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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Julie and everyone

here are the colors I picked and after I have got started I dont think they are going to be very pretty together but going to have to use it anyway

fudsia first color ,rnd2 aran rnd 3 light rasberry and I dont know next I have light pink burgandy and frosty green,:think

And I think Ive lost my mind getting those colors:eek

I dont even like Pink!

Have a good night

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Ok, here goes... I've never done a CAL before but after catching up on everyone's posts, I can't resist...I just have to go for it, but which one? Decisions, decisions... I'm stuck between the Prairie Star and Around the World. Is one any easier than the other? I'll have to decide soon, I have to finish assembling my cancer ribbon ghan and will be ready to start - after yarn shopping of course (sigh) :)

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Evening all. I hope everyone is coming along fine. As for me I may never be able to crochet again....:eek My hands are so raw. Thank you Julie for giving Mary some advice. She gets to do all of the work now. Will probably take her out to start getting some of her yarn tomorrow. And I am sure she will sneak back on here while I am out finishing up in the yard. Well if anyone out there has any quick rememdies for sore, scratched, cut, and just plain messed up let me know. Julie how long do I have before you post another cal on here :think I hope it will be a while....:hook I found that it is more addicting reading what everyone else is doing than actually working on your own. Well have a good nite all. :manyheart

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So sorry to hear about your hands! Mine get horrible every winter- dry, cracked, red, etc. I slather (I mean LOTS!) my hands with Curel- works the best for me- right before bed.... if you can still see white, you did it right! LOL. Then put cotton white socks (or if you're lucky enough to have them, white cotton gloves so you don't look so dorky) on your hands and sleep with them on. By the AM- they should be at least 85% better... sometimes it heals it 100% if it wasn't too bad to begin with.

Hope your hands heal soon



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Thanks Janine. But I should have worn gloves and by time I remembered it was too late. I have been soaking them in Lemon Hand treatment by CO Bigleow. HOpefully they will be back to normal in a couple of days. I think :think Click on my blog and you can see what I did. I havent posted what I got done today but will update it tomorrow. Still have more to do. But right now I hurt from my head to my toes..:lol Oh well a little hard work never killed no one...Have a great nite.

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Brandy -

Thanks for the cute poem ! I like it . :)


Dazy- They don't HAVE a smiley that has his fingers in his ears ... JUST for this reason : When a new CAL is offered , resistance is futile . Why plug your ears ? Your EYES will STILL be able to see the words .... :D


Evelyn -Drop in and tell us what colors you pick !


PS- Don't feel bad about the color -wheel thing . I don't even HAVE one and wouldn't know what it was if it hit me in the head . :lol

and sticking my fingers in my eyes would be a bad thing, right? :think

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he's doing better, thanks. now he's just mostly bored waiting for the bone to mend. nothing like being out of commission for 6 to 8 weeks in the middle of spring. he does photography on the side and had a wedding scheduled for today. since every truck we have is a straight stick, i had to drive him an hour away and help him set up and take down his lights and equipment. on the up side, we made $500 for shooting the wedding and with him on workers comp, it'll really come in handy. thank goodness he can still move that index finger to push the button on the camera.:whew

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Dazy...I know all about that workmans comp. My hubby has been on it now for 2 years. And I have been driving him around the whole time. Now though he gets to drive. :clap At least your husband is healing. :manyheart

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hello ladies,

someone here said that if you don't read every few hours(no make that every few minutes) then there will be 4 or 5 pages to play catch-up with!!! How true!!! I didn't get the computer yesterday as my kids hogged it all day!!!!:angry But on the brighter side I got some more done on my PS and I ripped and re-did and ripped some more till I could settle with what I finished!!! Somehow the pinks have just taken over my PS!!! I can't bring a lavendar or purple or even a blue!!!! and to top it the pink I wanted to use just gave me twelve diamonds!!! So back to my stash I went hunting and hoping that there would be a different shade of pink yarn!!!


My daughter loves pink but even she was sick of it i think!!!:lol She said "next time you better buy some yarn and don't go thinking you HAVE the yarn at home!!" Kids these days....


Thanks forall your kind words ladies and it would become like a roll call list if I were to mention each one of you individually and I am bound to forget someone ..


Brandy I love your yard!!! I read all about your gardening efforts and man is it going to be worth it !!! The brick patch looks lovely and I can even picture the flowers there:)


Mary you did great on your first afghan! was that crochet and weave? wow I have not tried that technique yet!! Congrats on picking out the colors for your next afghan..will be waiting for your pictures.


Dazy I can see myself being sucked in by this Julies'CAL madness! and like the borg collective would say"resistance is futile" we will be assimilated..


Julie don't know why but I am enjoying this CAL more -- could be because I am actually participating inside of standing in the sidelines??:think


Anyway cheers to all who have succumbed to Julie's CAL's (they are the BEST) !


Hoping to show you all my work later this afternoon.


Julie now stop teasing us and let us know what your creative mind is planning for us!!!




PS if you think that I am overwhelming you with pictures please let me know:) Will post one after every few rounds instead od of after every round:hook

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Patricia, I am *SO* impressed at your ability to keep track of everyone!! :D
Frann, I challenged myself to try to keep up with JulieKay - it was an experiment, and now I know what I've been suspecting all along - She uses Magic! (the magic of caring!) (I wrote the reply in Word2000 as I read each post - couldn't have done it otherwise) It also confirmed another suspicion - that I'm in a group of crochet geniuses! :nworthy


I still don't know how Julie does it, but I'm facing the fact that I can't. Crochet, read all the posts, and reply, that is. So, I'm embarrassed that I've posted and not responded when people posted replies/references/answers to what I've said/asked. Certainly not due to lack of interest, or courtesy - just limitations. Why have I made this point? Well, I know how good it makes me feel when I read a post that refers to something I wrote, and replying back, sort of like carrying on a correspondence, you know - makes me feel noticed, loved, and appreciated - and it bothers me that I'm not giving back in the same way/level. **edit: hey, lighten up here, self! I'm taking myself waaay too seriously - must of spent too much time reading the off-topic conversations forum - I'm glad to be back home to this thread - all about crochet!**


For instance, Ines/Forines so kindly gave me the help I needed with my 'Star, and I haven't even used it yet (as witnessed by my signature, which is still true, unfortunately **not now - finished another square :yay**). I *am* very grateful, just scattered! **edit: enough digging for compliments, already! (snicker) :lol**


I guess I'm trying to say that I'm newly aware of how precious this dialogue/forum is, and that real friendship, especially online, where the written word is pretty much all we have to work with, takes time and effort. And if I post something, either comment or question, then it is only courteous for me to check for answers and respond accordingly. I didn't keep up over the last few days, and I'm not too pleased with myself for that. If I'm being hard on myself, it's because I want to do better! **edit: hey, guess what - I found out I'm not perfect! now maybe I can get off my soapbox, and join the rest of the real people around here :giggle**


Hmm, I didn't plan on dumping all this introspection on y'all - we're here to crochet and encourage each other! but I did want to say out loud that it is a real joy to me to read and post to this thread, and I wish for each and every one of us the same warm feeling I get, knowing there are people I can go talk to who pay attention to what is important to me, as you do whenever you respond in a post. :ghug**edit: now this I approved of wholeheartedly when I reread it! :ghug:yay**


**edit: boy, was I in a weird mood when I posted this - much better now! love you guys - gotta run - got music to make, bells to ring, people to worship with! see you later!**

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Patricia, thank you so much for the list of books! :hug

Gleda, you are very welcome! I did find the bear claw in one of the quilt-look books I had overlooked, it was combined with the railroad crossing pattern, and called a bear paw crossing:


It's in Annie's Attic 870015 Crochet Americana Granny Squares, 1997, 5 designs. All of them are quilt-look sqares done in red, white and blue, very pretty

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JulieKay, I can't even brainstorm (operative word, storm, not brain:think ) around you, can I? Well, *if* it were winter, and *if* there were a freezing cold flagpole around, I'd be in real danger :lol :lol :lol .

Hmmm. Maybe I should make the 63 squares sampler in thread?


You're on Patricia -- I double-dog dare you !!!!:lol .


Wiser heads have decided this would be too hard - and I'm listening to Vims on this one!


But seriously, what would be practical to carry on a 2-week trip to and through Turkey? We'll be doing a lot of bus travel. I figure that it will be smart to use a fiber that is compact and light, that I can carry enough of to last the 2 weeks. I'd love to find Turkish fiber sources for replenishment, but don't want to count on shopping, since that isn't one of the trip goals for my co-travelers. I keep coming back to thread, and small projects, like squares, or maybe bookmarks, and suchlike.


Any advice, people? I had a very nice pm from someone who went to Turkey last year and plans to return - she suggested I check with the airline in question (BritishAir, yay!) on the permissible-on-board question, but if y'all have any other travel suggestions, I'd love to hear them.


dh is calling bedtime, bedtime, so gotta go, and I've only read through post 905 on pg91, so if you've answered this question, please forgive me for asking twice! :embar

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ok, so he'll shoot me but just one more reply.....


I hope everybody is feeling much better in the morning - feeling sick and having to take care of the rest of the family is just plain no fun - hope y'all are better, soon!:manyheart

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Hi Evelyn

Your colors sound nice to me, but if you don't like them , take them back and exchange them for other colors. I know if I start on an afghan and don't like the colors, it is REALLY hard for me to finish it ,and I usually don't .

I like pink , but if you don't ,then maybe you could come up with a different group of colors you'd like better .

Good luck ~~ :)

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WELCOME Karen !!!

We're always glad to have someone new in the group . As for your question, I'd say the

Around the World is probably easier than the prairie star. I haven't made a prairie star yet, so am not an expert on it. A couple ladies here have already finished theirs though and there are more working on them now. I think both are beautiful patterns .

Let us know which one you choose and your colors !!!



Mary- drop in and tell us what colors you buy .


Brandy- It'll be awhile til I start a new CAL .. I still want to make at least one more afghan in this group ,possibly 2, so I won't want to get another project going til then. This group keeps me hopping right now ! :lol

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Hi everyone. I have been quite this last week and now cannot even begin to respond to everyone on this thread. I hope you are all on the road to recovery and swinging that hook.


I have had a busy weekend as I had my nephews staying for the weekend. I did do some crochet but not as much as I had planned.


Brandy your yard is looking great ... I have somewhat neglected mine as I find my back gives me hell when I try and spend too much time in the garden. I now try and have plants that do not need to much tender loving care.


Vims your afghan is looking fantastic.


City Girl Yours is BEAUTIFUL!


Now I have forgotten who else I wanted to reply .....


Here is the one I am making. I have made most of the little squares but still have to complete the larger 2 colour squares. The design layout is called the Jewel Box and My husband and daughter chose the colours. As I have taken this photo at night it does not show the "true" colours. I am enjoying this one as I am taking my time.



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