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My Web Site. Advice Please!


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I finally got my website, www.wolfcrochet.com straightened out and running! I had no idea how much time it takes to edit, resize, and upload photos and information:P How do you bloggers keep up with all that?:think I'd like to get some feedback on what I can include on my site apart from pictures of my projects. What kinds of crochet information would you find interesting and useful? Any ideas on design? I'd love to find some free crochet graphics if anyone knows of a source. Thanks in advance for your input:hug

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I've been making my own crochet graphics 'cause there is nothing out there! I love the header graphic you are using!

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I love your site, I find it very pleasant to browse!


As for picture sizing, I don't do that, I let it up to flickr or photobucket : I upload my pictures there, and they give you a choice of resized pictures to include in your site via their url :

http://photobucket.com/ has a ~160 px thumbnail and the original picture

http://www.flickr.com/ has a 75X75 fumbnail, small size, a medium size, and a large size picture.

both are free, photobucket has a limited size (my album is full already)

flicker has a limited upload traffic size (which I think is better)


I hope this will help :)

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I love the look of your site. I was especially pleased to see your photo of the cardigan sweater from FreePatterns. I've always wanted to try that one but haven't worked up the courage. The pattern you designed is also really pretty. I love the collar.

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