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63 Wannabe Club


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Go take a little trip over to the 63 crochetalong -last post .

They said WE are kicking THEIR butts on this afghan !!!!

What do you all think of that ? I didn't think we were in competition with anyone !!!

Anyhow, it was just said in jest-- they didn't mean anything by it ! :lol


We DO have a pretty good record so far in here, though, guys !


Thought I'd drop in and have a square check . What number are you all on now and how are you coming ? Anyone having any problems ?


I feel like a football coch when I say this, but here goes ----


" LET'S GO OUT THERE AND KICK SOME BUTT !!!" Get those hooks smoking !

We have 63 crochetalong part 2 starting in January !!!!

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Vims -

Wow, you are up to square 30 !!!!

Almost halfway done ! Good for you and you have the patience of a saint to wait so long to get more yarn .

Do you guys have any stores over there like walmarts or something similar ? I don't know anything about your country, but I'd think maybe in the really big towns they might have walmarts or some type of store like that where you could make one big trip a year or so and buy up PILES of yarn .

Wouldn't that be fun ?:hook

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Hi Tandi -

Welcome to the gang ! Glad you decided to jump in with us . I think the colors you chose sound pretty. I only have one suggestion, but you don't have to take it if you don't want to . I'd use the black only for the edging . It seems to me that the darker the color, the less the patterns show up on the squares. Does anyone else think this ? It seems if you go with medium-colored types of yarn that the patterns really show up nicely .

I think it'd be stunning with black edging though !

And yes, you can lean on us all you want. Any problems - YELL :yell

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I may have to skip this afghan for now and pick on the 63 more in January. :P Just so many Christmas presents to make.... and more coming off my brain all the time, I so wish I had a few more sets of hands and oodles of time.

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Hi Cindy -


Yes, I know what you mean, this really is a busy time of year for crafters that are making gifts for people or for craft shows .


That's why I thought we'd hold off til January on the 63 MORE -- People should be winding down from the holidays then and ready to settle in for a few months of bad weather yet ( at least if they live in my area of the country ). That would make a perfect winter project to tackle ,wouldn't it ?


Just keep in touch and check back on the boards and we'd be glad to have you join us !

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GGrrrr.. I have frogged my #11 square 3 times so far. I keep skipping something somewhere and the rows get shorter and shorter, lol soon I will have a 2 stitch row if I keep at this pace. Ok I actually am starting all over with this one from the beginning. *takes big breath* Back at it.

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Hi Vickie -

I'll go get my book in a little bit and take a look at it. I always have it downstairs , then when someone mentions a particular square, I have to go look it up to see which one it was . I'll get back to you as soon as I look at it -- maybe I can figure out where you're having a problem with it :think

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Thanks for the welcome Julie!


I finished squares 1-3 last night and I really appreciate the advice but I think I'll keep going with the black. I really like how the first square turned out. I like the look of Jimmi Lu's afghan with the dark and two medium colors. And if I don't like how it turns out, I can just do it over. :rofl


Has anyone else used Simply Soft for this? I had to go up to a J hook and that stuff is so slick! I was winding it last night and it was so soft and slippery the ball kept launching off the winder. There was yarn flying everywhere!

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I'm not part of this crochetalong but someday I hope to join one, just can't commit to something the size of an afghan! Plus we don't have room for another afghan (we already have several family ones) and I don't know anyone who'd want one. lol Anyway, my real point in posting is that I had to stamp my feeton the ground when I saw what booklet you're using for this! It's one I bought awhile back to play around with different stitches, and my boyfriend accidentally threw it out! I ribbed for that one for a good long while. Just thought I'd share and spread a little cheerleader dust for you guys, too!



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Hi Tandi ,

no, I didn't use SS for the afghan, I'm not sure if anyone else has or not . I know it is a lot more slippery than plain old red heart or some of them ! And more power to you on using the black for part of your squares ! I can't wait to see your colors together ! Do you have a camera and do you plan on posting photos so we can see your squares ? I bet it's going to be really pretty !


Jimmie -

Sounds like your hubby would make me a good helper in here as cheerleader -- COME ON GIRLS -- IT'S GETTING COLDER -- GET THOSE SQUARES DONE !!!

That's one I haven't ried yet ! Tell him thanks for the tip !



Tasha -

We'd love to have you join us if you ever change your mind . I KNOW you could lay enough guilt on your boyfriend that he'd let you go get another copy of the pattern book.... maybe HE'D even go get it for you if you were REALLY convincing about how upset you were !

Thanks for the cheerleading dust ! Every bit helps !

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Wow! Everyone has been very busy here at 63 Wannabe! Are we out-squaring the original group? Holy crow! :lol


I finished square 57 today! Just..*pant*..6..*pant*..more..*pant*..squares to go! :whew If the last few squares go quick, I just might be putting everything together by this weekend! I'd cross my fingers but then I wouldn't be able to crochet! ;)

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Hidey-Ho Sue !

Wow--- great job !!!

You are a-l-m-o-s-t done ! Isn't that last little bit like climbing a mountain ? You can see the top , but your fingernails are scraped raw from hanging on for so long -- you are SO anxious to get finished... That's how I was anyhow, very impatient towards the end. I didn't want to do anything else BUT work on the afghan . It's sure a great feeling when it's done though .

I'll cross my fingers for you since you need your fingers to get those last few squares done !

I bet you'll be putting it together by the weekend !!! EXCITING ! :bounce

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Hi Vickie -

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I just this morning remembered you were having trouble with number 11 .

That danged square ranks right up there with the dreaded 17--- PREACHERCUSS .:devil

Boy, did I hate square # 11 . I got so sick of doing FPDC's and BPDC's ,row after row after row....... you'd do like 75 rows, and measure the square and it was only an inch long. ( at least that's what it seemed like ) .

The only thing I can think of that you may be doing , since it is getting skinnier each row, is that you might not be going around the last and /or first stitch of each row . The ch 1 doesn't really count as a stitch ( like when you make a ch 3, and it counts as your first dc ). You still have to make either your FP or BP AROUND the first stitch in your row .

Try that and see if that is the problem . If I remember right, that square did seem to turn out a little skinnier than some of the others, but once you edge it, it will help a little to make it lay flatter and spread out a little bit .

Hope this helps -- let me know !

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Dear Gina & Margaret --

I have been leafing through some of the last few pages of posts ,and came across you guys' posts . I am trying to keep track of who all is still working on this and what stages you are at right now . It sounds like you both had a good start on it, so please don't get discouraged and give up. We are out here for you and only a "click away " if you need our help or are getting discouraged and need some people to cheer you on . It is a pretty long project to work on and takes quite a bit of time and patience .

Just wanted you to know we didn't forget about you out here -- how are you both doing at this point ?


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Hi all, wanted to check in. I have gotten more scraps for my afghan, it will definately be colorful:lol. I just have a few more things to finish for Christmas and then I can put all my focus on this. All your afghans are sounding so beautiful, keep up the good work.



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Hey, Tandi! I keep thinking Caron Simply Soft would make a wonderful afghan. I've made a few scarves with it and they feel so cozy and drape nicely. Your yarn winding story cracked me up! :rofl I'm sure your 'ghan will be beautiful and cozy! :)


Vickie, # 11 was a challenging and awkward square. Julie's right about reaching around that first stitch for the first FPdc and BPdc. Just keep counting stitches after every row and if you come up short, try to find the one stitch that doesn't have a FP- or BPdc. Chances are, it's that first stitch. In the end, it's not the prettiest square out there but keep plugging away, there are a bunch of very pretty squares coming up after # 11! ;)


Progress: I'm working on # 59! :yay I'm so close! Julie is right about being patient! It's difficult to sit down and concentrate on finishing up the last few squares without thinking about putting the last few stitches on the 'ghan's final boarder instead!


It's good to see people checking in with their progress. Keep up the good work! :clap

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Dear Sue -


I have been thinking about you all day ,wondering if you had time to get another square done or not .


I also went and read your blog--- that's one of the nicest I've ever seen . I loved all your old photos and your list of things about yourself .


I have one question , and this is not meant to start a political discussion . Your answer will not offend me in the least , I'm just curious :

What is a YENTA ???? :think

This is from a plain old white-bread small town girl whose most foreign word I know is TACO .....

Is a YENTA anything like a TACO ???? :D:D :D :D :D

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Dear Sue -


I have been thinking about you all day ,wondering if you had time to get another square done or not .


I also went and read your blog--- that's one of the nicest I've ever seen . I loved all your old photos and your list of things about yourself .


I have one question , and this is not meant to start a political discussion . Your answer will not offend me in the least , I'm just curious :

What is a YENTA ???? :think

This is from a plain old white-bread small town girl whose most foreign word I know is TACO .....

Is a YENTA anything like a TACO ???? :D :D :D :D :D


rofl, Julie! :rofl Gee, thanks, I had a lot of fun with that blog post! You know it's funny, my darlin' little ole momma is from Missouri and still can't pronounce the word tortilla! Even though she has been living in NY for 50 years, she just can't get her mouth around it! There just wasn't 'foreign' food in the Ozarks when she was growing up!


Anyway! To keep Crochetville a friendly place, check out this website for a definition of YENTA. The first definition applies the best. ;)


I haven't finished square 59 yet! Ack! The kids don't have school today so we've been busy doing other things. Martha is coming on soon so I should be able to sit down and get a square or two done! :)

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Well, thank you for the definition . I somehow thought it would mean a lot worse than that . In our town ,if someone doesn't like someone they call you a BUCKETMOUTH , a DIPSTICK or a NUMBNUT .


YENTA sounds much more refined. Maybe I can use THAT word the next time I get mad at someone .. At least it'll give them something new to think about ! Maybe they'll think I even LIKE them !!!


See what good it does to belong to this group ? We don't only learn new crochet terms, we learn all KINDS of new things !! :lol

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lol, Julie! That certainly will get people thinking unless of course they are complete bucketheads! :lol (That's the NY version of bucketmouth!)


Progress: I've completed square # 59 and am working on 60. I feel like the little engine that could. Finishing 2 today and 2 tomorrow would make me very, very happy! :) These last couple squares are very pretty and fun to do. I was almost expecting the most difficult squares for last but I'm not finding that to be the case.

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