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I just want to say...

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I agree -- I love this forum and site -- so many wonderful and talented people here all with the same loves (yarn and hooks)!


I used to frequent a couple of boards that relate to two of my disabilities, but had to stop visiting those because most of the posts put me into such a deep depression -- no real up-building threads, just mostly moaning and groaning over their individual sad, painful circumstances. Which of course I could identify with and certainly sympathize with.


But, I needed something to take my mind off the health problems and put a little sunshine back into my life -- I am basically a very optimistic person with a positive attitude. So, I went googling for other sites under crafts and hobbies and crochet, and when I found this one, I thought "WOW!" I have not been back to any of the disability sites since and have felt soooo much better mentally. Even though I do not have the energy to post often, I so love to just relax by reading this board and looking at everyone's great projects. And, because of this board, the sun really 'does keep coming up' every day, for me!


Thanks for being here, everyone. :-)

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I completely understand how you feel both my husband and eldeest son have Aspergers. My husband was spending almost all his spare time posting on an autism forum- we both noticed that he got more and more depressed and more and more detached from real life. Since he's stopped posting there he seems a lot happier.

You need something positive in your life rather than focusing on your problems/difficulties.



I love posting on here- if I'm having a rough day (something that seems to happen all too often just lately) I feel so much better after spending some time on here. Plus I'm getting so many ideas for future projects. And the community feel is something I have never experienced on the internet before. :manyheart

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:c9Me too!!! To be perfectly honest, :eek I didn't know that there were people out there like me. I know that sounds a bit silly but its true. I can't help myself buying yarn its an obsession. I use the yarn I buy but I do have a large stash of yarn. Yes, I admit it I am a yarn junkie!!! I have learned so much from the group of people on Crochetville and hope to learn a bunch more.

Thanks Crochetville and those that work hard to keep this a nice community to come and crochet.

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I agree -- I love this forum and site -- so many wonderful and talented people here all with the same loves (yarn and hooks)!


I used to frequent a couple of boards that relate to two of my disabilities, but had to stop visiting those because most of the posts put me into such a deep depression -- no real up-building threads, just mostly moaning and groaning over their individual sad, painful circumstances. Which of course I could identify with and certainly sympathize with.


But, I needed something to take my mind off the health problems and put a little sunshine back into my life -- I am basically a very optimistic person with a positive attitude. So, I went googling for other sites under crafts and hobbies and crochet, and when I found this one, I thought "WOW!" I have not been back to any of the disability sites since and have felt soooo much better mentally. Even though I do not have the energy to post often, I so love to just relax by reading this board and looking at everyone's great projects. And, because of this board, the sun really 'does keep coming up' every day, for me!


Thanks for being here, everyone. :-)

:sunEveryone here is the "sunshine" in my day too!!I love the positiveness :sun

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I agree--this is a great place! I hardly ever post anything, but I read about every day. My husband jokingly warns me to stay out of crochetville because it will only mean I'll want to do more projects, and I already have enough project ideas and patterns to last me the rest of my life.:D


I love coming here. We had a 5-year-old girl living with us this summer, and in the 3 months that she was here, she picked up on my addiction to crocheting. If I had a stressful day or was grouchy, she would say,"want to crochet? You'll feel better." She's not with us anymore, but I still have crochetville.

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I love it here too. I belong to other forums but have noticed some of those people aren't very nice to each other. I have given up on several but this one is relaxing. It really is mostly about crocheting and that's the way it should be.

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I was thinking the very same thing today while I was at work. I only belonged to one other crochet board and most of them were nice, but there were a lot of bad apples and a lot of cliques. They weren't nearly as helpful as everyone here. Someone would request help finding a pattern and they'd get an answer like "google it". Gee, how helpful. I bet they didn't think of trying that before they posted!:rolleyes


I'm glad I found my way here. You're all great!:manyheart

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Ditto to everything! The sun sets by 4:30 PM CT and I get sad until at least January. I planted 106 bulbs to come up next spring, just for hope for my soul, something to look forward to. Now that I have crochet, I hope to feel productive and useful this winter as well. I can be "a quarter bubble off" as Big Al puts it (and he is too), but that's what makes the world go 'round! :hook

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One more big "thank you" to everyone in Crochetville. It's great to visit and read positive, caring posts. There's enough negativity in the world already, and what a relief to see folks cheering each others' efforts. :hug

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I agree with eneryone else's comments. And I wanted to add that everyone's kind comments on my mom's Project Linus blankets have totally tickled her pink. I post photos here when she gives me a stack to drop off; I just got 11 more blankets from her yesterday (photo coming soon--they are airing out from sitting in the box so long), and when I spoke to her last night, her first question was "Did you put the photo up? Did anyone say anything? Did they like the new pattern I made up?" She has totally gotten into trying new things, and making new patterns up herself, and it's due directly to the very kind things the villagers have to say. She's a 74-year-old retired widow with a very limited social circle, so your comments make her day. And when Mom is delighted, I'm delighted!


No question--C'ville and the villagers are the best on the web!! Patty

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