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Book Opinion


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I must confess I borrow books from the library to preview when ever possible.  I'm waiting on two right now and have one here I'm looking over to decide if I'll use it enough to buy.  I find what I will buy and use frequently tends to be personal based in my interests and the types of projects I make.

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16 hours ago, Bailey4 said:

I must confess I borrow books from the library to preview when ever possible.  I'm waiting on two right now and have one here I'm looking over to decide if I'll use it enough to buy.  I find what I will buy and use frequently tends to be personal based in my interests and the types of projects I make.

That is a great idea to borrow first. Now why didn't I think of that?

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I'm a library user too :)  A great way to make these decisions.

personally I decided against buying this book, though I think it's pretty popular.  As I recall, it is just stitch patterns, not really general knowledge.  My recommendation for that would be M Hubert's Complete  Photo Guide to Crochet, which has a lot of stitch patterns, a few patterns, and lot of general info.  Also E Eckman's Crochet Answer Book.  

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