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Going Crazy!!!!!

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:eek:cry I am so going crazy.........I have not been able to crochet since before Christmas, my elbows, arms and wrists are giving me much trouble. So I had to quit for awhile, but it is driving me nuts.........I hope it lets up soon, I want to get busy on some things............I bought a wrist glove yesterday, but I kinda think I am going to need two of them, so when I get the other one, I will have to try it and see if it will help...........Well, just wanted to vent......Happy crocheting everyone............
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Get well soon. Not being able to crochet is awful. Recently, the flu kept me from crocheting and it was terrible. Get better fast. Your hooks are calling your name.



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Last year I had a stress fracture and they put me in a cast for 6 weeks, Pure you know what......... I hope you heal soon. :hug Be sure to take breaks when you start crocheting again. It really does help. I come here and check out what going on.Read a few posts, reply once in awhile and then back to crocheting,:hook

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