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Guest labcrazy


Guest labcrazy

Does anyone else ever want to hurt someone after finishing the first row on a chain????? :box


Last evening I decided I wanted to make a baby dress for my neighbor that is expecting in February! Soooo, I found this micro fiber yarn that I forgot I had, it is Lion - MicroSpun, :sheep supersoft!!!!! So, I didn't have a small enough hook, it called for "0" 2.75 mm, which I am guessing is like a B, cause the smallest I have is an F. And it si 3.75 mm.


Ok, sooooo after doing the first five rows, and managing to NOT hurt anyone after that first chain and row :wangel , I discovered that my hook was WAY too big, and what was supposed to be a yoke for a baby dress could have easilly been wrapped my head (:tryme or someone elses neck at this point!!!) a couple times!!! :bang


So my question is this, other than the hook obviously being way too big, my yarn that I used isn't too heavy is it? Will that make a gauge too long????? I am using micro-spun sport weight, and it is a fairly small yarn! The pattern calls for Bedspread weight cotton (size 10). I honestly have to say that I am not sure what all of that means. :irked I haven't ventured far from good old worste weight type yarns in my life! Also, do they actually make a size C hook???? Are you able to SEE the stitches??? lol


Ok, so now that I have unloaded on all of you :sb . . . . HELP:hi !!! LOL, let the ideas flow in!!!!!!!!!



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8 answers to this question

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The size 0 crochet hook is the largest of the steel crochet hooks mainly used for thread crochet projects such as the bedspread cotton thread your pattern asks for. I just pulled out my set of hooks and the size 0 hook is a 3.25 mm which is the same size as my D hook. They feel about the same around also. The bedspread cotton thread is something like the dmc crochet cotton, or aunt lydias cotton thread. All available at walmart :) The thread is thinner than sport weight yarn, though I've never seen micro spun sport weight before. If you use a thicker yarn than called for in the pattern, then you need a smaller hook than the size 0.

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Guest labcrazy

Ok, went to the store this morning and got my #10 thread, and my 2.75 mm hook. I now have just one question! WHAT SADIST INVENTED THIS!!! I's taking me forever to do the chain and first row!!!!! But I will persevere!!!! :rotfl lmao!


Thanks for the help chelle!


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Guest labcrazy

I know, I was pretty confused myself! My mom gave me a good suggestion though that I wanted to pass on to everyone. You may already know though! She said if you have trouble with your eyes while working with the smaller hooks and stitches, to get a pair of magnifying reading glasses. :eek I think you can get them at about any drug store. She said hers are 3.75 magnification and help ALOT when she is cross stitching white or light grey threads on white canvas.8o



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<<<get a pair of magnifying reading glasses>>


This was going to be my exact suggestion! I must say your mother is a brilliant woman! :))


However, be careful about the strength...if they are waaaaay stronger than you actually need then your vision will be really blurry when you finish with them. May give you headaches. Also I think that it would probably cause your eyes to depend upon on them more than necessary after extensive wear. (of course I'm no eye doc. and don't even play one on TV!)



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:D! Brave women who crochet with thread. :ohdear Someday... I may be that brave.


Good luck! :)h

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