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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Off to a great start, Tabby !!!!


Yep, if you have some time til you get the next yarn color for this, you can try to work hard on your other projects to get them out of the way . That puts a little more emphasis on trying to get them done, so you can work on your NEW project !

You are farther than me-- I haven't even started my center yet- still making scarves- 2 done now and the 3rd started . One to go after this, so it shouldn't be too long before I can start the PS - :) Sometime tomorrow at the latest.

I will finish the scarves while watching Amazing Race tonite !

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I have 3 of the center joined so far its not to bad it does go sort of fast. Of course if I would stay off here and the phone it pry will go much faster lol.

Julie, since it is going well and I thought it wouldnt I know you will do just fine on it. Of course I havnt had to join more than one side yet. I told Brandy I may be here at midnight with a help wanted sign LOL.

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Good for you Andrea ! See there , you are doing it ! I dropped you a note in the other thread, but will here too. I mailed the diagram to you twice and it got sent back both times-- if you still want it, please send me your email again or a different email address if you have one. It's not going thru your other one for some reason .


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Thank You everyone! :manyheart


Andrea~It does go quickly & the 2 sided one isn't difficult either. Just do the same thing on the other side, you'll see.......piece of cake. Good Luck!! :hug:cheer


Julie~Yeah, i've been burning a hole in the round ripple i'm going so fast. LOL! I almost have it completed, 10 more rounds. Hopefully tomm. :hook

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Julie, I dont know why your getting that error cuz I got it the other day once I sent you the email addy. so no worries I already printed it out and am hilighting it as I complete something.

Tabby, Well I started joining the next round got a little lost and still not sure if when I got to the center if I joined it right but I'm not about to frog it and do it again , It doesnt look bad so I'm gonna leave it. Once I get the painted desert on then I will post a pic. I think at this point I'm more afraid of getting lost than anything else lol.

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Wendy you are on your way with your first square. :cheer I noticed that you make them a bigger size than the ones I make. Good thinking 99 ... in the end you may cut down the number of squares you need to make and most importantly the number of ends that need weaving.


It will be spectacular.... now let me get back to my WIP .... weaving in ends at the moment and will post as soon as I can.

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Hi everybody--

looks like lots af action in here last night again so I'll answer all the posts in one .

Tabby -wow, only 10 more rounds to go on your ripple ? Good for you ! You have set a record for finishing 2 afghans in such a short time .


Andrea -I'm glad you got the mail ok, it must be my email then. My daughter sent Halloween photos of her kids last week and only one set of them would come through, so maybe my mailbox is messing up .

Keep up the good work, your PS looks really NICE !!!


Ines- I know you'll have another stunning afghan to show us here soon if you are weaving in ends ! You are wonderful at the quilt-ghans.

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Wendy- yep, that size of square will be fine for the Around the World. It will make your work a lot less challenging once you lay them all out together-- the bigger the squares , the less you'll have to make and put together in the end .

My pattern had only 2 rounds, and I used all SS yarn, so I used a G hook with it (since that yarn is skinnier than RH ) ,so each square was about the size of a saltine cracker . LOTS of squares to join --WHEW---

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Good evening ... or should I say good morning Julie. I finished the 'ghan and it is not a quilt like one. I started this one in the end of August and then left it sit until this weekend. I am still weaving those pesky ends and then I will take a photo. A friend would like a blue/yellow afghan. Do you think that she will mind that this one is blue/purple? I do have a blue/yellow on the go but that one is resting at the moment as I waiting for inspiration... I feel that it needs another shade of blue. I best go back to those ends:hook

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Julie - this square has 4 rounds but Im using an E Hook, still the square is bigger so I think if I did all the rows in the pattern its going to be huge. I am nearly on my 3 color. Have you finished the scarfs so you can start on your quilt.


Forines - dont you just love weaving the ends in. I gave my grandma 30 squares on the weekend that needed ends weaved in. She loves doing that job, not many people can say that. It gave her something to do.


Well Im going to bed now. Tomorrow is Melbourne Cup Day. Its a horse race that stops a nation. There are sweeps going at work and everyone stops to watch this one race, and I mean all of Australia stops to watch it.


Cant wait to see some pics of your progress everyone..

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Hello Ines and Wendy -

You may both be sleeping by this time, it is 8:15 AM here.


Ines- Well, as far as your friend goes, I'm not sure if she'd want the blue and purple rather than the blue and yellow- I don't know her so not sure- Did she ask for the yellow in it to match something in one of her rooms, or just because she likes yellow ? I know any afghan you made would be a treasure to receive, no matter what colors were in it. You do such beautiful work .


Wendy - Nope, the scarves aren't yet done. I ended up going to bed before finishing them, but may go ahead today and start the center of my PS .It's too tempting to see the others started and mine is still in the bag waiting for me to pull it out .

I DID do a few more squares on my 9 -P ,just as a little diversion. You can only make so many of the same thing in a row before you want a few minutes change . I will have to count how many of my 2nd skein squares I have made. The first one made ALMOST 26--- had to add a tiny bit to the last one to complete it .


Nighty-night, you guys ! You'll both be getting up to start another day about the time our day is winding down . :)

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Thank you to all of you for your compliments, aj, brandy, julie, ines, wendy and hopefully I didnt forget anyone, I put the wheat on next not all of it though so it is coming along nicely and I am weaving ends as I go I feel that for some reason its not such a pain to do it that way. LOL. Once I get a few more colors on I will post another pic of my progress. Anyone that has done this before once you get the first 4 colors up and it starts to the soft white do you still go around in circles or did you do the top half of the ghan then do the bottome half. Does that even make since.

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Andrea... Your PS is off to a good start. You are doing a great job!!



Ines... Cant wait to see your masterpiece. All of your work is beautiful.



I am trying to decide what to work on right now until I found out what colors the lady wants the PS. It is either going to be another knitted pair of socks or this braided scarf that I have had my eye on. We will see what inspires me today... hmmmmm :manyheart

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Andrea .... when I made mine. I always did all of one color all the way around the afghan. I also weaved my ends in as I went. That way you dont have them at the end to do. It made it easier to stay with the one color and not get to confused. Cant wait to see your progress!!!:hook

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Well Im going to bed now. Tomorrow is Melbourne Cup Day. Its a horse race that stops a nation. There are sweeps going at work and everyone stops to watch this one race, and I mean all of Australia stops to watch it...



Wendy this sounds interesting. I bet it is fun to watch!

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Julie I am having a late night tonight. I am usually asleep by now ... it 11.35pm but tonight I was motivated to complete my blue/purple 'ghan. I posted it "dragonflies take flight" . OOps I made an error and named the thread "Dragonfly take flight"... all those dragonflies blended into one at this late hour.

My friend will be grateful with any colour I am sure but she did mention that she loves a blue and yellow combination so I will stay with to those colours for hers.


Andrea, that's the way to go.... weave all the ends as you go. Usually I do this but sometimes I just make life tough for myself. You will be finished this PS in no time at the rate you are going. I am looking forward to the next photo of your progress.

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Wow, Ines !

That Dragonfly afghan is just gorgeous ! What a showpiece !


and I love that Jewels afghan you have a couple pages before that. Wow, it must've taken a long time to do that one ! Was it from a pattern or did you make it up yourself ?

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