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Butterfly Shawl Crochet Along from knit.1 mag

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Hi Everyone

Lisa, I have my silk blocks on order, but they aren't here yet, so nope, I am not spinning on it yet....... but, boy when they get here! LOL! Look out!


BIG NEWS! My editor said that they made a mistake in the pattern! I have posted the url for the correction on my blog at http://www.hankeringforyarn.com


I will be out of the studio all day, and won't have a chance to get to it till later, but I will work up a square right away and make sure that they have got it right, now............


I will go through the magazine instructions point by point to see where they slipped up, and let them know if there is still a problem, and will certainly let you know, too!


I hate it when this kind of thing happens, and hope that it hasn't messed people up!


By the way, I am also thinking that saphire blue wings and black body would be wonderful.......


I'll be looking for pearls soon for my daughter's wedding shawl...




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I'm off to a rocky start here... I keep getting a wonky body and I want to figure that part out before I start attaching wings! Shelle is always patient with me - she understands my learning curve and said she'd help me!


Tell you a little secret: I got a bit flustered and this burgundy alpaca yarn kept jumping into my lap and nuzzling up against me and it BROUGHT ITS OWN PATTERN!!! Boy, yarn these days. So I started the Lizette Shawl which is gorgeous and also seems to basically be a huge doily with arm slits! It's done in trebles and chains so it's going super-fast, and I of course have no problem having many WIPs going, so I will start again with Madame Butterfly tonight with a fresh approach!


Well... where is Shelle? She needs to be on this CAL.


And I dont suppose there is anyway I could get you to post a pic (or even a link to the pattern would be good) of the Lizette shawl?


Golly.. I'm such a shawlaholic


And you posted somewhere else that you haven't seen a Seraphina shawl? oh my.. we have to fix that. It's a great pattern, Doni, the creator even put pics up of the shawl in progress.....




Wondering.. is Lion cotton size 10 thread or something else?? I have found gobs & gobs of speedcrosheen today............(probably too thick)


I MUST get to town and buy this pattern book.. if only life didn't get in the way.

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Here's the link to the Lizette Shawl Crochetville thread 'cause I wanted to show how pretty it is and in the initial post I put a link to a the gal who sells them on eBay, Carol Christmas I think...



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That reminds me sooooooooooo much of a sweater shawl pattern I have. I need to go find it and see if they are essentially the same. The pattern I have is by a lady named Dorothy something or anohter.. I think. short & long term memory problems here.. :)

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Well, Lisa, I sorta started:think ... I chose to use #10 cotton thread in the color natural

I wanted to do this in thread but I was thinking of #3 instead of #10. Doesn't the pattern call for superfine yarn? How much do you thinking making this in #10 or #3 thread will affect the size? I haven't fully decided on what I'm going to do yet. I went to my LYS today but they didn't have the mag! :eek Oh the horror of it all! ;) At least I got a chance to familiarize myself with some beautiful yarn! I was holding some really yummy mercerized cotton (I think it was superfine) and I thought that it had a very nice feel for my shawl but i don't know.... :think Decisions, decisions, decisions...


Just before you posted about this CAL, I had been scouring the internet looking for shawl patterns that had a soft, wispy look...kinda like mohair....do you think this shawl will look good like this one? I have no idea. I haven't worked with enough good and different yarn to know these kind of these yet.


I'm off to a rocky start here... I keep getting a wonky body and I want to figure that part out before I start attaching wings!

I was curious to know if the corrected pattern helped you out any? Any luck on this?


Tell you a little secret: I got a bit flustered and this burgundy alpaca yarn kept jumping into my lap and nuzzling up against me and it BROUGHT ITS OWN PATTERN!!! Boy, yarn these days.

Heh, heh, heh......I have some yarn like this too. :lol

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BIG NEWS! My editor said that they made a mistake in the pattern! I have posted the url for the correction on my blog at www.hankeringforyarn.com


I will go through the magazine instructions point by point to see where they slipped up, and let them know if there is still a problem, and will certainly let you know, too!


I hate it when this kind of thing happens, and hope that it hasn't messed people up!

I hate it too! What a bummer! Thanks for letting us know. I haven't even started yet so maybe all this will be worked out before I get started.


I'll be looking for pearls soon for my daughter's wedding shawl...

Just before this CAL came up (I mean like just hours before it was posted) I was looking for a soft, wispy, beaded shawl pattern. I was thinking of maybe trying to add beads to this shawl but I don't think I'm experienced enough to wing it all. I'll have to work up a butterfly and see how it works first and then go from there, I suppose. Do you have any tips for us on this?

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I was thinking of maybe trying to add beads to this shawl but I don't think I'm experienced enough to wing it all. I'll have to work up a butterfly and see how it works first and then go from there, I suppose. Do you have any tips for us on this?


Oh, I think that's a great idea. Let us know what you try.

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Well, in answer to an inquiry I did attempt my first (failed) butterfly with four strands of #10 held together... it was a little too big for the F hook so I know that Noreen must have used a finer thread... but, being that I'm a little fluffy myself I figure if it comes out bigger than expected that wouldn't be all bad. Of course if my butterflies come out too big, like giant scary monster butterflies then I'll have to rethink this... maybe two strands of #10 held together... hmmm.


And, no, I haven't attempted again because that pesky four letter word WORK got in the way. I'd had some days off due to the 4th of July holiday, but now back to work and we're in trial again... so... I'm hopeful the corrections will help, too!


As for the burgundy alpaca and pattern that crawled in my lap to comfort me when the butterflies went skittery, I could do that with my eyes closed (almost) tr, ch2, tr, ch2, tr, ch2...

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Noreen said it would be fine to use anything that met the gauge. I don't have my book yet, so would it be "ok" and not violating copyright to ask what gauge we are supposed to achieve here?


Hmmm Maybe that wouldn't be doable since the butterfly is so unique?


Paulette or anyone else who already has the book could you look in it and see if it has any info on gauge for this pattern that could be posted without giving away the pattern?


Thanks so much. I was wanting to go get my elann yarn/thread and see if it's usable.


I guess I'll write to lionbrand and ask them what gauge their cotton is.. hmmm I think I have about 10 or 20 skeins of some brand of thread.. baroque I think it's called.. now if I can remember WHERE it is....:rofl


someday I will post a pic of my bathtub full of yarn. My brother in law finds my bathtub to be very amusing. :D

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Okay, I'm going to give it a go! One butterfly at a time :) It's just so lovely! I just need to work out what weight #10 crochet cotton is in respect to the crochet cottons at my LYS - which aren't labelled with weights. It's the whole terminology game at work again, methinks.


Thanks for your encouragement, everyone!

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:cheer :cheer :cheer


I won the auction on ebay for this book. Someone had it listed for 99 cents plus shipping. It went a lil bit more, but I'm still getting it for under what I'd pay at the store and I DON"T HAVE TO DRIVE 50 miles to Michaels!!! :cheer :cheer And no taxes!!! Man, I love sniping.


speaking of ebay.. I saw someone was selling this knit.1 issue for 20.00 the other night. I can't find that auction tonight.. hopefully someone thought better of it.. consideirng most folks are selling it for 4 or 5 bucks.


Now I can relax.. I hate waiting for auctions to end when it's something I really want.. or at a great price.

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Jaqui, have a look at your local newsagents. The magazine only arrived late last week here, so they might have taken a little while to get it in. I was in Canberra last week, and I got it there, but they've only just got it in this week at home in country NSW (we often get things a bit after the cities ;) ). I also find it gets a bit lost in the magazine section, because it is a smaller size than normal magazines. It also tends to sell out pretty quickly in larger centres. I'd ask around. It's definitely imported in here - just usually a good three or four months after it was released in the USA.


I made a butterfly! I made a butterfly! I don't know if I got gauge, but I made a butterfly! :hook

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Noreen said it would be fine to use anything that met the gauge. I don't have my book yet, so would it be "ok" and not violating copyright to ask what gauge we are supposed to achieve here?


Paulette or anyone else who already has the book could you look in it and see if it has any info on gauge for this pattern that could be posted without giving away the pattern?


I guess I'll write to lionbrand and ask them what gauge their cotton is.. hmmm I think I have about 10 or 20 skeins of some brand of thread.. baroque I think it's called.. now if I can remember WHERE it is....:rofl


someday I will post a pic of my bathtub full of yarn. My brother in law finds my bathtub to be very amusing. :D


Here's what the pattern says regarding gauge:


"The butterfly square measures 8"/20.5cm square using size F/5(3.75mm) hook and 4 strands of yarn held together"


Isn't that sad when you know you have a BUNCH of some sort of yarn and NO idea where it is? Not talking one skein, but a bunch!!!!! I wish I had an extra tub to store the yarn in... that is a really good idea!


Back to the subject at hand, I tried holding four strands of #10 thread together and that wasn't gonna happen with an F hook, so then I tried 2 strands of #10 ('cause I liked the color and I hoped Noreen wouldn't mind) and it seems to be working... of course I've only done the body and the very beginning of a wing base... so...

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Wow, I didn't realize that this CAL started already, and there are already gazillion posts (okay, I exaggerate) on it. I would like to join, definitely. It's great that we already have information on the corrections, and that the designer herself is in on it! Noreen, I'm so glad you are with us.


Paulette, you said in the house-fell-on-my-foot thread that you finished the butterfly, so I suppose two strands of #10 thread worked fine after all? I have this Royal mercerized cotton that I want to try this on and wondering how many strands I should try my gauge on...


I'm a little scared to try this pattern. I only started crocheting last December...but I really want to make this for myself. :hook

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I'm a little scared to try this pattern. I only started crocheting last December...but I really want to make this for myself. :hook


When you really want something, you can make it happen!

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Wow, I didn't realize that this CAL started already, and there are already gazillion posts (okay, I exaggerate) on it. I would like to join, definitely. It's great that we already have information on the corrections, and that the designer herself is in on it! Noreen, I'm so glad you are with us.


Paulette, you said in the house-fell-on-my-foot thread that you finished the butterfly, so I suppose two strands of #10 thread worked fine after all? I have this Royal mercerized cotton that I want to try this on and wondering how many strands I should try my gauge on...


I'm a little scared to try this pattern. I only started crocheting last December...but I really want to make this for myself. :hook


Now, don't you be scared. We're all in this together and YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Just take it slow, "breathe in the butterflies, breathe out the bees," and if you get stuck, that's why it's a Crochet Along... and with Noreen here, I'm sure she'd clarify something - or one of us would! GO FOR IT!


:yarn Yup, two strands of #10 for the butterfly and one strand of #10 for the net to catch him in (the lacey mesh around it). I ended up with an 8-inch butterfly and it looks pretty good, too! And the lace was easy... so easy that I found myself halfway through round eight before I realized it only had seven rounds! Little light frogging there, no big deal.


Now in deference to Noreen, the designer, she used four strands on the butterfly and one strand on the lacey stuff to acheive the gorgeous look we're all going for, so I figure that would be equivilent to #20 thread. I tried using four strands of #10 with the F hook and that just wasn't happening for me. If she did use equal to #10 thread and got four strands in that F hook then she's GOOD!!! And obviously she IS good 'cause she makes all these great patterns and stuff:lol !


I'm thinking we really need to find out what the equivelent weight is of the Lion Crochet Cotton. I could not find it at Michael's or JoAnne's and on-line it was $5 a ball so I went for the Royale at $2.29... Also the site on-line didn't give a 'number' like other threads do:think .


I am pleased with how my first butterfly came out and also I like the look of the mesh - very lacey and dainty... only 27 more motifs to go.:yes

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I'm thinking we really need to find out what the equivelent weight is of the Lion Crochet Cotton. I could not find it at Michael's or JoAnne's and on-line it was $5 a ball so I went for the Royale at $2.29... Also the site on-line didn't give a 'number' like other threads do:think .


I am pleased with how my first butterfly came out and also I like the look of the mesh - very lacey and dainty... only 27 more motifs to go.:yes


I wrote to Lionbrand and they replied that the Lion Crochet Cotton IS size 10, bedspread weight.


..... sitting here with a broke toe all swollen & purply (only kicked a suitcase.. not a house) and waiting on my knit.1 from ebay to arrive.

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I wrote to Lionbrand and they replied that the Lion Crochet Cotton IS size 10, bedspread weight.


..... sitting here with a broke toe all swollen & purply (only kicked a suitcase.. not a house) and waiting on my knit.1 from ebay to arrive.


I cannot believe that you kick a suitcase and get swelling AND color and I drop a damn house on my foot and get teeny little mark. That is SO UNFAIR:angry .

OH, I'm sorry. I did forget to tell you I'm sorry you broke your toe. I was being selfish, I guess... you know how it goes: "Mom, Bobby broke his arm. I want a broken arm too." Did you break your toe so I would have company in my pain? If so that was really sweet of you, but you should have checked first and you'd know my foot is fine. I hope yours feels better. I found Aleve really helped a lot and the ice pack - but watch out for frost bite!

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I wrote to Lionbrand and they replied that the Lion Crochet Cotton IS size 10, bedspread weight.

Now this is exactly what I had been wondering! I was just going to ask this question today...how nice that it's already answered. :)


I had noticed that at the LB site it said that LB Croceht Cotten was 'superfine'. I'm not very well versed in yarn so I was confused as to why Paulette was using #10 thread but the pattern called for 'superfine' yarn. :confusedA Thread shawl is exactly what I had been looking for so this is excellent! :c9


In light of all that, here is my favorite site that reviews crochet thread. I hope it's helpful.




..... sitting here with a broke toe all swollen & purply (only kicked a suitcase.. not a house) and waiting on my knit.1 from ebay to arrive.

Awwww.....you poor thing! I hope it heals up real quick!


I hope your mag arrives soon. I haven't gotten mine yet because we have been soooo broke lately. We get paid once a month and we have been waiting for our check but with that blastedly l-o-n-g 4th of July holiday weekend we are still waiting and I'm fit to be tied! I want my mag and I want my yarn.....yesterday! :bang (Tantrum over...sorry about that! ;) )


Now I need to go make some :coffeeand see if that helps.


Paulette.... :sofunny

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I still don't know how Noreen got four strands of #10 thread into an F hook:think ... It is possible, but...


Actually her butterflies look fuller (of course) than my finished butterfly...


I supposed I'll give it another try with four strands

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