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Crochet -a- Quilt


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well I worked on mine until almost midnight. I have


60 aran

19 sage

77 woodsy green

These I have left to do in the square making part. But today is my :cake and hubby has plans after work today . So I might not get a whole lot done today . But everyone is doing so good. I wish I was as fast as some of you . and as talented ...... Keep up the good work. :manyheart

:bdayHappy Birthday snbarclay. Nope birthdays do not mean much to me anymore. It is the day when I get 4 phone calls before the day begins... one from my mum,my 2 sisters and my eldest daughter. I think they have a competition who will be first. Have a great day.
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Good luck on the job ! How's your husband doing now ?


My gosh, Pam - that is definitely a disaster. NOTHING to crochet ? No YARN in the house ? SOMEBODY CALL 911 :eek


Dear Forines and AJ -- if you're out there, some assitance is needed on the prairie star !!! :manyheart

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I have given up on the prairie star i can do the diamonds and get them together but i can't seem to figure out how they join in the middle on the first 6?:rant I have worked on this for 2 days, its probably something silly i am not doing right.Maybe i'll do the nine square one.


Dragonfly join the second to the first 5ch sp with sc and then keep joining the rest into this first sc ... so when you join 3rd motif at the point you are making a sc into the sc of the previous motif join. Does this make sense?


Happy EGG day everyone. I am off to visit my mum. She lives about an 1 and a half drive from here. I usually drive there and DH drives back. So I will take some crochet to do in the car.

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Good luck on the job ! How's your husband doing now ?


My gosh, Pam - that is definitely a disaster. NOTHING to crochet ? No YARN in the house ? SOMEBODY CALL 911 :eek


Dear Forines and AJ -- if you're out there, some assitance is needed on the prairie star !!! :manyheart


Julie I am in a slight hurry so if Dragonfly is totally confused with the instructions I gave, I will place step by step photos on my website.


Pam No yarn in the house? Either you have been crocheting your heart away or some yarn thief has been to your house. :D

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Ok here goes, I have been crocheting for about 40 + years !!!:eek


I have tried 15 times to get the first row on the block for the prarie star I finaly got it now Im on the 15th try for the third row!!! It just doesnt come out with the right amount of stitchs Its time to give up !! and try some thing else:thair :thair

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Evening all. I have had a pretty good day. Left later than what I thought we were going. Found the yarn stores....:woo Until we pull up and walk to the door only to find it CLOSED :thair for Easter. On a Saturday. :rant Needless to say that did not make my day very good. I even looked in the windows, and let me say......YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN ALL THE YARN IN THERE!!!

:drool I do believe I started crying....:cry That was the first yarn store and then we did a repeat of above at the second store. I guess I was not suppose to go yarn shopping today. I did manage to get my perwinkle blue yarn and my microspun after hitting every craft store in the area....:clap I was also a very good girl I worked on my quiltghan and I almost have another block done. Will keep working on it through the nite unless my headache gets the best of me.:headache

I see everyone has been busy and I am going to try and catch up. Have a great EASTER Everyone.....:manyheart

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Here are a couple of pics of what I have done.



The top one is before I got the blue on and the bottom two are finished except for the joining which will be done when all the squares are done. In the bottom photo the square on the left is the first one I got done and is a little bigger than the other two I have done so I might end up frogging it, but am going to wait till I get them all done to make sure I have enough yarn. I may just be able to get another one done with the yarn I have and not have to worry about it. I am not a great picture taker but these were the best I could do! Thanks for looking!

Theresa "2"


I love your afghan. I might have to try that pattern one day. Is it very hard?

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Thanks for the help, it does make sense. now i just have to take it apart and start over. Is the rest easier once you get the first 6 done? thanks again everyone. I will let you know how i make out.

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Once you get past the first six you should have no problems. When you go to connect each one just sc into or around prev. sc joining. When I made it the second time I had the pattern memorized and I could change which direction I did so the hole was not quite a big. It is kinda of hard to explain. But it really does get easier. Just be Patient...

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OK Brandy I took a few breaths, Walked Away And who knows when I will pick it up again !!:eek Need a few to think about it!! :think Guess I will read a Harry Potter book.

Teresa Yours is really pretty Looking at it it is optic illusion, It doesnt look like it is laying flat until you enlarge the picture

Maybe I should pick something like that. to make.

Thanks for helping me Brandy

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Hello Everyone!

Boy did I miss a lot in the last couple days. (I had a couple, unexpectedly long work days.)

I am so happy for you AJ - what a beautiful job on your Prairie Star. It is gorgeous. I wish I could have participated in the cheering squad during your final push to the finish, but I was there in spirit.

Forines - You are quick and your afghan is gorgeous! I am glad you will be staying on to do another . I :turtleshould be done by the time you and AJ have finished your 3rd or 4th afghan. Seriously, though, the speed is giving me an urgency to get going on this one.

Brandy - I love the square you chose. People here have such good taste! It is a lot of work to do so much sewing, but it is going to be beautiful! Congrats on your e-bay win, too!:)

Theresa - WOW is your square stunning - and looks very detailed. Also very quilt - like. I can't wait to see them put together.


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Hi, Brandy, AJ, thank you so much for the advice.


Last night, I tried to make one of the diamonds with a G hook, and found out I didn't understand the pattern! so I never finished round 2 to see if I could connect them without the third round. Talk about getting stumped early....


Hi Patricia.... I dont think taking a round out would work...But if you use the smallest size hook and the simply soft that would take it way down in size.....I think....
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Now for my second post... To the other PRAIRIE STAR people.

Gleda and Cathy: I am so glad you are doing the PRAIRIE STAR too! There are so many beautiful variations of color that can be used. I am sticking to colors similar to the pattern, but aren't AJ's and Forine's gorgeous. What are your colors? Any problems so far. Right now I've got the diamond pattern down pretty well, but I am making mistakes joining the diamonds. I guess I have to learn to focus.

Evelyn: Don't give up! I think the transition from the 2nd to the 3rd row on the diamond can be confusing, but once you get it, you'll find it pretty easy, I think. Are you off by one or two count? I found it a bit hard to remember where to skip a dc. Would a picture help. (I've never posted one, but I will try!)

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Norma -

:dance:rose:cheer Happy Birthday!:party:heart:flower


Hope it is the beginning of a wonderful year!

You've accomplished a lot on your afghan too. Congratulations!

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It's good to see you here still plugging away. I hope your hubby is doing well, too! I noticed you mentioned the UFO's. Last time I posted in there, I made a real committment to finish all my projects, ...then I saw this CAL:blush . I have 2 SWAPs I am finishing up, that are taking up my time this week. As soon as those are over, I will be choosing one UFO to work on with thisCAL. I have trouble sticking with only one. Hope to see you in both places!

Good luck with your Greenhouse job!

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i seem to come and go from the UFO CAL. i get them all done up, then it's no time till i have to do it again. i tell you what, i gotta get pushed sometimes:tryme . i've also got a GFG started. it's just gonna be a lapghan, but it got laid aside when julie started working her magic :spin in this thread. granted, it didn't take much prodding to get me to join up. i love quilts and have made a few. but never a crocheted one. crocheting and quilting. the best of both worlds. and i've wanted something pretty for our bed.

thanks for asking after my DH (disaster-prone husband). he got a full cast put on his wrist yesterday, so it doesn't wiggle around and hurt as much. and they told him to move his shoulder around some and keep it from stiffing up on him. other than that, he's fine. just bored. and it's only day 4.

i got a total of 8 squares of group c done today. i think i may join the first 3 rounds just to see what it's looking like. curiosity is getting the best of me. :scrachin

i'll probably get more done tomorrow. i've done so much yardwork today that i'll probably be sore all over and just want to stay in my chair all day.

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:waving Hi all, just wanted to check and see how everyone is doing. I have not felt real good :sick since I got home from work today, but that did not stop me from my :hook crocheting. It just slowed me down a little bit. We have been so short handed that I have been working a lot of hours. Being the teller supervisor sometimes I had rather do it than to put it on someone that is not sure of what to do. Okay I have wined :cry enough now on to good stuff. I really want to hurry and get through with the neon pinwheels and baby bubbles afghan so I can start on one of these others that I have seen that is so pretty. Lets face it I just need to have four hands or there needs to be a least three of me. Even though my DH says "heaven for bid one of me is enough." He is really a sweet heart and spoils me rotten. We just celebrated our 25th anniversay:bheart :applause:yay
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AJ, Hey, if that's your size, then I could go for the whole pattern! excitement.....:yay And, I could decide after making the inner two star layers, too, which would give me a decent size estimate.


Could you help me out a little more, please? and Ines, if you are not totally sick of the whole topic, would you look this over also, please?


I tried the diamond last night, and it didn't make sense in two places in round two, and I think it's because I didn't get round 1 right:


as written:

Rnd 1: ch 1, [sc, hdc, dc, tr, ch 3, tr, dc, hdc] twice all in ring; join with a slip stitch to first sc.

so, I expanded this to: ch 1, sc, hdc, dc, tr, ch 3, tr, dc, hdc, (first time through the bracket)(then go back and repeat the bracketed info by doing: ) sc, hdc, dc, tr, ch 3, tr, dc, hdc, (second time through the bracket) Then, join the last hdc to the first sc.


Here's where I got suspicious - you have to skip over the ch 1 to get to the first sc. Is that right? I tried it both ways, joining to the ch 1, and in a later attempt, in the sc. Neither one seemed good.


The second place that stumped me was in Round 2.

As written: ch 5, dc in sc, * dc in next three stitches, (3 dc, ch 4, 3 dc) all in ch-3 space, dc in next 3 stitches, **, (dc, ch 2 dc) all in next sc; repeat from * to **; join to 3rd ch of ch-5.


As I tried it: ch5, dc in sc, then "dc in next 3 sts" works out to dc'ing in the hdc, the dc, the tr. But, the upper two loops of the treble crochet form part of the ch-3 space, so that third dc actually ends up in the ch-3 space? Puzzled, but determined, I continued, putting 3 dc stitches, then 4 chains, then 3 more dc's all into the ch-3 space, no prob. Then, the next "dc in next 3 sts" puts a dc in the treble, double, and half double, again, no problemo. Then, you're supposed to put a double, 2 chains, and another double into the single crochet forming the low spot along the ring. This sc is the first stitch in the brackets of rnd 2, second time around. Groovy so far. Now, on to the * to ** repeat: "dc in next 3 sts" puts a dc in the hdc, dc, tr (same issue again with top of treble stitch actually forming part of the chain...) and no hassle with filling the ch-3 space with 3 dc, ch 4, and 3 more dc. At this point, round 2 is almost finished, and I only had to do the last "dc in next 3 stitches". Here's where I got blocked. Leading away from the ch-3 space, there is a treble, double, and a half double, joined to the round 1's beginning sc. that third dc will be in the loop joining the hdc to the same place where I put ch 5 into at the beginning of the round. But then I'm supposed to join that same dc to the 3rd chain of the ch-5, when the two are packed into the same sc. the diamond was definitely not symmetrical at this point.


What am I doing wrong? It seems like there should be another ch1 halfway around Rnd 1, as if it should have been inside the bracket that was repeated...


thank you so much for wading through this (:eek ) and straightening me out. I really want to do that Prairie Star, and I *thought* I understood how to read patterns. Live and learn :lol:rofl

I agree with Brandy. I did mine with sport weight and an H hook and it's going to end up being about 40x55. I'd recommend using an H hook with the SS. It'll be a little bit bigger (and thicker) but it won't be the ginormous size the gauge of the pattern calls for. :hook
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Ok Patricia, I know I am not AJ but when you join round 1 you slip st into the very first sc. everything is right up to the last 3 sts of round two. you put a dc in tr, dc, and hdc and then slip st into the 3rd ch. Does that make sense? I hope so.

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Dazy- Glad to hear your husband is doing ok. I cant remember which afghan you are doing. Could you refresh my memory? I know what it is like to have a hubby hurt. Mine had back surgery back in Jan. and he has now been off work for two years from hurting his back. How long does he have to wear the cast?


Linda- Sorry that you dont feel well. But at least you are still crocheting :hook That is a good sign.


WEll I am going to go and try to crochet more while I wait for my son to come home. That is if I can get off here and stop reading everything. Have a great nite all. :D

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Ines, I am so glad you chose to post, true colors or not! I remember your lovely deep red (then blue, purple, and white, right?) from an earlier picture, but this way we get to see two color patterns for one afghan done! I love your original colors, but the cream, burgundy, tan, and red are kinda neat:D . and the afghan itself is so neat and even.


congrats on a job beautifully done!:yay:cheer


.....The colours are dreadful and not true to life but I may not get the time to post tomorrow. I will take a better photo in sunlight and post again. http://community.webshots.com/myphotos?action=showPhoto&albumID=329379720&photoID=2966532140058018460&security=YtkOPs

....I just checked the photo again and I am very close to not sending .... I will click submit before I change my mind.

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