat from reading Crochetville posts!


I am going to turn a fan in my general direction, take off as much clothing as possible:eek and sit down with my daughter to watch a movie (A River Runs Through It) and.... crochet butterflies!


Can't you just see it as a stole... or a scarf... or a bed cover...


It's so gorgeous!!



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Hi Paulette

Yep! I have a million ideas of things I want to do with the butterflies...........

(grinning from ear to ear!) :manyheart

butterflies seem to have a way of multiplying, don't they?:yes







I must agree... I'm sitting here breaking a sweat from reading Crochetville posts!


I am going to turn a fan in my general direction, take off as much clothing as possible:eek and sit down with my daughter to watch a movie (A River Runs Through It) and.... crochet butterflies!


Can't you just see it as a stole... or a scarf... or a bed cover...


It's so gorgeous!!



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Yesterday afternoon hubby and I were in the garden looking at all the flowers (and there's a LOT of them) and we saw a beautiful black and yellow butterfly and he was just bouncing all around, kept coming close to us, then over to the flowers, then back to us... and soon one of our hummingbirds came to join him and the two of them were sort of checking each other out, bouncing from the flowers over to us... and it was so cute 'cause the bees were buzzing around too, but certain flowers only the hummingbirds and butterflies can get the nectar, and not the bees, because of the petal shape... They stayed for the longest time... it was magical...

Just talked to Ah Leah (it's 104 up where she's at - where we just got back from) and we discussed her bed cover butterfly throw... red and yellow, she says, with a cream colored mesh. I can do that. And I know it won't be fireman red or lemon yellow - we'll pick out some nice shades together when she passes through here end of August before she heads to Virginia for her Sophomore year...

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Finished another butterfly!!!!!


This was made using one strand of Patons Grace Cotton, Lavender, which is probably equal to three strands of #10 thread - I love the variegated look! The mesh is one strand of #10 white cotton thread.



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I must agree... I'm sitting here breaking a sweat from reading Crochetville posts!


I am going to turn a fan in my general direction, take off as much clothing as possible:eek and sit down with my daughter to watch a movie (A River Runs Through It) and.... crochet butterflies!


Can't you just see it as a stole... or a scarf... or a bed cover...


It's so gorgeous!!





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Well I went to Hobby Lobby to look for the supplies for this project and I could not the Lion Crochet cotton by Lion Brand??? I saw some Aunt Lydia's crochet thread in size 3 and size 10 which I didn't know if they would work. They are 100% mercerized cotton, will this work??? I would like to do the butterflys in color so I want to make sure I have all my options.. I told you I am really new at this and so I don't know what kind of thread to use.. thank you for the help.. Robin...

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Finished another butterfly!!!!!


This was made using one strand of Patons Grace Cotton, Lavender, which is probably equal to three strands of #10 thread - I love the variegated look! The mesh is one strand of #10 white cotton thread.




Paulette, that's a lovely butterfly. Very nice colors, and your butterfly is so professional-looking.


I do have a few skeins of Patons Grace I picked up at Michael's when they had them in a clearance bin for $2 a skein. I should take them out of the stash and look at them, since my butterfly seems to work well with three strands of size 10 thread.


Thanks for the tip. :)

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