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What a Man....

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Mine is a keeper too, since I have actually been crocheting the last week and knitting the last two months, I now get a 500 shopping spree at the yarn store at the end of the month. Well it is going to be for business too, but he is all for it. He also critques my crocheting. At the moment the baby afghan I am making is pretty but "my boy isn't using it" We don't know yet what we are having lol It is a mix of pastel blue, pink and yellow. If it stays in the house when they baby is born gonna use it. lol But he agreed with the last two projects I started and hated, ended up ripping it out. ALthough he tried to help by taking the WIP and running around the island. MEN lol


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My husband's never quite 'excited' about me buying new yarn (oversized stash!), but he is very supportive of the stuff I make. By far though, the sweetest thing he does is to show such overflowing sympathy when I have to frog it. And he helps; he sits and reravels the ball of yarn, or he'll pull the yarn while I reravel. It's very helpful to have an extra set of hands and he's very meticulous about it.:manyheart

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My husband's never quite 'excited' about me buying new yarn (oversized stash!), but he is very supportive of the stuff I make. By far though, the sweetest thing he does is to show such overflowing sympathy when I have to frog it. And he helps; he sits and reravels the ball of yarn, or he'll pull the yarn while I reravel. It's very helpful to have an extra set of hands and he's very meticulous about it.:manyheart


Sympathy pains? :lol



I don't know really how mine got "trained" to buy yarn on command.. I do think it has something on a high subconcious level to do with trying to limit my stash.. but it never works :hook

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