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Early Christmas!

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My Grandmother passed away a couple years ago. My Mother and her Husband moved in with my Grandpa to help care for him. My Grandmother sewed and crocheted for many, many years and her stash and supplies reflect that. I'm "free" to go and pick and choose through any of her supplies I could want, but alot of them are bagged and boxed and are going to require some MAJOR digging to sort them all out. (Mom and I intend to do this...but we haven't had an opportunity yet- and the stuff is scattered THROUGHOUT the house!) Well, most of the yarn has been consolidated and I regularly pick through it- but yesterday while over there I stepped into the laundry room to get something for mom when sitting out, in the open I noticed a small (rectangular) plastic trashcan FULL of patterns! I KNOW had this been apparent I would have grabbed it sooner- or Mom would have set it aside for me take home- Well, "I" think it was an early Christmas gift...I sorted through it last night and there are TONS of patterns. There are about 6-7 leaflets I either already have or I definitely won't use, but the rest are "new to me!" (I'll probably list the ones I don't need on the trading board when I get a chance! hint-hint!) LOL Anyway, I'm so excited and had to share. I couldn't help myself, last night I worked up a really cute motif from one of the books it is so cute!



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That is awesome. I thought I hit the mother load when my grandmother gave me a box filled with old patterns.... It had about 5 books and a couple of maganzines in it. (She doen't crochet anymore becuase of her wrists... ) But that's nothing compaired to what you've found... I"m so happy for you.

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How cool to be able to have something like this that belonged to someone you love!

My mom and grandma would not part with a single skein for many years, although neither could do handwork for many years. Their combined stashes took up half a room -- I kid you not, floor to ceiling storage boxes. When my mom died, it was so demoralizing to think of trying to go through all those boxes and boxes of yarn that we gave them all to a cousin. After begging for years to have a chance to go through them, I could not face doing it right after her death, and the rest of the family needed the stuff gone.

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Wow how exciting and nice that you had a relative to leave her treasure to you. I'm the only craft oriented person in my family unfortunately so someone unknown will probably inherit my stash one day. You enjoy!

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