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I just helped my mom last night order one for her. it is the Kobo, from Chapters. I think I may get me one but it has to be in color. want it for my patterns. Just checked the nook color but it seems expensive, what others are out there?

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Since I dislike spending yet more time on a backlit screen after work, the Nook Color is not something I'm interested in. I can see how its use as a mini tablet to carry patterns around in would be great, and also for recipes, since I love to see color photos of the food item when following a new recipe. But I'm spoiled by the two or three weeks that the Kindle battery (for eInk) lasts, so charging up every night would annoy me--half the time I forget to charge my cell phone.


But I love my Kindle for reading--it's so relaxing, and I can hold it on one hand and pet the cat on my chest with the other. Now I need to grow a third hand for my tea and cookies. :lol My 79-year-old mom loves her Kindle since she can make any book a large print book. Have you priced a LP book lately? Don't--your hair will turn gray. And her arthritic hands and wrists have no problem holding such a light object; no more huge, heavy tomes that she can't even lift. Hooray!


And for those who think they prefer hard or paper books: it's not either/or. I still use my local public library because there are books I want to read but not buy. I still buy books at my local independent bookstore. And I buy books and read them on my Kindle (as well as having about 350 free books on there). I love to read, regardless of how it's presented. Heck, I read cereal boxes. Naysayers might realize that just like sending an email is a great shortcut for a message that needs to get there sooner than a handwritten letter (and when was the last time most of us wrote a letter), an e-reader is a great way to expand your reading, perhaps for the better.

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I have an original Nook. I've debated about adding patterns to it instead of printing them out at work... just curious how people like it. My major concern is marking which line I'm on. I'm not as fancy as everyone else and usually end up using a hair clip to mark where I'm at. I have also thought about hijacking my fiance's Nook Color and using that. Since he shares a BN account with me, his Nook is pretty chicked up already! ;)


Oh, and the library rentals are amazing. I did, however, have a problem with the Tim Robbins' book "B is for Beer". It was obviously formatted for a smaller text size, and since I have mine set to large, I had lots of extra scrolling and pages with only 2 lines. So far I think it was just a book issue and not the whole program.

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I have an original Nook. I've debated about adding patterns to it instead of printing them out at work... just curious how people like it. My major concern is marking which line I'm on. I'm not as fancy as everyone else and usually end up using a hair clip to mark where I'm at. I have also thought about hijacking my fiance's Nook Color and using that. Since he shares a BN account with me, his Nook is pretty chicked up already! ;)


Oh, and the library rentals are amazing. I did, however, have a problem with the Tim Robbins' book "B is for Beer". It was obviously formatted for a smaller text size, and since I have mine set to large, I had lots of extra scrolling and pages with only 2 lines. So far I think it was just a book issue and not the whole program.

I know my NOOK Color has a highlight feature...i have not tried it yet for patterns. I actually used a postit flag on the screen...don't panic i have a screen protector on it and since it is repositional it is easy to move around

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Yes, I agree that I prefer to have a paper copy of the pattern to mark up like crazy, but I do like having the pdf versions on my NookColor. It's great for quickly referring to a pattern if I'm doing it by memory and forget something. This happened just recently when I was doing the Red Heart HeartScarf pattern and couldn't remember how I was supposed to finish it. Also, it's nice to have the patterns all in one place so that I can go through them to decide what I might want to make next.



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