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Jimbo Hook Arrives Today !!!


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An Ode to Jimbo

Jimbo is definitely a man with a plan

If he can’t do it, no one can .

I asked for a hook from his apple tree .

And he agreed to make one for little old me .

The hook is so shiny and sleek in my hand

I think Jimbo is the most talented man in the land .

To be able to use a branch from an old twisted tree

How much talent could that possibly be ?

We may all have skills with some yarn and a hook

But to do what Jimbo does… well, just take a look !

I will keep this hook with me both day and night

Anyone tries to take it, they’ll have ME to fight .

I’ll put it under my pillow at night to give me sweet dreams

Of all the yarn that will flow through it so simple, it will seem.

I’ll be able to make ANYTHING with the hook Jimbo made

My kind thoughts of you, Jimbo, never will fade .



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Dear Jimbo

I thought you'd get a kick out of this :

I opened my mailbox yesterday and saw your little box . I got SO excited ! I was yelling My JIMBO HOOK IS HERE !!!!

Well , I babysit my 3 year old grandson , so he comes running when I start getting so excited about the mail ...

He started getting excited then, too . He asked if he could help open it, so he was trying to help me, PLUS cover my eyes, since he said it's a surprise, I wasn't allowed to look til it was open .

SO, needless to say, it took awhile to get it open with him helping plus covering my eyes .

We get it open , pull out the sleekest, softest cochet hook I have ever seen .....

What does my grandson say ?

AW, MAMAW , it's just a STICK ..... and back off he goes to play with his Thomas Train !

I thought he was funnier than heck when he said that .

( Thank goodness he went back to play with his train, so I could play with my new hook !)

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OH, thank you for making me laugh so hard first thing in the morning! I just won three Jimbo hoooks but I'm bidding on a couple others and I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!


Your poetry is so heartfelt, and your hook is awesome (from what I could see with the magnifying glass on the computer monitor)


Three Cheers for Jimbo!!!!:cheer :cheer :cheer

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