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63 Wannabe Club


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Come on in, Rebecca --

We will GUARANTEE you finish the afghan, right gang ?

We use every trick in the book ... bribes, pleading, begging ,(idle) threats , whatever method it takes. I KNOW you can finish this - Just make up your mind to do it .

I bet I started this same afghan 10 times at least . Never got further than square 5 or 6 .

I FINALLY made up my mind - THIS IS IT . If I START a thread , begging others like me to join me, then I will HAVE to come through this time .

We have some real workhorses in here ( PLEASE PARDON THE DESCRIPTION, LADIES ...... IT's MEANT AS A COMPLIMENT !!!! ):waving

If you join us, you WILL FINISH IT ..

Or we may have to hunt you down and break your kneecaps . ( JOKING ):tryme ( I LOVE THIS GUY WITH THE BALLBAT )

( You'll still be able to crochet with broken kneecaps so it won't slow you down any ....... )


Come on -- be brave . Take a Stand . If I can do it, so can you .

Alright ladies-- your turn -- jump in here --she's still not scared of the ballbat tactic .:lol

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Yep... it's me again. :blush I'm having difficulties. I don't know how to edge the squares evenly. That is, I don't know how to evenly make 25 sc for every edge. Any insight? :think (It's worth saying that I'm a beginner and this is my first time making granny squares for an afghan.) Right now, I'm ready to edge square 5.


Thanks in advance,


~Eliany :hook

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Hi Eliany

Sounds like you're plugging right along !

To edge the squares evenly ,it's not really very hard along the tops and bottoms of the squares, since most of them come out close or exactly to the 25 stitch mark -- just sc into each stitch . Some of the ones along the sides are a little bit harder . You may have to try it a few times to get the count just right. but after you do your 3 sc into the corner, you just need to do your sc's evenly spaced across them .Each square is a little different to edge since you're edging so many different types of stitches, but after doing a few, it'll get easier . Just try to evenly divide up each side, so that you go into each space about the same distance apart .

( This is SO much easier to SHOW someone in person )

I don't know how to describe it any better -- can someone else jump in and see if you can describe it in different terms ?

Keep us informed-- if you need more help just holler. I know someone will jump in here and help you !

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Hi Eliany! Edging the sides was challenging on some squares. What I did to get 25 stitches more or less evenly spaced down the side was to:


1) count the number of rows,

2) figure out how many stitches I would end up with if I put either 1, 2, or 3 sc per row, to see how close I got to 25 total stitches,

3) if the total came out to less than 25, say be 3, then I would put an extra stitch in every 6 stitches or so.


So...if I had 11 rows and put 2 sc at the end of each row, I'd end up with 22 stitches. That would be short by 3 stitches. Therefore, I'd put 3 sc, instead of 2, in the end of rows 4, 7, and 10. Then I'd end up with 25. Does that help some? :)


(Has anyone noticed that I'm slightly anal retentive?!) :lol

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Has anyone noticed that I'm slightly anal retentive?!)




I thought I won the award for Anal Retentativeness . I tend to call it PERFECTIONIST .

That sounds a little less ANAL . :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol



Why in the Heck are Two such Anal Perfectionists trying to finish the world's most ANNOYINGLY ANAL afghan ????

We must be Gluttons for Punishment .

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I can assure you, my kids aren't laughing! ;)


No seriously, I've learned to cut them lots of slack. My husband and I get along so well because we're 2 peas in a pod. In fact, he might even be worse than I, but I've never known him in 22 years to do anything poorly so I have to respect that! :)


Progress: I finished square 42 and have started 43. I hope to get new pics posted tomorrow. :photo

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Great going ,Sue !

You are just chugging right along with this -- you'll be done before you know it , then in for a BIG surprise . The next afghan is so easy and so much fun to do. It isn't going to make you nearly as ANAL ---- the squares turn out perfect size every time, no edging to fool with, no measuring or worrying about one square being 2 inches big and the next one the size of a tablecloth ---

You and Celeste are going to have FUN with the next one .

Besides ....... we need a little break between the 2 -63's .. The next one will probably have me and you both going to THERAPY .. It looks pretty difficult .

WE CAN DO IT THOUGH . JUST WATCH US ,WORLD ( from our padded cells ):loco

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:lol Hello I've got my sister with a headache already jajajajajajajajaja ;;;;;; I am posting this because i want to begin with the club .my sister got me into makeing the afgan 63easy to crochet pattern stitches and i did,i've gotten to 27 already,and i am very anches or how ever you spell that ? jajaja to finish it to post it and feel good abaout what i did .hope to here from someone soon thanks.http://360.yahoo.com/angels776
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lol.gifhey i got my sister with a headaches if thats how you spell it jajajajajaj.i am sending this because i want to be in the club.i stsrted to make the 63 easy to crochet pattern stitches and i got 27 already done and plan to keep it up until finnish.so then i can be like this cheer.gifcheer.gifcheer.gifcheer.gifcheer.gif all week long or eveytime i think about that i finnished http://360.yahoo.com/angels776
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Phew! That's a relief, Julie! When I'm done with 63 Squares I'll be ready for something that comes out 'nice' every square. Then I can really let my hair down. :lol


Thanks for being so encouraging. I've come to a group of squares I'm not too wild about and it's been hard to sit down and dedicate time to '63' when other projects are calling. ;)

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Way to go, Celeste! How is the joining of squares coming along? I'm curious. The closer I get to the end, the more I think it's going to be a BEAR getting this thing together! :)

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My guage was a little off on a few sq. if one was larger I only did 1 round of the boarder if the sq was smaller I added and extra row of boarder. This didnt happen too often I just adjusted


I have all the sq done for row5 and will have that added to the afgahn tonight:clap


Jimmie Lu, are you making your squares in row order, not numerical order? What an interesting way to put together a 'ghan. It must be a great way to 'see' your progress. :tup

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Hi Angels -

Welcome to the group -- your are doing great if you have that many done so far ! What colors are you using ?



Can't WAIT to see your finished afghan -- you are SO close to being totally done ! Won't that be a great feeling ?


Sue -

Not that anybody asked ,but would you like the Julie-Handy-Dandy-Secret way I put mine together ?

Ok, you twisted my arm -- I'll tell you .

I lay all the squares out on the floor in the order I want them in . Then I take the first 2 rows of 7 (or 9) if you're going to length-wise way . Then I just put the 2 rows good -side together ( kinda like you do in sewing ) .I start at one end and sc the first 2 together ,then just add on the second two, third two, and so on , so that at the end of the row , I have the first 14 ( or18) sewn together in one direction . THEN , I take the next row of 7 ( or 9) , and sc them onto the 2nd row I just finished , and so on .

So in other words , I sc a long strip of them together starting with the first 2 rows, then adding a whole row at a time . When I get done putting them all together ,say horizontally, then I go back and do the vertical rows .

It goes SO much faster than sewing one little sucker to the next one ,then adding one, adding one, adding one,etc .

PLUS --- a BONUS -- you have LOTS less ends to weave in or crochet over .

That's just another tip that I use -- you can do whatever way that Floats Your Boat .

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Sue -

I forgot -- it sounds like you are in a little bit of what I call -




There are several squares right in a row that are real pain-in-the -butts to do . I know it's easy enough to say -- I AM SICK OF THIS THING ... let's make something EASY .

DON'T GIVE UP NOW !!!! :hook

THE END IS IN SIGHT .....:flower


HAVE A GOOD DAY ...... :heart

I KNOW I CAN , I KNOW I CAN ...........:neener


( Trying to give you a pep talk here .... is it working ? ):rant Don't make me get my BALL BAT out !!!!

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Sue!!! :ty so much for your tip on edging the squares. Hugs going your way:hug. Your anal retentiveness work fine with my OCD (self diagnosed by the way). I did my math, calculated the amount of sc per row and it worked! I have an even square... now I can't wait to keep going!!! Not a whole lot of progress because of classes & research, but I'm waiting for the weekend to crochet and crochet.


Last night I finished square 5... I'll try to take pictures to set up an album.


Have a nice day everybody! :bounce


~Eliany :hook

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Good job, Eliany -

I'm glad you got a system figured out for you that will work for the edging . By the way, how do you pronounce your name ? It is beautiful. I've never heard it before .


Thanks Julie! You, too, help me overcome my edging fear!!!


My name is a mix from my mom's and my aunt's nicknames. My aunt's is Ely (pronounced Ellie) and my mom's is Annie. So my name is pronounced like that... EllieAnnie. I'm from Puerto Rico... that's the reason for the weird pronunciation (it's all in the vowels) :). Thanks for the compliment. :hug



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I agree, beautiful name :) I'm glad to hear your squares are going along so well!!!Julie, the Scripture afghan sounds interesting. Are the squares inspired by scripture? I'm Jewish, but my paternal grandmother would really love something like that. :manyheart

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