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I made 5 for his family

Hey Jimmie

How many siblings does your husband have that you had to make afghans for ?

You must be one speedy crocheter !

By the way, Happy Anniversary to you !

I'd sing, but I want the group to grow, not shrink .

I used to sing to my grandbaby every day before he took a nap, but now that he's three, he says MAMAW , DON'T SING .:haha:dance

That shows you what a good singer I am ... even a 3 year old begs me not to !:D

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And Jimmie

Are they all the same pattern ,just different colors ? What colors did you make them in ?

Oh gosh no they are all different. For my husbands bro & wife I did a shell gahn from scraps

One sister I am finishing a pillowgahn in burg. & cream

The twins I made the same Granny's just one is SQ and the other is oblong.

And the last one is a scrap mile a minute gahn!!!

Oh I also finished the one for the little girl with eye surgery and I am doing one for a special lady who runs a charity. I did not make the sq I am just the assembler!!! I am deffinitly an addict seeking NO help!!! And a husband who gladly supplies me in yarn!!!!:cheer

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Hi Jimmie

Wow, it does sound like you are one busy crocheter ---do you take pictures of all these finished afghans ? I'd like to see them . They sound pretty !

You have a lucky family that get all these things !

And I'm glad your husband supplies your habit ! We could be doing a whole lot worse things with our money, couldn't we ?

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Hola, Eliany! Your squares look terrific!:tup Nice job and I enjoyed visiting your blog too! :)

Thanks for the comments (here and in the blog as well), Sue! :hug



Do you plan on going back to Puerto Rico when you're done with school or staying up here ? And are you and Olga from anywhere close to each other ? I have seen photos of the area that she lives in -- it is just beautiful down there !

Hi Julie :hug! We still don't know for sure when we'll go back home. We've talked about this and the plan until now is to move to San Diego, CA after I finish the Ph.D. My husband is doing his Masters in Education right now. We like Rochester a lot but I don't think we'll stay here longer than necessary (read: :snow too cold!). If I can remember correctly, she's from Ponce (south west-ish of the island)... I'm from Guaynabo (close to San Juan the capital, north east-ish of the island). Nothing is far when you're on an island that is 100 miles by 35 miles approx. :) I posted 2 pictures in my blog (one of the beach(closer to Olga) and one of the mountains seen from my parents' house (balcony)).


In crochet news, I just finished Sq #8. Picture coming soon! Obviously, I had to read the pattern wrong first and try the square like 5 times before realizing the order of the words. But after a while, I got it. Today will be devoted to ornaments (snowflakes for my Christmas tree) and maybe I'll be able to sneak in Sq #9. OK... this is a long post! I don't want to bore you with my ramblings.


~Eliany :hook

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Dear Eliany


If you ever need someone to carry your yarn tote when you go back home to visit, just holler. My gosh, that is BEAUTIFUL down there ! If I were you, I'd want to go back REALLY bad ! Just picture sitting on that balcony or on the beach crocheting away...... then along comes a man with a nice tan in a thong bikini ....... he has a SIX PACK ....


NO ERASE THAT ...... the SIX PACK is Budweiser and you can barely SEE the thong --- he must weigh over 300 .. NOT the body for a thong .


You can go back to your crocheting now .:devil

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Julie, you're HILARIOUS! :rofl You can go to Puerto Rico with me anytime you want! It's true, I'll love to go back as soon as possible... all my family is there and I miss them. The problem is that after all we're doing (studying and working), the opportunities for us there are limited. Still, we're gonna keep an eye on job opportunities there but we're not sure about what to do.


Now I can't crochet! How am I going to focus when all I can see is a 300 lbs man with a thong? I'll keep the six pack though. :lol



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You two are silly! :lol


I've gotten 7 rows stitched together! :clap I've gone from 63 squares to 14 squares and 7/9ths of an afghan! I have a feeling I'll be done with this 'ghan just in time for the Macy's TG Day parade. :c9 It's gonna be a cozy TG morning!


Speaking of which...is anybody else going to be making the TG turkey? We have no family here and aren't planning to travel but we must have that enormous turkey every year! It just isn't TG without it. :) Oodles of leftovers means I won't have to do any serious cooking for at least a week. Yay! More time to crochet! :hook

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Hi Eliany..nice to see you again....I see you got a good conversation about our Puerto Rico goin on here...:lol ...Yeah I am from Ponce.I missed seeing you around..welcome back ...and I see you read about the quinceañero and stuff ...good parties huh?..lol


Thanks for the comments (here and in the blog as well), Sue! :hug



Hi Julie :hug! We still don't know for sure when we'll go back home. We've talked about this and the plan until now is to move to San Diego, CA after I finish the Ph.D. My husband is doing his Masters in Education right now. We like Rochester a lot but I don't think we'll stay here longer than necessary (read: :snow too cold!). If I can remember correctly, she's from Ponce (south west-ish of the island)... I'm from Guaynabo (close to San Juan the capital, north east-ish of the island). Nothing is far when you're on an island that is 100 miles by 35 miles approx. :) I posted 2 pictures in my blog (one of the beach(closer to Olga) and one of the mountains seen from my parents' house (balcony)).


In crochet news, I just finished Sq #8. Picture coming soon! Obviously, I had to read the pattern wrong first and try the square like 5 times before realizing the order of the words. But after a while, I got it. Today will be devoted to ornaments (snowflakes for my Christmas tree) and maybe I'll be able to sneak in Sq #9. OK... this is a long post! I don't want to bore you with my ramblings.


~Eliany :hook

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OOOOOHHHH Yesterday I hit the big city(I live in the sticks) and at AC Moore I found the book 63 more sq. Yippeee I bought it with the hopes that as soon as I finich this gahn I will start that one. Is anyone else doing it that we can start a CAL or how does it work!!!



I also got a leasure arts 99 Granny Sq. YAHOOOO I have plenty of new projects.


I have almost another row done for this 63 SQ Cal When thats done I need only 2 more rows!!! Yippeee!!!:yay

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Hi Eliany..nice to see you again....I see you got a good conversation about our Puerto Rico goin on here...:lol ...Yeah I am from Ponce.I missed seeing you around..welcome back ...and I see you read about the quinceañero and stuff ...good parties huh?..lol


Hi Olga!:hug Yep... I showed Julie some pictures from Boqueron and Guaynabo (where I lived). I remember my quinceañero!!! I had so much fun! It wasn't anything big, just family... but just family is about 60-80 persons (you know how that is!). I want home with my mommy and daddy! :sigh I miss them but I'm not alone. I'm very grateful of having a very loving, understanding, patience, and all that stuff husband. :manyheart


And Sue... I'm cooking a turkey! :ttalk A 12 pounder for 2 persons... what do you think!? Lots of leftovers... yumm!


Off to try to do some work! :lol Although I can't concentrate because of Julie's fault! Now I have that image embedded in my brain.

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HiHo Ladies !

Wow, I love to step away from here for awhile and come back to so many posts ! What a great group this is !

First of all, down to business : Great work, Sue and Jimmie . I think we'll have 2 more people to add to the "finished " list soon ! You guys are working hard to get this done this week ! :yay

I guess I should go back through all the posts for this group, make up a list of who all started with us and how far along each person is . That way we can be a little more organized and keep track better .

Jimmie- I have never been to AC Moorre. I don't think there are any in our area . I'm glad you found the 63 MORE book. That is definitely on my list of crochetalong projects I'd like to do one of these days ! It's sure pretty , isn't it ? And is it just me, or do the squares look a lot more challenging on it ?

I will work on getting a more organized system here , you guys, so we can all keep track of where the group is . I would love to keep this same group together ( with of course, anybody new that wants to join ) and do several more crochetalongs . You guys are all so much fun !

Let me see if I can come up with a little questionnaire and we can kinda get an idea from that of where we stand and where we're going ! OK ?

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Yep, Sue--

I will be making a big turkey dinner, but we will have a very small group this year. Only 3 extra people -- everyone else is either unable to come home or has other plans with their families .

What is your favorite part of the dinner ? Mine is the GRAVY ... I would like to just run a garden hose into a tankard full of gravy and take a slug of that every few minutes ..... I LOVE GRAVY ......ANY KIND .. it 's my favorite food in the world. If I ever get put on Death Row , that's what I want for my last meal .

What a cheery subject to discuss this close to Thanksgiving ,isn't it ?:D

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1- How far along are you on the 63 afghan ?

2-Would you consider joining another crochetalong after this one ?

3- Do you have any suggestions as to how to make the next one better ?

4-Are there any particular patterns you'd like to do for an upcoming crochetalong ?

5-Would you like the group to be more crochet -centered ? In other words, are the off -topic conversations bothersome to you ? Would you rather keep it strictly crochet talk ? I try to veer the conversations into some type of crochet-related material . Like for example , Eliany --- the 300 pound man was wearing a CROCHETED thong . ( * I just hope it was made of STURDY STUFF ) .


Anyhow, let's see if we can get some responses back from this -- I'll ask each of you who are participating to please reply to the above questions, then I'll get some type of idea of where we stand as a group .

:D Thanks ~~~

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Ok ..as for the questions, here it goes;


1-I finished my 63 square afghan


2- Oh yes! I am on the 35 sq. and if I can I will do the next c a .


3-No I like this as is. Not fussy..:lol


4- A shrug maybe?


5-Oh no....I also like the off topic conversations once in awhile . I like reading about them all.

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1- How far along are you on the 63 afghan ? 2 more rows

2-Would you consider joining another crochetalong after this one ? Yes

3- Do you have any suggestions as to how to make the next one better ?

4-Are there any particular patterns you'd like to do for an upcoming crochetalong ? More 63 sq. And this is a long shot but 99 granny sq. Leasure arts book

5-Would you like the group to be more crochet -centered ? I like it just the way it is!!!!

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Yep, Sue--

I will be making a big turkey dinner, but we will have a very small group this year. Only 3 extra people -- everyone else is either unable to come home or has other plans with their families .

What is your favorite part of the dinner ? Mine is the GRAVY ... I would like to just run a garden hose into a tankard full of gravy and take a slug of that every few minutes ..... I LOVE GRAVY ......ANY KIND .. it 's my favorite food in the world. If I ever get put on Death Row , that's what I want for my last meal .

What a cheery subject to discuss this close to Thanksgiving ,isn't it ?:D


lol, Julie! Your posts always conjure up the funniest images in my head! :lol


Let's see, my favorite part of TG dinner is a bite of turkey with a equal sized bite of that canned cranberry jelly on top. Not incredibly fancy but, YUM! I love it. That and a slice of pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top. YUM-MY! :c9

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1- How far along are you on the 63 afghan ?

Joining squares, just two more rows to go!

2-Would you consider joining another crochetalong after this one ?

You bet'cha!

3- Do you have any suggestions as to how to make the next one better ?

Let's have a button!

4-Are there any particular patterns you'd like to do for an upcoming crochetalong ?

Maybe the Crochet Dudes Flying Afghan from the 2006 Crochet Pattern-a-Day calendar. I know everyone can find the calendar but I don't know if the squares are too challenging.

We could do some smaller things too like bags or Celeste's city girl hat.

5-Would you like the group to be more crochet -centered ? In other words, are the off -topic conversations bothersome to you ? Would you rather keep it strictly crochet talk ?

I love all the encouragement as we crochet along, it's great. AND I LOVE all the off-topic posts! It makes the process fun and interesting especially when the dreaded brick wall shows up and it's tempting to put the project down in favor of something new. Let's not change that!

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1- How far along are you on the 63 afghan ? I just finished Sq #8. :blush


2-Would you consider joining another crochetalong after this one ? Of course! I've had so much fun with you guys! :manyheart


3- Do you have any suggestions as to how to make the next one better ? I'm a crochet and CAL beginner. I've had a great time so far... I can't think of anything to change.

4-Are there any particular patterns you'd like to do for an upcoming crochetalong ? 63 More Squares, Scripture Afghan, Flying Afghan by The Crochet Dude


5-Would you like the group to be more crochet -centered ? In other words, are the off -topic conversations bothersome to you ? Would you rather keep it strictly crochet talk ? I love the fact that we can share a little bit of our daily lives as well as crochet stuff. :hug

Julie, you ROCK!!! :2rock


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1- How far along are you on the 63 afghan ? Working on #17

2-Would you consider joining another crochetalong after this one ? Definitely

3- Do you have any suggestions as to how to make the next one better ?

No, this has been great. Julie, you've made this so much fun. Your energy is contagious.

4-Are there any particular patterns you'd like to do for an upcoming crochetalong ? Felted slippers

5-Would you like the group to be more crochet -centered ? I like how it is, mostly crochet-centered, but some off-topic conversation as well.

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1- How far along are you on the 63 afghan ? I'm on Square #2 :eek

2- Would you consider joining another crochetalong after this one ? Yes...it will be my first though. ;)

3- Do you have any suggestions as to how to make the next one better ?

Well, not for you, but for me... I need to join right away before everyone else is finished! :lol

4- Are there any particular patterns you'd like to do for an upcoming crochetalong ? More 63 sq. I already have the book so I could start at square #1 with everyone else!

5- Would you like the group to be more crochet -centered ? I like the group the way it is with the right blend of crochet and other topics! :cheer

Do you think I should wait for the next C-A-L? I am soooo far behind! :think

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Hi Lorraine -

Nope, don't wait on the next crochetalong ! I have a deal , just for you ! ( and any other newbies out there who are early in the game ).

I will start another 63 afghan , so I can crochetalong with you guys . How's that ? That way, you won't feel left out or too far behind .

So anyone out there who has been wanting to start , but feels they are too late , jump in now !

I'll work along with you guys ,ok ?

NOW, you are ahead of me, Lorraine ! I don't even have one square made !

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