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Pattern confusion



Doing a lavender chair chat pattern but confused by round 9

The pattern says 

Round 9: SS into the first stitch (*NOTE: You will work in this stitch at the end of the round*). Chain 1. *Hdc3tog (Starting in same stitch as SS). Chain 2.* Repeat from * to* around. Join with a SS to te first Hdc3tog made.

What I do not understand is the note. If I do the Hdc3tog starting in a new stitch everytime I end at the last stitch of the round. 

Below is link to pattern


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First make sure your stitch count for round 8 is 72. When working rounds its a good idea to put a stitch marker in the ss joins because when you work back around to them they look like  stitches to work and working into them would make increases.  Looking ahead stitch count for round 10 is 72.  You may have to fiddle with round 9 because it does sound confusing.  You want it to look like the photo and when you complete round 10 you want 72 stitches.  You might have to fudge it to make this happen.  I checked the project pages for this pattern over on Ravelry and no one mentioned having problems.  

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I'm late to replying to add my :2c , but I had some computer problems the last few days. 

I agree with what Bgs said about stitch markers.  I have a visual illustration of  what she described as "when you work back around to (the join of the first stitch, from the prior row to the current one you are just finishing) they look like stitches".  The photo is worked in the round from the center out, but the same thing happens when you work in a tube;  see the arrow pointing to the loop that says 'skip'?'  That is pointing to the slip stitch that joined the prior row to the current one, and the 3 chains coming out of that loop are already counted as a stitch being IN that loop.

This 91615935_extrastitchintheroundwheretostartnextround.thumb.jpg.0d17de818ec2ed75c2e45a7c7dd1fd37.jpg

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@bgs @Granny Square thanks for replying but I think I figured out what I need to do. Start hdc3tog in 2nd stitch of round not first. Doing that means note makes sense.

I tighten up my slip stitches so makes it easier to not try and work in them

Just a pity I will have to do some frogging

Edited by Nicolapen
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Glad you figured it out.  Frogging stitches is just part of the process.  If my lifetime of frogged stitches were all together in an afghan it would cover a very large house.  By the time I have completed some projects I frogged more stitches than what was in the completed project.

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