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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Oh, my progress report. Ummm.....well.....there isn't one. I've gotten nothing done on my PS today. But, I did manage to make 5 pumpkin pies since this morning. :yes I'm hoping to get some crocheting done tomorrow at my MIL's since I don't care to conversate with any of those people. :devil

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Good morning everyone


Julie and Tabby yes you can both come down for xmas no problem.:yes


Dsabol and Theresa welcome to the group, cant wait to see what you are crocheting at the moment. Everyone here is doing one quilt pattern or another. Im doing the around the world quilt then Im going to tackle the 9 patch if I can get some colors together.


Julie and Tabby are going to do the 9 patch as well.

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Well I am on the last 2 colors which shouldnt take long on the ps, but my arm has been killing me for the past few days so i havent crochet at all, we have been very busy at work and I have to use my arm for that, i have carpal tunnel, tendinitis and calcium built up on my tendon so i am told from the doc when i had the work up done, so needless to say they have given me pain pills for now and well they make me go nite nite lol. I hope to rest it another day or so and then finish it up.


Julie- cant wait to see your new colors.


Wendy- good morning to you to,


Tabby- I wouldnt be able to take my stuff with me even if I wasnt going to converse with anyone cuz my luck then they would bug me and want me to tell them how i do this or that and it would wreck my nerves lol.

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You're right about that, Tabby - I'll worry about getting the PS done, THEN move on to other things.

Wow, you guys have been cranking out the pies today ! You must have a big group to feed !


Wendy- thanks-- we may take you up on it if we can hitch-hike our way clear down there . Might have a little trouble going across all that water, but maybe we can get jobs on a boat going that way .



Tab- how are your deep-sea fishing skills ?

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You're right about that, Tabby - I'll worry about getting the PS done, THEN move on to other things.

Wow, you guys have been cranking out the pies today ! You must have a big group to feed !


Tab- how are your deep-sea fishing skills ?


Julie~My hubby is making his now so he'll be busy for a couple hrs. Boy am I happy about that. We don't have an army to feed but we like to make double so we can keep some home just for us. I always give my Dad a pumpkin pie too so that's why I have so many of those. I just made a strawberry banana pie. This will be my first time trying it but it was so easy & sounded so yummy. *drools on self* :lol


And my deep fishing skills are non-existent. I say we kidnap one of the guys off of survivor. I like Yule, so we'll take him. Deal? :yes

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Evening all! :pilgrim


:welcome dsabol it is always good to see new faces join here.



Hi Theresa!! Miss seeing you around! Glad to hear that you will be getting back to your quiltghan! :hug



Andrea sorry to hear that you are having such a time with everything! :manyheart By time you get done resting your arm and hands will be good as new and then you can get that PS all done!


Julie and Tabby!!! I just :manyheart the both of you! You two have the best sense of :haha humor around! I am so glad I got hooked up with this cal!!


Tabby your pies, with the exception to pumpkin :yuck , sound so yummy. I just dont like pumpkin though. I hope your Thanksgiving turns out better than you think it will!


Wendy if you dont mind I will head down with Julie and Tabby. I have always wanted to go to Australia and what better place to Christmas then down under!


BTW Julie my deep fishing skills are up to snuff!! :devil So what do you say Tabby and Julie take me instead of Yule???


As for me this week.... I had a bad day at work yesterday! Some people!! I did manage to get alot of crocheting done on my secret project and I am getting closer to finishing it. I seem to be able to crochet faster when I am upset or mad. Boy oh Boy was I made yesterday!! So hopefully in about 2 more weeks I will be able to start up the PS!


Today I didnt get any crocheting done, but I did make a couple of pumpkin rolls, cranberry orange bread and banana bread to take to my SIL's house for tomorrow!


:ttalk:pilgrim I hope everyone has a Great and Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow! :ghug



PS... Julie I will be thinking about you while I am eating the gravy!! :devil

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Brandy~Hmmm......well, I hate any kind of seafood so I guess i'll still take Yule. LOL, sorry but he's a cutie. ( I had something else written there but thought I better clean it up) *evil giggles* :devil I'm sory to hear that you hate pumpkin pie, but atleast I know what to get you for Christmas. :lol Yes, I truly am evil & I love every minute of it. :yes:P

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Andrea - Sorry to hear about your arm. Just take it easy wont you.


Brandy - Im glad to see your getting closer to finishing your secret project. what is it by the way, I promise I wont tell.:D


Tabby - Im with you, I hate seafood as well. I love pies but not sure about your strawberry and banana pie, you will have to let us know what that one is like.


You can all come down for xmas and bring Yule from Survivor, maybe he can get a boat and row you all downunder. Im sorry to say though we dont have snow here its hot as here at the moment. I wonder what it would be like to spend xmas in the snow. Is it snowing where you all are or is it just cold. You have winter there now dont you.


Well have a great thanksgiving everyone wont you and eat heaps for me.:)

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Brandy- thanks for the concern, been dealing with it for a while, but ps will be done soon.


Wendy- thank you for the concern as well, as far as weather here, im in ohio so there is no snow as of yet, we had flurries the other day but nothing to stick. It is however cold, but I think I would like to be with you where the weather is warm. What is the coldest it gets there? I have always wanted to see Australia, I love to hear the ppl talk that are from there and I think it would be a beautiful place to visit.

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Poor Andrea. I sure hope your arm and wrist start feeling better soon. Maybe working so fast on the PS kinda aggrivated it some. Take it easy for a few days and if you wanna work on it, just do a little at a time. My hands seem to be a little cranky in the mornings this time of year. I think it's due to the cold. When they are cold, they are a little stiff, so they don't work as well or as fast .


Wendy- thanks for the invite . We seem to be getting quite a crew together. We may have to hijack a larger boat, rather than a little dingy .


Tab- It's ok if you bring Yule along, if I can bring Ozzie. I know he's probably young enough to be my son, so no romantic interests there, he's just cute and seems like a nice kid . I like his curly hair too .


Brandy- you can certainly come too, we'd have a blast with the 3 of us on a cruise to Australia . I hope Wendy makes up an extra VAT of gravy when we get there . Please stow a couple slabs of that banana bread in your backpack. YUM, it is one of my favorites !


You guys will think I'm lying ,but I have never TASTED pumpkin pie . It smells good, but certain foods just don't look like I'd like them so I've never tasted them .

I've also never tried sauerkraut ,cole slaw, macaroni salad, potato salad, tomatoes, ketchup,mustard... the list goes on and on .

Just give me a mixing bowl of gravy and some biscuits and watch me go to town with THAT though .

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Doggone, Wendy

Please tell me you are kidding ! You have never had gravy and biscuits ?

Somebody quick. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


DIAL 911 :eek


Get that girl some gravy !!!!!!


You are missing out on one of the best known foods in the world. I like sausage gravy ,bacon gravy, beef gravy, chicken gravy,hamburg gravy, dried beef gravy (SOS) ,turkey gravy ...............the list is never ending .


Just make gravy and pour it over biscuits . Take a bite , then tell me you don't feel a little closer to heaven . :c9

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Oh, and I forgot, Wendy . You guys call COOKIES biscuits over there ,don't you ?


These aren't cookies, these are like BUNS...rolls. I don't know what you call them over there . They are more like small round pieces of bread .


Help me out here, guys.. what do they call biscuits in Australia ?

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Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Wendy~I think you gave Julie a heart attack over not knowing what gravy is, lol. And yes we get lots of snow here in New York but none yet, thankfully. I was meant to be a beach baby so I would love to be there anyday.

Julie~Ya know younger men like older more experienced women so I think Ozzie could be your love slave. LoL. :lol I can't believe you've never had some of the things on your list, ketchup wow. You're not scared of it are you? I saw a show with a woman that was so scared of ketchup & mustard that she ran if they were in the same room.

Andrea~I hope your arm/wrist feel better soon. I know your pain all to well. As much as I groaned about it, physical therapy worked wonders for my tendons. Good Luck & keep us posted. :manyheart

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Hey Julie, calm down hehe I know what gravy is but we put it on meat or chicken. The biscuits you are refering to are scones here which we put jam and cream on.

Thanks Theresa for that website it showed that Julie uses scones.

I bet you all had a laugh at that.

I still think that sounds gross but I guess you never know until you try it. I will have to go buy some scones and make up some gravy and try it.

Do you all eat this over there.

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You guys,

Thanks for the gravy discussion ! What a great way to wake up this morning, seeing all the talk of gravy . Thanks to you guys for helping to explain to Wendy what gravy is .


Wendy- are your scones sweet ? I have heard of them, but I always thought they had a small amount of sugar in them. And yea, I've had biscuits with jelly on them so I think I know what you mean, but our biscuits here aren't sweet, they are just plain-flavored like bread .


I say we all have a TOAST to the GRAVY ACROSS THE WORLD today. Raise your forks in celebration !

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Just a quick comment about Ozzie being my LOVE SLAVE .


Let's just put it THIS way :


I'd HAVE to take him hostage and make him a slave to keep him here. He'd run for his life if he saw this old granny after him. I'm old enough to be his mom . Something tells me it just wouldn't work out , but thanks for the laugh .:lol

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Julie, our scones are just self raising flour, salt, butter and milk made into a dough cut out shapes and put them in the oven. Not really sweet.

I forgot that in America Jam is called Jelly.


I hope you all had a great thanksgiving and ate heaps of food. How is everyones quilt going by the way.


Well Im going to bed its friday night here and Im buggered.

Catch u all tomorrow.

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Good Morning All! *rubs eyes*

Julie~Anytime! You know you can always laugh at me. :lol

Wendy~No, not all of us eat biscuits & gravy. I don't, but I just never said that because I thought Julie would drop dead, lol. I've never even heard of sausage gravy, sounds yucky. The only gravy I eat comes from a can or jar & all I have to do is microwave it. I also use it for meat. My Hubby loves to make biscuits & jam. Now that's yummy. :D

I made no progress on any of my projects yesterday. I ended up not taking my crocheting because I new it would be hard to concentrate on anything but those fools, lol. Today i'm going to kick back & be lazy so hopefully i'll get alot of crocheting done today. As long as I don't get to lazy. ;)

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Well, folks, today I HOPE to get a little done on my PS -- I have done quite a bit on my camo granny and am starting to get a little tired of it, so may pass it on to my daughter to finish for her husband before she sends it out .

I am anxious to get back to my PS, but will have all the gang in tonite, so may not have a lot of time to work on anything .

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