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JoAnn's Yarn Winder for $16.99!


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Hey gang!


I was drooling over yarn winders when I ventured over to www.joann.com . I remembered they have online discounts all the time.


I found a discount code: CELEBRATE652 which gives you %50 off on most items on their online store.


I tried putting the yarn winder in the shopping cart and put the promo code in...lo and behold it was discounted down to $16.99! With the shipping it's $25.00!!


I can't wait to save up money for my very own yarn winder (or for someone to RAOK me with it :P ). But this is a very good deal to all who are wanting (or drooling) one.

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How long is that code good for?? I'd love to do that but I have to wait until Thursday! :lol


It's only good until tomorrow :(


Here is one link. I hope they can come up with lots of better promos SOON!




You can google "joann online coupon" and there are a lot of sites with coupon information!!

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