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Butterfly Shawl Crochet Along from knit.1 mag

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:cheer Okay, Hookers, it was suggested in another thread and here it is:

The Butterfly Shawl Crochet Along!!!!!!!


The pattern is in the Vogue Knitting publication knit.1, Summer 2006, Art Issue.... here's a link to the magazine www.knit1mag.com . If you click on the link, then click on "in this issue" and you'll see four pictures. Click on the one in the top left corner, the lady with the funny hat and too much lipstick, and you'll see THE SHAWL!!!!! I think the designer is Noreen Crone-Findlay (if I'm reading this right) and it's a BEAUTY!!!


It is done in motifs, 21 butterfly motifs and seven triangle motifs, so it would be a good 'take-along' project and then it has some fancy-smancy way of attaching them together so there is a lot of lacey look to it, as you can see in the picture...


So, I'm starting it... anybody else interested, let me know, otherwise I'm gonna feel really stupid doing a Crochet Along by myself!


Incidentally, if you're hesitant to buy a knitting magazine just for one crochet pattern, the magazine is AWESOME! It has interesting articles including the graffitti knitters and also a story about the battle over the name Stitch N Bitch and a display of beautiful textile arts!





December 22nd edit: If anyone is joining us at the beginning of 2007 or is new to this thread or missed this info, there is a correction to the smaller triangular butterfly here http://www.hankeringforyarn.com/the-crocheted-butterfly-shawl-the-correction-for-the-triangular-butterfly/

and also if you need the pattern the magazine is becoming more difficult to find but I did find a source for the Summer 2006 Art Issue of knit.1 magazine here http://www.jimmybeanswool.com/secure-html/onlinegen/currgen/Vogue/VogueKnittingInternationalMagazine.asp?showLarge=true&specPCVID=7096


Looking forward to lots of Butterfly Shawls for Spring of 2007! Imagine them flowing in the breeze.... ah, just lovely....

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Noreen's website where she talks a little about designing the shawl is at



edit.. that's her main page.. where the shawl is talked about is on her blog. (I should know better than to post at 1am)


I just asked her what weight of yarn was recommended for this shawl (because I dont have the pattern yet) and here's what she told me:


Lion Brand crochet cotton. I used 12 balls for it. I used 4 strands held together for the butterflies at the center, and 1 strand for the background mesh. If you make a shorter fringe, you will not need so much cotton.......



Aurora.. I don't know how hard it will be... but give it a whirl.. their will likely be lots of us to help you once this gets started.


Now I better get to bed so I can get to Michaels tomorrow. :hook

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Uh-oh....I smell trouble a brewing in this house!!! :yes


I really, really, really want that shawl! I haven't finished my other CAL's yet. I haven't even worked on them in AGES! Dare I start yet another project? What will dh say? :think


I'm probably going to join you. I don't know if my LYS will be open tomorrow but I'll check it out and I'll try JoAnn's too. Think of me....I'm going into battle just asking to go to either of these places! ;) (It wouldn't be so bad if I could finish what I start...dh is pretty tolerant and usually gives in to my every whim...but like I said...I haven't even worked on any of my other CAL's in ages.)

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Oh, I think I'm in!

My sister has asked for a black shawl to wear on cool summer evenings. This is just what I imagined...except I cannot imagine giving away that beautiful work of art.

I think it would look okay in black. What do you all think?

I like Lion Brand Crochet Cotton and I've seen the magazine everywhere, so I'll get it and have a go at it.

I won't be starting until I get back from the CGOA convention on the 16th. I've got homework I have to do for that and a pink top whose seams and edging need to get done so I can wear it there on Saturday when everyone wears pink for breast cancer awareness.

Thanks, Paulette, for putting us on to this. I don't think you'll be crocheting alone! And I know I will be laughing at your every post!

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OH, this is exciting!!!! I'm so glad that others are as enthralled with this beautiful shawl as I am!


In reply to the query in an earlier post, I think it would look splendid in black, and I cannot imagine giving it away.


Also, to the newer crocheter pondering as to whether they'd be taking on too much, I think this would be okay as it's done in 'little bites' - 20 motifs I think - so if the first couple don't look so great you could eliminate them from the ones that go into the final item!


I love the link that was put up to the designer's site... the picture of her showing the back of the shawl with the trees in the background is breathtaking!


Oh, I must decide on a color now! Part of me wants to do a nuetral or white yet I'm eyeing this lovely salmon color that I bought a while back for no apprent reason.... decisions, decisions...

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Oh wow. I emailed Noreen last night that there was a CAL starting for her shawl and she said she would have to join C-ville and join the CAL. She didn't get to keep her own shawl that she sent to Vogue :eek and needed to make another one.


Wouldn't that be cool to have the designer working with us??!! :cheer:c9


I don't think I"m getting to go to Michaels today.. storming and I don't like to get on the roads on a holiday. Maybe I'll just find somewhere to buy it locally. :) If it's meant to happen, it will happen. I have faith.


Lead on fearless Leader (aka Fugly's Mom.. :lol )



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Hello :)

I'm Noreen Crone-Findlay, the designer of the Butterfly shawl. After Lisa emailed me to tell me that there's a crochet along happening on the shawl, I decided that it would be a great idea to join in! I would love to have the shawl as well,

(LOL! I don't get to keep most of the things I design!) so..... this is a great opportunity to get going on one for me!

I am just going off to chat about it on my blog: http://www.hankeringforyarn.com

hugs all round,

Noreen :yes

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This is too cool! Thank you for joining us Noreen!

I purchased the magazine at the grocery store today. The shawl is beautiful and it was good to see some additional views.

I did notice that is is ranked as an expert level piece. That doesn't scare me...although I am far from expert! It does mean that I'm glad we will all be helping each other.

Yum, yum, yum...I can't wait to get started...but not until after convention!!!

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I'm working on making a button for this.. as soon as Noreen says yea or nay on using one of her images, I'll get started.


If someone else has more experience in making buttons.. I'll most GLADLY bow out and let them do it.

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This is so wonderful to have you with us, Noreen!:nworthy Your talent is amazing and I loved reading on your blog how you 'create' the butterflies...


I am so EXCITED! This will be a challenge, but I figure in 'little bites' and support from each other it should be a wonderfl experience!


Thank you so much for joining us on Crochetville!:yay

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Here's the button such as it is. I only have paint (well, I do have photoshop.. but I dont like it much, overly complex for my needs) and I'm not very experienced at making buttons.


Anyone who wants to do a better one, please go ahead.


Thank you Noreen for letting me use your image.




Please upload to your own server (photobucket, flickr, webshots, whateveryouuse). Thanks!!!

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Noreen, it is such a thrill to have you join us as we pay homage to your beautiful design!


I just sat down to make my first butterfly and his head came out a little wonky so I'm gonna give it another shot until I get the 'feel' of it! That's how it goes for me with most patterns... a bit of frogging until I get it right!

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I'm a REALLY new crocheter. I really want this shawl. D'ya reckon I'd be able to do it? Or should I not bite off more than I can chew at this early stage?


Aurora, I say GO FOR IT!!!!! I think you'll do fine and of course we'll help you along... and with the designer on board this seems like a perfect opportunity to expand your crochet horizons!:clap

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Ohhhhh....I'm so excited about the CAL. DH likes the shawl and I have the go ahead to buy yarn and mag without having convince him that I need it! :clap


:welcomeHi Noreen! I am so thrilled that you are joining us! I think you will love it there at the 'ville. I keep trying to give it up because I have so many things to do but there's so much inspiration here that I just can't leave. The 'ville is just home...ya know? :)


I didn't get to the LYS today...I don't think it's open today. I don't know if I can get it before Friday as we have been so broke lately. I can't wait to get to my LYS. I'm going to pamper myself and buy some realy feel good yarn. Everything I've made since I've been crocheting has been for someone else (except for a small scarf I needed last winter) so now is the time for me!


Lisa....you did a fantastic job on the button. :cheer I wish I had time to snag it right now so I can put it on my blog, but my kiddos want to go see fireworks and I still have to get ready real quick.


funkyreporter....thank you so much starting this CAL! I never read knit magazines and I would have never found this. What a treasure. I think I'll starting picking up knitting mags a little more often now. :)

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Thanks so much, Gina!

and where can I see the button?

This is all so new to me that I am peddling as fast as I can!

BTW, I have just uploaded a series of posts to my sacred dollmaking blog, showing how I made a wooden one of a kind doll in celebration of a wonderful old doll that my splendiferous daughter found for me at an antiques mall....

it's on http://www.sacreddollsandbears.com/


hugs all round


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Thanks so much, Gina!

and where can I see the button?

This is all so new to me that I am peddling as fast as I can!


button is here:




you're doing great for just starting at C'ville. It's a big place, but everyone is friendly & helpful.



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Paulette, You've already started? wow.


I'm still trying to decide on yarn. Too bad the Lion cotton only comes in white & ecru.


I'm looking at some at elann .. some hemp http://tinyurl.com/rfpnf that is beautiful, but I probably won't let myself afford it.


I will probably go with Sonata http://tinyurl.com/ptbhn


or Pharoah http://tinyurl.com/rzyut because they are just alittle more economical. I may even have some sonata in my stash.. I shall have to check.


I really like the colors of the hemp tho. Considering making the butterflies in the sapphire moon blue and then connecting them with the dream blue (IF that would work.. still have yet to get the pattern..:lol )


What yarn/thread and color are ya'll using? I know Noreen is spinning up a storm.. she and I may be ready to start at the same time. :)

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Well, Lisa, I sorta started:think ... I chose to use #10 cotton thread in the color natural (I know, sounds boring) but I love the look of Noreen's finished shawl and I also wanted the challenge of holding the four strands together, and I want to be able to wear this with as many outfits as possible because it's so beautiful! I've done that with yarn, holding three strands, but it was a Q hook - this is a bit different!


I'm off to a rocky start here... I keep getting a wonky body and I want to figure that part out before I start attaching wings! Shelle is always patient with me - she understands my learning curve and said she'd help me!


Tell you a little secret: I got a bit flustered and this burgundy alpaca yarn kept jumping into my lap and nuzzling up against me and it BROUGHT ITS OWN PATTERN!!! Boy, yarn these days. So I started the Lizette Shawl which is gorgeous and also seems to basically be a huge doily with arm slits! It's done in trebles and chains so it's going super-fast, and I of course have no problem having many WIPs going, so I will start again with Madame Butterfly tonight with a fresh approach!

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