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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Thanks for all the compliments.

Wendy~yes my squares curl some but once they are joined on all sides the lay pretty flat. The edge squares do curl some but I think if I do a sc around the whole thing it will take care of that.

Tabby~I like the idea that I am corrupting someone else instead of me being corrupted. hehe

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:lol Tabby has hit a 9 patch and is going around the world instead...:lol


I have been doing my around the world today as well as my 9 patch. Also trying to finish my mums blanket. I will post a pic in the next day to show you. Its not a quilt pattern as such but just want to show and tell.


Tomorrow is sunday and the day of my work's kids xmas party. The girls are looking forward to it.


I have to say that my brain has turned to crochet. Since coming to this site all I can think about is all my projects I have on the go and at work I cant wait to get home to do crochet. Am I strange?

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:sun Good morning all. It is just a bright, sun shiny day out with :snow everywhere. I have to say even though it is gorgeous with all the :snow , it is :wbrr than you know what! Today I am going to try and talk my son into making me a :2snowman . And while he is doing that I get to crochet and do laundry.



Wendy it is really great getting snow for Christmas. It makes it feel more like the :wreath holidays. We havent gotten much snow in the last few years so this is really nice to get all of it. I just :manyheart the snow!!




Brenda your AW is just turning out wonderful! You are doing a beautiful job.


Wendy I think the curling will go away once you sew them together and then do the border on it!


Soon I will get to start the PS. Hopefully soon! Ugh! I just seem not to be able to get anything done here lately!


Well I am out of here to get some laundry and crocheting done!


:manyheart:ctree Have a great day everyone! or in Wendy's case a great nite!:2snowman

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Good Morning All!

I have been working on my PS a bit last night & this a.m. I have two white diamonds left at the top & then i'm going on to the bottom. :yay I can't wait to get another ghan done. :hook

Well, i'm off to crochet & then to the store. Hope you all have a good day or night. :manyheart

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If you are strange, then you came to a good place to hang out, because the rest of us seem to have the same problem you do - Crochet on the Brain .

Have fun at the party !



It does sound like you have had a busy week this week. I hope things slow down a little next week, then maybe you'll have time to take a breather . Have fun with your snowman. Me and Cam usually go out evey year and make one ,but havent had enough snow yet to do it .


Tabby- well, you are beating me on the PS, I got sidetracked again making a few more scarves for people. Should finish up the last one today !

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Brenda -- that is beautiful. I love the color combination. Are you going to be adding any more colors or just keep doing rounds of those?


Wendy -- I have that problem too, I'm still trying to find a job that will pay me to sit at home and crochet. :lol


I love seeing the pictures of the snow. Winter seems to have forgotten about Virginia. Yesterday it was 75 degrees here :angry One of the things I enjoy about Virginia is that we actually have 4 complete seasons, but it doesn't seem like winter will ever get here this year. I am ready for some cold sweater weather and a little snow.


My PS is still sitting patiently in its bag waiting until all my Christmas projects are done. This hiatus as actually given me the break I needed to get excited about it again though, so I'm looking forward to working on it again and getting it finished.

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Tiffany~I am going to do one more round and it will be purple. Then I will be doing a round of sc to finish it off. That is of course if I think it is big enough for an eight year old. I haven't decided which color to use for the edging yet maybe purple if I have enough of it left.

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Brandy - I can only imagine what its like to have xmas in the snow. I think my girls would love to make a snowman. I was watching the news last night and they showed Ohio and Illionois and a few other places and how bad the wind and snow was there. Xmas is summer for us so while you are spending xmas by the fire and in the nice warm house we have the air conditioner on because its hot here.


Tiffany - our ultimate dream is a job where you get paid to sit home and crochet all day.


Tabby - Im glad to hear your getting your ps done, I cant wait to see a pic. Then you will be able to start on the 9 patch.


Brenda - your aw is coming along well, your eight year old will love it. Does she know you are doing it or is it a xmas present.


Julie - You are busy busy busy, are the scarves for xmas presents. I guess you would all need them this time of year with it being so cold over there.


Well Im going to have breakfast now, Im in dire need of a cup of coffee. Would anyone like one.

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Hi Wendy

Yes, I keep thinking of a few more people that I want to make scarves for at the last minute. We don't have snow yet, but it's really cold here now. I think winter finally blew in last night .

I'm all the time thinking of more stuff I want to work on, so my brain ( and hands) never get a rest .

Thanks for the offer of coffee, but all I drink is coke -- not too good for the stomach after almost 50 years,let me tell you .

( That sounds stupid-- I haven't been drinking coke since birth, but since I could pick up a bottle of it . If it was beer, I'd be in a FOG constantly . )


No comments from the Peanut Gallery, folks.... :lol

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:lolThe peanut gallery sits back & giggles. :lol

Sorry, i've been MIA for a bit today but I decided to go spend some time with my Dad & Step-Mom. I did get a couple diamonds done before going but I didn't accomplish much. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. :D

Have a good night! Oh, and it's cold *Brrrrr* here too. :wbrr We had a :storm:rain her last night & in moved the freezing cold air. :wcold

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Well I have just come back from the party and guess what Santa flew in for a quick visit to my work to give all the kids their presents. Kelly got a gift voucher and Emma got a happy house book and jewellery box. They had lots of fun playing there and eating fairy floss and donuts and ice cream. They are going to be so hyped up this afternoon, whereas I just want to sit down

with my coffee and rest.


I did manage to get 6 squares for my 9 patch done before I went. I feel like I havent done anything if I dont get some crochet done in the day.


Its a beautiful day here by the way, does anyone want some nice warm sunny weather.


Ok well your probably all sleeping so I will come back later. Im going to rest my weary feet.

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Hi Wendy!


I am up late tonite! Sounds like you all had a fun time. I would love to have the sun shining, but no warm weather here please. It will melt my snow!! :wgrin Just 23 more days to go for Christmas and I will have my white Christmas that I :manyheart so much!! Then after Christmas you can send all the warm weather vibes this way! :devil Well I am off to bed! I have been busy wrapping presents all nite. The kids and their friends went to a youth center to hang out. Its through the church. They have pool tables and video games and music. Now fun and no trouble place for 2 teens who are not quite old enough to go out driving with friends yet to hang out! Plus gives me a little nice quiet time on a Saturday nite without them!


:flake I hope you are having a restful afternoon and get lots of crocheting done! Talk to you tomorrow morning for me and nite for you! Am I getting this right? :think


Nitey nite!:manyheart

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Hi Brandy, I will keep some hot weather for after xmas ok..

Sounds like you had a nice quiet night. I like those kind of nights. Its so peaceful here when the girls have gone to bed. I can relax without having to listen to the arguing.

Yes when its my night time you will be having breakfast.


Well I have finally finished my mums blanket for xmas and here it is. I hope she likes it.


mums blanket


Where is everyone?

Its sunday morning for you all. You must be all sleeping in.



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Good Morning and Good Night Wendy!


Wendy when you typed your last post it was 4 am here. :night Usually Julie is the early bird. I am still :yawn waking up.


You afghan is gorgeous! I know your mum will :manyheart it. BEAUTIFUL job!:hug


Today seems to be a good day for watching football with the hubby, doing the laundry that I never got done yesterday and some crocheting!


Hope everyone has a GREAT day and a good nites :sleep . Sweet Dreams Wendy!:manyheart

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Good Morning All! :yawn I'm awake but not because I want to be. :sleep It's one of those days that laying on the couch sounds real good. I went to bed early 9:30 p.m. but yet i'm still lazy & sleepy feeling. Maybe it's because my 4 yr. old kept waking up since 3 a.m. :eek I really can't stand broken up sleep because I always feel so tired in the morning. :(

So far i've spent time watching the Brady Christmas where Cindy asked Santa for her Mommys voice back, AWWWW. And now i'm watching Rachel Ray's 30 minute Holiday meal. :yes So, i'm off to try to wake up a bit. I'll be back later.

Wendy~Your Mums ghan is beautiful. I'm sure she'll love it. You did a great job. :clap Have a good night! :night

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Good morning Fellow Crocheters -

You are on the ball today. I have been up for hours, but just now yanked my lazy buns up out of the chair to walk up the steps.


Wendy- it sounds like your party was fun. Can I ask what Fairy Floss is ? Is it the same as cotton candy, or do you know what that is ? It's always interesting to learn different terms people have for stuff .

Thanks for sharing the photo of your mom's afghan. I t looks like one that would have taken quite a long time to complete. It's very pretty .


Brandy- it sounds like you had a few hours of quiet last night -- glad you had that, it is definitely needed now and then to keep your sanity !


Tabby- sorry you had a rough night last night. I hope you will be able to take a little catnap sometime today if the boys all cooperate and Shenandoa doesn't mind keeping track of them for you .


I myself may not get a lot of crocheting done today .

- Cam will be here to play, so racing matchbox cars is at the top of the list today !


Talk to you all later -

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Morning all we still dont have any snow, they keep saying that we are suppose to have some today. Not much going on here today, need to help ds type up his report on snakes, go grocery shopping which I hate and just be lazy I think.


Wendy-your mums ghan is beautiful what a nice job you did on that.

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Thanks Julie! I feel better & more awake now that I went outside & hung more decorations in the freezing cold. That'll wake ya up, lol. No catnaps for me because my Hubby works long hours on Sunday 10-12 hrs. :eek


I'm glad you get a little playtime with Cam today. Vroom, Vroom. :D


I did take an updat pic. of my PS. I must say it looks pretty but mine has such a ruffle that I can't even stand it. :angry I have sit there & smooth it all out over & over again just to have it lay flat, GRRRRRRR!!! But, i'm determined to finish it & will just have to keep it for myself. What a shame, huh? :devil Anywhoo, i'm hoping to get some more done today.







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Tabby you PS is looking good. It is suppose to have a ruffle type look to it. Makes it more like a quilt like that. You are doing Beautiful! on it!!


Your other star is too cute! Great idea!!:hug

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