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blanket circling...help



I have been crocheting for several months and done different patterns. I am currently working on an afghan that uses fpdc and dc in the same row. when I work the next I use a sc and after doing so my work starts to circle. I have asked several different people. Some said the hook (which isn't the problem) others said too tight...not that either. One suggested I either did too many stitches or not enough. Don't know what to do, it's a big project and a xmas gift for relatives and I don't want to have to foreit it. I would like to figure this out before I go on any further.



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This is the pattern I am doing. http://www.redheart.com/free-patterns/textured-stripes-throw

I am retrying it by skipping..I think I had done the fpdc and dc stitches incorrectly. By the way it was arching downwards. The first 2 rows were the correct number but was having difficulty on where to put the fpdc.

I really like this pattern and I am stubborn to not give up :D

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if it's arching downward, towards the beginning chain, I would suspect the foundation chain may be too small for the stitch pattern. Maybe even the foundation row...It's a common problem. The easiest solution is to make the foundation chain with a larger hook, one or two sizes up, generally.


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if it's arching downward, towards the beginning chain, I would suspect the foundation chain may be too small for the stitch pattern. Maybe even the foundation row...It's a common problem. The easiest solution is to make the foundation chain with a larger hook, one or two sizes up, generally.



Thank you :0)

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The rows alternate sc, dc & fpdc, sc, dc & fpdc.  The fpdcs are made from a dc row into the dc row 2 rows below.


I'm not sure if it will help, but that seems sort of a big stretch; I'd be tempted to see if fptr looked better.


I'm also wondering why the odd rows, which are the dc and fp rows, start with chain 2 (not 3) and end with a hdc (not dc).  Why didn't it start (more consistently with the dcs in the rest of the row) with a chain 3 and end with a dc?  Would that be causing the 'arch' problem?  I'm thinking that could make the sides shorter than the middle.


I haven't made it, just throwing out observations.

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The rows alternate sc, dc & fpdc, sc, dc & fpdc.  The fpdcs are made from a dc row into the dc row 2 rows below.


I'm not sure if it will help, but that seems sort of a big stretch; I'd be tempted to see if fptr looked better.


I'm also wondering why the odd rows, which are the dc and fp rows, start with chain 2 (not 3) and end with a hdc (not dc).  Why didn't it start (more consistently with the dcs in the rest of the row) with a chain 3 and end with a dc?  Would that be causing the 'arch' problem?  I'm thinking that could make the sides shorter than the middle.


I haven't made it, just throwing out observations.



I have to agree. I did do a small swatch following the pattern as written. I didn't have time to swatch quite as much as I'd have liked to but I did a couple rows and it really did not feel or look right, and it was "cupping" due to the way the fpdc stitches are worked. I also found the hdc at the end of the odd rows odd. I looked for some errata notes on this pattern (though not a thorough search mind you) but didn't find any. I think that Granny Square's ideas/observations are excellent. All that said, I wish the pattern included a better, close-up picture of the stitches. That would probably help sort out the issues with it as well. 

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I hope you can get it to work out.  There were a couple of projects on Ravelry and no one mentioned problems.


By alternating rows, I was just meaning that the odd rows contained a combination of dcs and fpdcs, not what order they were in within the row, sorry for not being more clear.  My point was that the fpdcs would be made into a row(2 rows below) with other dcs and fpdcs (not into a sc row).

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