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oh boy, bag #2 is coming soon!!


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i just placed an order with knitpicks today for some wool and ordered marlo's striped bag pattern. I'm gonna use shades of dark blues and teals and I have a huge ball of Crystal Palace Splash eyelash yarn I'm gonna use in a wide band at the top. Has anyone used that pattern yet? and does it come out big enough to be used as a crochet/knitting bag?



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Yeah!!! I got my yarn yesterday from Knitpicks and it is perfect!! I was wanting to change shades subtlely from blue to green but was leary of trusting the colors on my monitor. But it turned out great. Here are the colors, i got 2 of each of the 4 and hope that will be enough as they are now sold out of 3 of these!!! I hope my pattern gets here soon or someone can tell me how much yarn the rectangular felted bag on marlo's site takes???



The eyelash yarn in some I got on clearance at my lys, it's crystal palace splash in marine. That's what I was trying to match when I ordered the wool.




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is that the wool of the andes? :)


I got some of that for a bag, too. :D


Can't wait to see that bag, I think those colors are going to look great!



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The rectangular felted bag calls for 16 oz of yarn. I'm about to make one to match the small pouch I just made. :)



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Thank you!!!!!! I just went and ordered a few more skeins to make sure I have enough to make both the bag and the pouch to match. I'm gonna use this for my crochet/knitting bag.



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