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63 Wannabe Club


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Eliany and Vickie -

Yep ,that is really neat that you guys both met your husbands online . I have seen people on tv that have done that , but never actually "met" anyone online that has .

I'm really glad for you guys -- it sounds like you're both very happy .


I could spread it on thick here about being an Ohio Hilljack , and say I met my husband at a HOG CALLING CONTEST or some funny thing like that , but we met because he lived across the street from my cousins . We met when we were 13, so we have known each other a L~O~N~G time .

Vickie -

Are you originally from Illinois, or somewhere else ? I love that name, country bumpkin .. CUTE ! I guess there are parts of Illinois that are just as "country " as parts of Ohio .

I don't actually live in the "country " part of our state, I just live in a wee little town that rolls up the sidewalks at 7 pm . Our entertainment is watching paint dry and grass grow . Wintertime, those activities pretty much groan to a halt .

I guess that's why we have the NOSIEST NEIGHBORS on the face of the Earth . No lie, I think they COUNT how many bags of groceries I haul in the house each week . They have commented on our furniture and never even been in the house to see it . If I have a day off from babysitting my grandson, they ask why I didn't watch him that day . They ask ME what the other neighbor man does for a job ... I HAVE NO IDEA . DON'T KNOW, DON'T CARE .

I think they may use binoculars . I'm not some type of Fruitcake here either, it's TRUE . It bothers my husband worse than it does ME . He grew up out in the country ,so he wasn't used to really close neighbors . After living in town for all these years, he has pretty much gotten used to it though . He knows if he gets HIS lawn mower out, then several other neighbor men will also get THEIRS out . If he goes out to wash the car, they all come out to do theirs too . I think it's kinda funny myself. I was born and raised here, so it's just a way of life for me .

If the neighbors know more about my life than I do , I can always ask their advice about something . They are pretty knowledgeable about the situation and can give me good advice .

I guess we live in the 2005 version of Mayberry . Mayberry on Drugs , maybe .:hyper:loco:tired

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LOL Juliekay, I think your town may be just a tad bit smaller than ours. Actually I was living in Minnesota when I met my hubby. We met in an MSN group called "The Insane Asylum" it was a fun chat place so yes, I met my hubby in the nut house. lol. I was living a very fast pace life in MN working 2 jobs, a full time 6AM-6PM woodworking job (that is what I have my degree in and I LOVE it) and then my part time job at Wal-MArt from Midnight to 5:00AM so I could get to my regular job in time. I only saw my son 2-2 1/2 hours a day and slept 3 hours a night then got up and did it all over again. So when I met my hubby and moved here life slowed down DRASTICALLY! There was only 2 stop lights in town when I moved here but now we have 3 lol. Stores close promptly at 5:oo PM and on Sat. they are open til 1:00PM and closed on Sundays. I thought I was doing to go bonkers when I saw how slow paced it was here because I was use to the rat race. Soon I fell in LOVE with the Victorian Town and want to spend the rest of my life in this house in this small town. My hubby always joked he made a Country Bumpkin out of me so that is how I got the nick name. I even have a website called Simple Country Bumpkin ... I use to teach people to draw using paint shop pro at that site but closed it and will reopen it as a family site or maybe some day sell my crocheting stuff there *that's an idea* so now I just have my blog that is why it is called Bumpkinisims. More info that anyone thought they were going to get, huh?

So the question remains for others....

How/why did you get your screen name and or website name.

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Hi Vickie

It sure sounds like you made a move for the best -- your other life sounded really hectic. I don't know how you kept up with it . I'm glad you found a slower paced more peaceful life. So is that where your husband is from originally or did you guys just move there out of the blue ?

I know I make fun of my town a lot, but it's the only place I've ever lived and I do like it here a lot. It's very quiet and almost no crime . The worst crime is probably when some kid steals something out of someone's car.

This is the only life I've known , so I don't have anything to compare it to. Sometimes I think I'd like to move to a whole new place and start all over, but I don't know if that will ever be in the cards or not. For now, I'm content here .

Our town is the kind of place , that if you're FROM here, you can make jokes about it, but if you're NOT ,then you'd better not say anything bad about it, or you'll have all us "townies " ganging up on you !

Thanks for sharing more about your life ! It's really interesting to learn so much about everyone on here ,isn't it ?:manyheart

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:hi Hey guys how are you all .I wasen't able to be around because I was trying to finnish my 63 but I got stuck on #49 so I just kept on going and i got #50 and 52 done so I think I'll have another week or so to go and finnish, at lease I hope I can figure this one out .but just in case can anyone give me a clue?thanksGod bless you all.:lol:( :( :(
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I love the buttons for the CAL. I just added mine on to my profile picture since that's the only way I could figure to save it. I've completed my third strip. Three down; three to go ! ! ! :hook

You need a minimum of 40 post to be able to have a custom avatar. Using it as your profile picture is a great idea too!

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Ooooh, gotcha! I knew you needed a certain amount of posts for swaps and that sort of thing...I learn something new everyday here. Thanks for letting me know, I thought I was missing some sort of function of my membership! :lol

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Ooooh, gotcha! I knew you needed a certain amount of posts for swaps and that sort of thing...I learn something new everyday here. Thanks for letting me know, I thought I was missing some sort of function of my membership! :lol


You are very welcome! You will be right up there in post counts before you know it! Remember to go and welcome the new members joining the forum too, you get to meet new people and it gives you post counts ;) I try to remember and welcome all the newcomers too.

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Hi Anna,


It sounds like you are doing great to have so many squares done already ! Keep it up ! Keep on coming in here and posting and you'll soon be up to your required posts to use an avatar !


Can't wait to see your finished afghan !



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Ok Julia -

Here goes. I have my booklet AND my glasses on, so now I' m raring to go to help you .

Let's see what we have here with # 49 -

Can you tell me where you are getting stuck or having a problem ? The beginning sounds pretty easy to follow, so tell me what part is giving you trouble or what your square is doing ? Does it look like the one in the book ?

What row are you on ?

As soon as you get back to me, I'll get back to you to try and explain it to you .

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ok Hi Juliekay I'm getting the fan type thing is coming out good whats not coming out right is the chains that look like a arrow ,mine go all around the place lol.:lol it's, like on the 3rd or 4th roww where I can see the difrence.and iI want to finnish it ,please lol :( Thank you God bless you all.:lol

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Do you have any way of showing me a photo of what it looks like ? I'm trying to figure out what you might be doing wrong .

This may be one you'll have to replace with another square if you can't figure it out. I had to do that with one of mine !

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Well I'm just about to let it go but I will keep on trying I dont let things get to beet me that easy so lets see what happends,if for some reason I cant get it witch I dout alot (send me your email and i can send it to you and you can study it better and tell me.Thank you again

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Good morning Wannabees

How are you today ?

Do you know it's time

To get busy and crochet ?


There are other --- alongs waiting

They're more fun with the whole group

We need you in there with us

We make a winning troop !


Look how many Finished 'Ghans

We've gotten so far

We can't stop now.....

Don't you want one of Vickie's Avatars ?


To have that symbol beside you

Is like a Golden Badge in Crochet

It's not everyone who has one

You have to earn it the Hard Way !


So pick up those hooks

I know you're busy this time of year

But don't let this holiday season

Make you lose your Crochet Cheer !



This thread is getting too quiet !!! Gotta stir things up in here

Don't want to make people mad, Just gotta get your Rears in Gear . :D

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THERE you are !

I thought I scared you off before with my kneecap threat !

I'm not really all that mean, ask anyone ( on here) . :D


I will use a new approach with you . It seems you're a little bit skittish (sp?)

Let me ask you a few questions :

1- Do you have your book ? ( YES )

2- Do you have your yarn ?

3-What colors are you using ?

4-Do you have any squares done ?

5-Do you want some backup support ? You've got it here .


You sound like me-- this afghan was constantly floating around in my head-- gotta do it, gotta do it. It bugged the heck out of me til I did it .


Come on, you know you want to . Have you seen the finished afghans ? They are gorgeous. Don't you want one ?


Then let's get ready to RUMBLE ..................

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I think I did it lets see what happends.:lol It really gets one to :thair:rant:bang but I said to myself I'm going to make this .I would have wanted to finnish this weekend but I dont think that with these sq's I will but give me another week to start to put it together and then I'll be flying to the next one.:lol :lol :lol so that I can be cheered like this:cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer :cheer go julia,go julia , lol lol lol lol thank you all and God bless you all.

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Hi Juliekay! I am trying to get my pictures on my blog but for some reason I don't know how to or something is not going my way but I am also trying to get photobucket to get them on here somehow .as soon as i can I will let you guys know about it ok thanks for the wait and pacients with me God bless you all

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Hi!pb&j How are you today ? I was reading your introdution here and you sound like me I'm also 45 soon on 46 (feb) well I was from Ct and i moved to Batavia in July.and I love it so does my hubby.We enjoy it very much.I also leared to crochet in a car lol,waiting for my hub to get out of his job (i'm his ride)+ my mother pasted away 3 years ago and my crochet was therapy for me so I thank God that I leared one way or the other.but to tell you the truth I do all kinds of crafts and I didn't like crochet at all.I gues because I didn't know how to read the instrutions,I still don't but I do more than before,but now i love it and have become addicted to it .lol lol and I'm so glad that i found this crochet along God bless you all take car.

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