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63 Wannabe Club


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Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still here. I have completed 12 squares not in order:yay . Getting:worried that I won't finish the Christmas gifts, I have been getting easily sidetracked. Oh well, whats a girl to do.

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Good job, Tonya! :cheer


I can relate to the handmade Christmas gift rush! Every year I think up more than I can accomplish! I need to start this Christmas thing in April. ;)

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Hi julie.....I love that poem....you are so creative.....you do just as great with words as you do yarn .! I'm on square 15 now ....couldn't do much this weekend with kids,and hubby bugging all weekend:thair I think I can get some done this week ..no kids till thursday....lol

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Hi Olga

Thanks for the compliments on the poem. I just like to fiddle around and make up funny stuff to keep some action going in here.


( My thought for the day )

I like to keep it busy, busy, busy. I think that keeps interest going in the group and in the project . I LOVE it when you guys come in and post your rears off !!!

It makes it look like we are hard at work on our projects doesn't it ? :lol

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Lorraine - WELCOME !:welcome

I keep forgetting to use that little fellow.



We'd love to have you join the gang -- these guys are all such a blast and a lot of fun to hang out with . We actually get some crocheting done too !


Let us know as soon as you get your stuff all together and are ready to start . What colors have you chosen, or do you know yet ?

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Hello Everybody! Hola a todos! :hug


I'm back... haven't post anything lately but I've been reading yours! I haven't crocheted as much as I would like but I've done some things including squares. Up to now, I have finished squares 5, 6 and 7 (read: squares that I like... I plan to redo squares 1 - 4).


I also wanted to let you know that I included a link for my squares' album in my signature. Please take a look and give me some much needed feedback. I'll appreciate any comments.


Have nice day!


~Eliany :hook

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Lorraine - WELCOME !:welcome

I keep forgetting to use that little fellow.



We'd love to have you join the gang -- these guys are all such a blast and a lot of fun to hang out with . We actually get some crocheting done too !


Let us know as soon as you get your stuff all together and are ready to start . What colors have you chosen, or do you know yet ?

I'm thinking of blue, yellow, and white or green, yellow, and white. Or maybe I'll just get the same colors that are in the book. :lol


I can't wait to get started!!

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Hi Eliany !

It's great to see you ! I have a dumb question -- what does this mean (Hola a todos! )

Remember I'm from Hickville. I am a little like a Happy Meal without the McNuggets some days !

Glad to hear you are making some progress on your squares. I will go in and take a look at them after posting here. I do everything backwards, don't I ? I should have looked first .

Anyhow, I'll come back on and comment once I go see them !

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Your colors sound pretty whichever you choose. It's always neat to see what colors people decide on . We will be waiting to see you first square if you have a way of showing photos !

Just jump right in and post away-- we like to gab in here !

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Dear Eliany

I LOVE that color of blue you are using . I have probably asked you this 78 times before ,but try to humor me--- remember my McNuggets .

What is it called and what type yarn ? It is gorgeous!


Hi Julie! It's been a long time!


Hola a todos! means Hi or Hello everybody! I just saw the posts betwenn you and Olga and I felt nostalgic. I'm from Puerto Rico too, but because of graduate school I'm living here (Rochester, NY) with my husband.


The yarn I'm using is Caron One Pound in Off White, Pale Green and Soft Sage (they do look blue). I'm sorry my camera is not reproducing the colors. Actually I'm very happy with that yarn... it is very soft and easy to work with. My squares look a little bit wonky on the corners but I'm happy with how they look now. I'm off to get #8 started!!!

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Yes I did get some more done not a full row but I plan on that!! I do not ever keep anything for myself I always give it away for charity or someone says how lovely and they take it home. So this gahn I gave to my hubby!!! The pillow gahn I used dark blue and country Red heart brand and the red heart blue varrigated for trim. Its already gone!!! Last Christmas I made my MIL a gahn for her chair every one of my hubby's siblings remarked how nice it was and how they wanted one so HEHEHE I have one for each for Christmas!!! I can hardly wait to see their faces. I make dish cloths and pot holders and scrap gahns for our mission work in Mexico I keep a LARGE bag and useually fill a suitcase with stuff like that I give away in the colonial. One day someone will make me a gahn and I will cherish it. Just as I know others cherish the ones I give!!!


Check my blog later I am adding a new 63 sq gahn photo!!!


Thanks, Jimmie !


How are you doing this morning ?


Get any more squares done ? You are really on a roll now. I bet you'll be finished before much longer !

I just love your colors ! It is such an original combination . I don't remember, are you making this for yourself or for someone else ?

It reminds me of camping in the woods ,, those same colors !

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Do you plan on going back to Puerto Rico when you're done with school or staying up here ? And are you and Olga from anywhere close to each other ? I have seen photos of the area that she lives in -- it is just beautiful down there !

Everyone of you all seem to be from some really neat places -- and I'm from Deadville, Ohio . Our main entertainment is watching grass grow . And this is no lie --- our yearly street festival here is called The Sleepwalker Festival. You could actually sleep through it and get about as much from it as if you were awake ! I TOLD YOU GUYS I LIVE IN BOREVILLE .......

Anyhow, back to crochet . I guess I'm going to have to buy some of the Caron pounder yarn sometime. I haven't used it before, but those of you that have seem to like it a lot .

Anyhow, keep checking in . We miss you guys when we don't hear from you in awhile !


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Hi Libi -

Long time, no hear ! It's good to hear from you too. I know this time of the year is rough to keep up with all these side projects. I'm hoping after Christmas that things will pick up in here and we can get everyone rolling along at a good clip again !

Good luck on your gifts -- hope you get them all done in time !:hook

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Hey Jimmie

How many siblings does your husband have that you had to make afghans for ?

You must be one speedy crocheter !

By the way, Happy Anniversary to you !

I'd sing, but I want the group to grow, not shrink .

I used to sing to my grandbaby every day before he took a nap, but now that he's three, he says MAMAW , DON'T SING .:haha:dance

That shows you what a good singer I am ... even a 3 year old begs me not to !:D

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