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63 Wannabe Club


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Well, not really. I only have 3 weeks per year worth of vacation. That means that I have to use that time wisely. Although classes will be over soon, I have to keep going to the lab to work on my research project. So, I'll have the same amount of time to crochet during the holidays... during night-time and the weekends if I don't have to go to the lab. Sometimes I wake up a little bit earlier than usual and crochet for a while before going to lab (that doesn't always work because I can't do just one row :blush... I need to do 4 or 5... and then spend all day thinking about crochet).

By the way, this morning I continued Sq #11. It's looking pretty decent after all. One thing I noticed... it takes yarn like crazy! I will upload pictures to my album as soon as I finish it.


Thanks for asking Julie! :hug



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So how much more school do you have to go ? I don't know how some of you all on here do it, to keep up with schoolwork, your home and family and crochet projects ! You are certainly hard workers and good time managers !


Will be watching for your new photos. Glad you got 11 figured out. Yes, it took a LOT of yarn, and I thought it was one of the ugliest looking squares when done !


( YOURS won't be ugly, but mine was... I hate all those bpdc's and fpdcs .

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Hi Vickie

Thanks so much for making the little graphics-- those are so cute ! I wish we had a way to put them in with our signature on here. Can we ? I'm not much into that kinda stuff ,so I don't know how to do any of it .

I will check with Donna regarding where we could put your graphics . She has the main page for the 63 with all the photos of the afghans ,etc . It may be a few days til we hear back from her. Her new babe is due within a week or so, I think !



I made them the size you can use as avatars. So when you get the graphic, upload it to your website or a free server site where you can direct link images, once you have the url of where your graphic is on the web you will need to come back to this forum and go to User Cp,Edit Avatar, go down to where it says 'Use Comstom Avatar' and then enter the url in the 'Enter Avatar URL:' section. Save and then when you post everyone can see how far along you are on your afghan by looking at your avatar.:)

You can download the whole set here

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Hey Vickie !

Great job and THANK YOU for all the hard work you did making all them little things ! That must have been a job and a half !

Anyhow, as you can see ...... pointing with my VANNA WHITE FINGERNAILS ..... Ta Da !!!

I now have an Avatar created by you that is SO cute !!!

Thanks very much -- you guys all get in here and grab one !!!!

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*watches JulieKay sporting her new avatar*

Looks good on ya too! lol I am glad you like it and did you notice I even made 2 finished one since I knew you were on your second go around lol. I hope you all enjoy them! HUgs!!

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I need help with Sq. #11 (Horizontal Relief). I don't know if what I'm doing is the right thing :think (mine doesn't look exactly like the picture). I'm not sure how to do the BPdc around the first post (right after you turn)... when I try to do it, it looks very messy :huh. At this point (12:47 AM :yawn) I'm totally confused :sigh. Any help will be greatly appreciated.






This is the same square I have frogged 4 times already. I have decided to skip it and come back to it because so far Square #11 is winning this battle lol.

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Good Morning Ladies,


I will be starting on my squares again today:clap. I have to go buy more yarn to finish my Christmas projects, can't believe I didn't by enough. Not complaining though, who would complain about a trip to the yarn store:lol.

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YOu are all very welcome! I just wanted to add a little more to keep us going on the CAL so every time we advance a square we can hurry and display it for all to see how far along we are getting. *giggle* It's the simple things in life that get me going hahahaa

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Julie... I'm doing a Ph.D. in Biochemistry (although I work in a Biophysics lab). I'm about to finish my first semester of second year. As a minimum I have two years and a half to go (wishful thinking... most graduate students finish their Ph.D.s in 5 to 6 years).


Sometimes is really challenging to be on top of it all. I have classes, research, a husband, an apartment, crochet and C'ville :hook(I would be going crazy without it), and I call my family in Puerto Rico almost every day. The hubster is doing his Masters in Education (he is a certified Physics teacher back home but here in NY the requirements are much higher)... and I barely see him these days. So yeah... it's difficult... but it's doable (is that a word?). You develop strength and a lot of character. Soon this semester will be over and I will be able to go out with my sunshine (the hubster) again. We have learned how to be resilient. We are hard workers all right... but don't know about time managers :lol.


In crochet news... I finished Sq 11. It's curling on me. It looks decent but I don't like it. No pictures yet... maybe tonight.


Edited to add: Hey Vickie! Where exactly are you having problems with evil Sq 11? Maybe I can try to help.



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I'll be thinking of you and your husband today! My fiance and I just moved from Rochester to AZ this fall, and we've been hearing about all the snow from a few disgruntled friends :lol

Wish your hubby luck on his MEd. . . my mom is a teacher in NY, so I know how it can be! Congrats on finishing 11!:cheer

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My gosh, I think we should rename you SUPERBRAIN !!!

Wow, between you and your husband , when they were passing out BRAINS, you guys were definitely in Front of the line !

Where others thought they said Trains , and they missed theirs.

You guys must be REALLY smart . I have to watch my down home stupid words I use on here now, and never use AINT again . ( I think I did in ONE post... but I sure hate to go back through ALL those posts to replace it with ISN'T ... )

That is what is SO cool about Crochetville. Just imagine the mix of people we have in just our little corner here --- we have all types of people from all different places, all different backgrounds, and all different beliefs and education levels , but we are all like BEST PALS !!!

Does anyone else think that is COOL ? I SURE DO . :manyheart


You and your husband keep up the good work. I bet your families are so proud of you both !

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Ladies of the 63 Wannabe Club:



I will be joining your ranks as soon as my Christmas crocheting is out of the way. I started the 63 afghan in March and finished it in July. I did the rose, sage and ivory color scheme because I didn't "know" you could do other colors than specified in the pattern (it was one of my first projects). Now my sister has demanded one for her birthday (in March). But she's super picky and doesn't want "holey or bumpy" squares (read anything with spaces or popcorns). I had her sit down and pick out 21 squares she DOES like and so I will be doing each of those squares in 3 colors, chocolate, cranberry and linen. I would have rather tried a new pattern but I liked how smoothly this one went the first time. Plus it feels so satisfying to complete a square and measure your progress. So I'll be starting in less than a month :eek:hook It sure seems like this thread is keeping people motivated, which is probably what I'll need!



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Hi Jen !:welcome

Glad you are going to join us. Just jump in whenever you're ready. It sounds like since you have colors and squares already picked out and a deadline to meet, we'll have to keep on your tail about it . So get ready if we rib you a little bit-- it's all in fun !

Can't wait to see your new squares !

* Do you have a photo of your first one ?

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Wow! I'm impressed Eliany! Biochemistry is where it's at! It's the next big industry. So long computer science. Good luck with all your studies to both you and your husband. I'm glad you have something relaxing like crochet to help you find that much needed down time. :)


Jen, I've finished my 63 squares but like to check in and say hi. We look forward to you joining the group. I made a chenille ripple throw for my bedroom in chocolate, cranberry and khaki and loooove those colors! Yours will look beautiful. I know what your sister means about those 'bumpy' squares. I didn't care for them myself. Luckily, there are lots of beautiful squares to choose from that are equally fun to do. :)


Julie...brains...trains!!!! lol!!! :rofl You're a riot!


Welcome back Tonya! :waving

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Sue -

Us Ohio Hicks have a lot of sayings like that .


When they were passing out Brains, you thought they said RAIN, and you put up your umbrella .


I kinda stick out like a sore thumb here, with all you BRAINS in the group , but I kinda like sticking out ~~~ It's FUN to be a dingbat sometimes ! And a LOT less work !

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Hey Celeste! How does it feel being done with another semester? :yay Yay!!! Your friends are right... it's cold here! :wlol You're missing it! Although, I'm sure you get you're fair share of cold nights there too. The hubster is doing his field experience this semester and next and he's also taking around 12 - 14 credits worth of classes. He realized it was a bad idea some weeks ago.:lol He's being working (he has a part-time job at Toys 'R US) and studying non stop since last January. He needs a vacation!


Julie!! Thanks for thinking we're brainiacs. I'm flattered :blush. But really we're not. We just like science... maybe too much :lol. IMHO, you don't have to be Einstein to get a degree... but you sure need to be dedicated and passionate about what you do. I might complain on a daily basis, but I love studying, learning and doing research.


So... you keep saying AINT... you're not gonna hurt my feelings. You know you're the bestest! :hug Besides, you haven't heard my "down home stupid words" in Spanish! And I agree 100% with you... I love the fact that we're all different and crochet can bring us together :c9.


Ok... I think that's good for now... have to go back to work! :(


Edited to add: Thanks Sue!!! (Just saw you're post.) I'm studying Biochem but I work in a computational lab... so I have both things going on. Can be maddening :loco sometimes and yes, crochet has being a good stress reliever.



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Eliany: Hey Vickie! Where exactly are you having problems with evil Sq 11? Maybe I can try to help.


I really do not know what the problem is, it could be because I don't get a chance to sit and finish the whole square at once so I get lost on which way I was going. With a 4 month old and a 3 year old DEMANDING my time it get hard to keep on top of where I was last unless I get one of those ' no brainer' squares where the whole square is the same stitch. LOL I had better watch myself too saying no brainer.. I'll end up in the JulieKay 'ain't' boat LOLOL



JulieKay: I have always thought the internet was an amazing place to meet people from all over the world. One of my good freinds I have known for a few years lives in Germany. I met her in the graphics community and we send things to one another via snail mail. I also met my hubby online so the whole internet itself has changed my life in many ways.


Jen: I look forward to seeing your afghan when you get a chance to start it. I am most intrigued on your color scheme. I can't wait to see it all together.

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Hey Vickie... if you need help just let me know, I'll try to help. I don't have kids, but I have a 25 years old kid. That always start talking when I'm counting! :lol So, I kind of understand...


And what a nice coincidence! I met the hubster over the internet too! Because of the internet, I have met a lot of beautiful people that are now part of my life. It really is amazing. AINT that right Julie!


Now... for real, off to work!



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Hey Vickie... if you need help just let me know, I'll try to help. I don't have kids, but I have a 25 years old kid. That always start talking when I'm counting! :lol So, I kind of understand...


And what a nice coincidence! I met the hubster over the internet too! Because of the internet, I have met a lot of beautiful people that are now part of my life. It really is amazing. AINT that right Julie!


Now... for real, off to work!




Oh how cool is that, we both met the loves of our lives on the net * warm fuzzies*

AINT that right Julie!
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