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Faux Bear Rug for all you knitters out there!

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Rachel, Rachel, Rachel...you're so cheeky...:lol: But you know, until this thread started...(the one talking about the actual bear rug) I didn't even notice the darn rug...hubba hubba...showed my husband and he about spit his beer all over the computer...

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Yeah I noticed that arrow too...seriously I want to make the rug, but I'm gonna try to convert it to crochet (knitting's too darn slow...)


I love the poster, I really do...but not for $10.00...besides I'd have no place to hang it...my husband gives me raspberries as it is when I dane to remark that someone else besides him is cute...

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there's a rug on that ad? Really? Oh now I see it...it took about 3 trys before my eyes would look anywhere but at the.....knitting needles:lol:cheer:manyheart



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A lot of us about spit a lot of things on our monitor! :P


I wrote in my journal on another site that it brings to mind the old Burt Reynolds Cosmo centerfold from the early 70's...

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.......my husband gives me raspberries as it is when I dane to remark that someone else besides him is cute...


:think and you don't like raspberries?



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