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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Hi Diane! You made my day. :hug I have about that number of UFOs and was beginning to feel somewhat disgusted with myself. Like many of us I have the compulsion to begin a new and exciting afghan when I am half finished the previous one. That feeling was only for a brief moment as I regard my crochet as my therapy and I do eventually complete my projects. Occasionally, I frog a project and make something else(the 63 afghan was made from yarn I had frogged).However, I have now started to use a notebook where I note down the hook size and other notes to remind myself what I was doing when I do return to the project. I do not waste yarn and ultimately it keeps me happy and sane. I love UFOs:manyheart

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Patricia Thank you for those nice comments. I look at other's work and admire how they use their colours too. Some of my favourite afghans are those where I use scraps. I have a few on the go now but have not completed them as I add to them as I finish other projects; there is a flower motif, a diamond and a hexagon one waiting on the sideline to be finished.

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Diane and Ines

I admire you guys for being such good MULTI-TASKERS . I am LOUSY at it. I'm not LOUSY at getting started on 10 different things at once, but I am LOUSY at finishing ANY of them at that point. The more I have going at a time, the more overwhelmed I get .

I am trying REALLY hard to only do one thing at a time now, and not allowing myself to even buy more yarn til that project is done. THEN I can get new yarn .


The only help I can offer you is, if you have too many things started and it is bothering you, take the one that is the furthest done and ONLY work on it til it's done , then do the same with the next one til it is done .

Some people are able to work on many things at once, though and it doesn't bother them . :)

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I am on an afghan kick too and have about 8 started. The trouble is, (and I don't know if you remember me from the UFO Cal, Patricia), I have a lot of trouble finishing anything. I've gotten a couple done, though, and I keep plugging away. Well, it is lovely to see you, and I hope we see more of you.


Patricia, Are you still in the UFO cal or are you all caught up now. If not, I may see you back in there soon!

Oh, Diane! finished? I only wish! But what a kind thing to say, and also encouraging :hug I think I'm with you and Julie on the starting, but not finishing things issue. well, I usually finish the projects that have deadlines that someone else is expecting, and the experiments I'm doing get put on the sidelines regularly. Ah! :idea I've got it! All I have to do is figure out some way to assign a recipient (read: accountability partner) and deadline to each of my experiments, think that'll work? :think I can just see it now: 12 step program for UFO's Anonymous: "Hi, my name is Patricia and I like to start crochet projects. Hi, Patricia." :lol

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The pattern is in Hooked on crochet Number 17 from Sept Oct. issue.It is not done in sqs it is triangle motifs that you then boarder in black it forms a star joining only the points of the triangle(sort of airy) Texas star afgahn is the name of the pattern.

The motifs work really fast and I should be joining my center piece by tonight. As soon as I have a few rounds/rows done Ill post a photo

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Patricia is your "quilt" finished? what post is there a photo?
Hi, Jimmie Lu! Here's the link to my finished (babyghan size) Prairie Star. I made it babyghan-size by modifying this pattern. I removed 2 rounds/colors from the inner star and the outer pattern.


Turns out I do have the Hooked on Crochet #17 (:yay thanks for the pattern info!:hug), and I like their diamond motif design a lot. going to experiment with it a bit when I get the chance.

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Jimmie -- That looks great. I love the variegated color. Can't wait to see the finished product.


Well, I think I found the "holy grail" of quiltghan pattern books today. I went to a large book fair that they have in Virginia a couple of times a year called the Green Valley Book Fair. One of the books that I picked up was Country Afghans: The Vanessa-Ann Collection (published by Oxmoor House). It has tons of patterns based on quilts. I was :c9 looking through it. Now I just need to hide it somewhere until after Christmas so that I can focus on the gifts I need to get made and finishing up my other WIPs before starting something new.

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Jimmie Lu, I love your Texas Star! That black really brings out the jewel tones in the variegated yarn you're using (which is..?) Simply gorgeous.:cheer:clap:applause You hang on to that one, y'heah? Don't let anybody talk you into giving it away!


Tiffany, thank you for scouting out this book - :hug:ty turns out I have a copy in my own collection, and you are so right, it's a treasure trove. It even has the rail fence pattern I was trying (unsuccessfully) to create (the pattern calls for a hdc instead of the single crochet I was using. No wonder my aspect ratio was off....)

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Oh I wont Patricia Its mine mine all mine. The yarn is a varrigated Of Patons Canadian I am sorry I do not know the color. A lady who my husband visited (a shut in) bought it and didnt like it and hubby broght it on home for me. I have been saving it forever and waiting to use it for something extra special

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I need a :kick and start :hook crocheting if I think I'm going to get my around the world done for christmas! I did get another round of squares done but I need to join them. This is all made worse by the fact that we are starting to pack to move in a couple of weeks. Could get interesting. :)

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Dear Goofy

Stop goofing off and get some work done. You have 2 weeks til you have to pack stuff to move. Use those 2 weeks to get some work done on this afghan or you'll be sorry ! Once you move, you may not have much time to sit and crochet for several weeks ,so make the most of the next 2 .


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I just found two patterns that could easily be transferred to a crochet pattern, and one of them DH would absolutely love. I'm filing this away for my first "after the holidays" project!

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I need a :kick and start :hook crocheting if I think I'm going to get my around the world done for christmas! I did get another round of squares done but I need to join them. :)

Same here. I want to finish mine for Christmas and I did do another round and even started on another one (not joined of course). Maybe we need a 2 week retreat for this... yeah like I won't work on anything else :laughroll .

But I do need to work on it. Instead this morning I made a few Halloween items (may post the pics later). Just because. :P

Maybe we need to post in here as we work on it and if we see this CAL everyday we will actually get it done! maybe...


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Thanks for the kicks! hehe Things are starting to only look worse....we keep moving our closing date up so that I have less time before we move. Of course I only make it worse by making the mystery holloween square. But I am now done with that and plan to make atleast a few squares for my AWA a day and pack at least a box a day. My last three days of work with end on monday so after that I will have no excuses.

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I have not posted for such a long time as my computer was being silly. I have made a few afghans and have a few others in progress. Here is the star one from Blue Ribbon Afghans. You can see other afghans in my webshot link in the afghan album. My sister now has this one in her home. I love this pattern!




Ines.. You did a beautiful job on this one. Gorgeous Pattern. :manyheart

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Hi brandy and AJ:hug This was one that I had admired for a long time and finally was able to get the book with the pattern. I made it in early August for my sister. Thanks for the for the lovely comments. I am busily trying to complete WIPs at the moment before it gets too hot in my corner of the world. Would love to see your new projects.

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