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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Tabby - your ps looks great lots better than mine I may have crochet to loose which is odd for me. Yours definately looks more like a quilt than mine does. Hmmmmm Hopefully once the results come back of my arm on weds I can get my butt back to crocheting. I am itching to finish it.

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Thanks everyone for your comments, I know mum is going to love the blanket. I had a lot of fun doing that pattern.


Brandy - I didnt realise how early it was for you all when I last posted. I hope your having a great day.


Julie - Fairy Floss is just sugar and coloring I think so its probably what you call cotton candy. It looks pink and fluffy. Did you have fun playing with Cam. How old is he.


Tabby - your ps looks beautiful and I love what you did with that other star. I know exactly what its like to have the kids wake you up in the middle of the night. I hope you had time to take a nap to catch up on some zzzzz.


Well I did heaps of crochet yesterday, thats how you need to spend sunday isnt it. After the party I watched tv. I had Dr Phil on and I was sitting there with a coffee and crocheting squares for my 9 patch.


Have a great afternoon everyone. I have to go and get ready for work..grrr.

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Thanks Everyone! You are all to kind. :ghug

Andrea~I think yours looks beautiful & I don't think it looks much different then mine except yours doesn't ruffle which is a good thing. I hope your arm gets better soon so you can get back to crocheting.

Brandy~Are you just saying the ruffle is suppose to be there to be nice? Come on be honest, who really has to practically iron out there ghan before taking a pic. LOL. Like I said it's too late to start over so i'm stuck with it anyways. Thank you for being so nice. :hug

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Tabby- I think the curling would make it look more 3 dimensional like it should. Mine just sort of lays there I think lol. Like you I dont care I wouldnt dare start it over. We should be very proud that we didnt give up and came this far. I hope you got a chance to rest. I remember when my boys would keep me up at night, why is it that that is the only time my hubby was a heavy sleeper LOL.

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My afghan is doing the same thing, so it's nothing you are doing wrong-- the diamonds don't really lay completely flat- they have a little curl-up on the edges for some reason. It probably has to do with the way they are joined. If they were all sewn together, they'd all lay totally flat, but no way Jose am I gonna SEW all them things together !!! I like this easy joining system much better . Your other center star looks really pretty with the fun-fur edging .


Wendy- yea, I think we are talking about the same thing -- our cotton candy comes in different colors and flavors. I guess the most common is pink but we have it in blue ,yellow, purple and green too . It comes on a stick or in a bag .

Cam is 4 . Thanks for asking ! He's my best buddy . :manyheart


Hidey-ho to Andrea and Theresa !

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Hi Julie! and Wendy I didn't mean not to tell you your ghan for your Mom is gorgeous! I thought I put that in my post, but my brain goes way faster than my fingers! I'll bet she is going to love it...I would (so if you need my address.......LOL)

I can't wait to get started again on my quilt ghan....it is about a third of the way done and I am regretting putting it down, but now I have too much to get done before Christmas...so I will just be lurking around here..kinda like Santa...just checking to see who is being naughty or nice! So far all I see is nice! If you want to see what I am working on for my nieces and nephews just check out my blog in my siggy!

You all keep the home fires burning here! And after I get my first quilt ghan done I would like to start the double wedding ring too!

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Welcome Pam, there are a few in here doing the PS so you have plenty of people to call on if you need any help.


Theresa - I love your blog. Those monkeys are beautiful. Arent you getting sick of making the same ones over and over. How many in total do you have to make. I like how you have taken photos of them all over your house. It would make a great scrapbooking page.

hmm they look quite interesting maybe I should make one.. no Wendy stop it you have too much to do.

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Hi Wendy~


Nope not madly crocheting...LOL I have been doing laundry and madly wrapping presents, so my kids dont find them...:devil I did manage to finish up part one of my secret project. Now I am working on part two. Part two shouldnt take that long. I think I will be able to get it in the mail to my partner by Saturday and then I can start cranking out the ps. I need to make sure I have that done in time. I ran into the lady that wants it this am and she told me whenever I get it done to let her know. So I guess I will have to wait to make my snowmen.... :cry Oh well! I will get it done sooner or later. Thank goodness snowmen arent just for Christmas!


I hope you are having a good day! :hug I am off to do some more laundry, the never ending job! :eek

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I'm here. I haven't gotten anything done today, Grrrrrr. My Hubby stayed home because he wasn't feeling well so we layed on the couch & watched a movie & some TV. Now i'm in the process of finishing up my home-made chicken & dumplings for dinner. I hope to crochet some after dinner. :hook

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Tabby...save some for me! I love home made chicken and dumplings! Hope hubby is feeling better by now!

Wendy...hey thanks for the compliment on my monkeys and blog! I have eight to make for Christmas. So far I haven't gotten tired of them, I keep thinking of the child that is going to receive it as I am making each one. Hopefully I will get #4 most of the way done tonight, but I am also decorating the house too so I may not. They go quicker the more you do, so it isn't too bad...but I'm sure by the time I get them all done I will not do any for awhile!

You all have a great evening and day!

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Brandy~Ummm.....sorry but we ate them all. LOL! It's about the only home-made dinner i'm good at. I even made chocolate cake today too but that came out of a box. ;):lol Hey, you can't have it all. :P I've been checking out new recipes though & i'm determined to be as good as you. :hug

Thanks Theresa & Julie! He is feeling better just a little drained now.

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Brandy - your nearly there with your project arent you. I bet you will be glad when your finished and you can do all your other projects. Isnt doing the washing the worst job, Im lucky in that my husband does all the washing during the week and cooks tea for me and I do all that on the weekends. Isnt that great. He is the best.


Tabby - I hope your hubby is much better now. Do you have any chocolate cake left. I love chocolate cake and chocolate and well anything that has chocolate in it... hehe


Theresa - They are all going to love your monkeys. Its not often you can monkey around while crocheting... hehe


Julie - Hey Julie how is your ps going.


I went xmas shopping in my lunch hour today. Im trying to finish buying all my presents. Has everyone else finished.

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Good Morning! It is soooo cold here, BRRRRR. We got a dusting of snow overnight & thankfully that's all we got.

Wendy~I do have some cake left. If you want to fly across the world to get some, you're more then welcome to. :D I'll share.

Well, i'm off to the stinky laundry mat to do tons of laundry. I'll be back! :yes

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Good :sun Tabby and Good:night Wendy! Yes it feels good to getting closer to being done with all this stuff. Now I got a :phone from my neighbor wanting to know if they buy the :yarn can I make an afghan by Christmas. Ugh! I already have the PS to do and a few things that I want to do, so I am not sure if I will make it for them or not. I guess it is going to depend on what kind of afghan she is wanting. I :rant last minute things. This am though I am going to take a little :drive and do a little more :shop for Christmas. I am just about done. I even have some of the :gift all wrapped up under the :ctree . Then when I get off I need to grind up the pork to make sausage and yes I am really making my own sausage. After this I get to crochet some. By this time the kids should be home and I will have to start dinner. Nothing going on tonite so I will probably sit on my rear end and watch some tv and crochet.


How is everyone coming on their quiltghans?? Waiting patiently to see some gorgeous photos.... :hyper I would say maybe by Sunday I will have some to post of the PS that I will be doing!


:manyheart Have a great day everyone!


PS.... Oh Jelly Bean.... I have some more laundry you can do for me!! LOL If you please wouldnt mind?? hehehe By the way... wanna share your chicken and dumplings recipe with me??:hug

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Hi Wendy and good evening to you !

Well, I got a total of ONE more diamond put on my PS yesterday. Whooppee-- boy am I on a roll !

I had been working on other things and put it in the cupboard by my chair and it's been waiting in there all this time, but it's time to dig it out and get busy on it again .

I have almost one of the white sections done. I think I need 2 more diamonds in it to finish it .

Very slow going, but maybe I can get more accomplished today .


I like chocolate cake too ,so maybe Tabby will have a houseful at her house all waiting on chocolate cake .


Morning, Tab-- hope you get the laundry done soon . I hate ironing the worst of any job .:angry

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Julie~A chocolate cake party, what could be better? :manyheart I'm home from the laundry mat & the bags of clothes are sitting by the door still, lol. I wait until my kids are home to help before I put it away. :devil And who said anything about ironing? I don't even own an ironing board, lol. We always wear jeans & t-shirts here & I would never iron a t-shirt. :2nono:lol

Brandy~More laundry? NO WAY JOSE! Thanks anyways. :lol I have 4 garbage bags of ours to put away. People at the laundry mat probably think I never wash clothes but hey there's 6 of us & Jaden can go through 3 outfits in a day sometimes. :eek I can not believe you're almost done shopping & I haven't started. :blush But we are going on Friday so we will probably get all of done then, maybe just a few little things after that. ;) Umm.....if I share my recipe with you then you'll know half of it isn't home-made, lol. I just boil the ckicken in a big pot for a couple hours & then take the chicken out & cook the dumplings in the chicken pot. The dumplings are easy, just foolow the directions on the back of the bisquick box. :rofl That's still home-made, right? HeeHee. :lol

Well, I better get of this thing & get some crocheting done. Maybe, i'll put MY laundry away. :devil

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Hi ho Brandy

Looks like we posted at the same time this morning so I didnt see your post til now .

Wow, another afghan to crank out by Christmas ! You are in high demand this time of year.

Don't wear yourself out trying to keep up with all of this holiday stuff !

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Good morning everyone, thought I would post before I go to work.


Brandy - wow you seem to have a lot on your plate. Are you going to be able to do the afghan before xmas. You still have 19 days up your sleeve.


Julie - Its great to see that you got heaps done on your ps.


Tabby - have you finished all your washing and did you get some crocheting done. Thanks for the offer I would love to come and have some chocolate cake with you. Will I be able to get through all the snow. Hmm I dont have any real winter clothes to wear. Im sitting here with a short sleeve top on and the air conditioner going.

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Wendy~I'm so jealous, I want warm weather. :angry I did get all of the laundry done & even got a bit of crocheting done this afternoon. I haven't worked on my PS today. I was busy on my Hubby's sweater. I have the back, front & 1/4th of a sleeve done. I can't wait to get this off of my list because I really don't want to work on it anymore.:eek I'll get it done soon & then can get back to all the CAL's. :hook



Hello Julie! How's it going? Have ya decided on the next CAl yet? Any hints? Pretty please, i'll give ya gravy. :devil

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Howdy Tabby-O

Nope, havent decided about the next CAL . So even if you had a VAT full of gravy , I couldn't tell you. ( but I would try to sneak a straw into the vat of gravy and siphon some off while you weren't looking ) . :D


There are an awful lot of CAL's going here , so I'm not sure another one would fly right now . Too many to choose from already ! :)

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